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Redskins Fans....who you rooting for this year in the playoffs?


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I'm going for the Eagles. It's not their fault that the Redskins suck so everybody needs to get over it.

I don't care for the Eagles or their fans but Andy Reid is a great coach and I would like to see him get to another Super Bowl. Preferably with Kolb at quaterback. I'm not into Vick either. PHI is the our opnly shot at bringing respectability to the NFC East.

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I hate Norv Turner, he did it to me again. I've been out of the country for a decade and just got to San Diego, they have probably one of the top 5 talented teams in the league and I'd go cheer for them to win, except Norv overruled once again, lol.

He's like a disease that won't go away.

I'd never root for an NFC East team though, I don't know what people are thinking. It's hard to root for any NFC team even. I guess I'll go with KC since they are new but they aren't likely to make it through the first game. Oh, maybe Atlanta. It's cool when it doesn't even matter.

I can feel like a fairweather Puke fan now at the sports bar, lol.

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I'm rooting for the Saints first, because I've been a Brees fan since he started in college.

After that I'd be happy seeing the Falcons or Seahawks win since neither has won the Bowl yet.

And after them, anyone but the Ravens, Steelers, or Eagles would probably be acceptable.

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Well, I predicted a rematch of last years SB pre-season, and even given the Colts injury's, I'll stick with that. But I wouldn't mind seeing the Packers if the Saints don't make it.

But then so long as Philthy and the dog "lover" falls in the NFC; and Belicheat goes the same way in the AFC, I'll be happy.


*Edit* My main interest would be Indy. It's a Peyton thang, whom I personally hold right up there amongst the GOAT from any era, shrugs.

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I am rooting for the Pats. I've always enjoyed watching Brady play, and right now, he's having one of his best seasons ever, when you consider the talent around him. They look SB bound, and I don't think anyone in the AFC can beat them at their best. Feel free to grill me, if you dare. ;)

As for the NFC, I am rooting for the Packers to win it. Rodgers is a beast.

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