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Redskins Fans....who you rooting for this year in the playoffs?


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Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing the Ravens make it to the Superbowl.

are you kidding me? i would die. so many dumb and stupid fans at my work would make me crazy. I ask them to name a receiver besides boldin and they have no idea or a LB besides ray lewis and they know nothing!

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are you kidding me? i would die. so many dumb and stupid fans at my work would make me crazy. I ask them to name a receiver besides boldin and they have no idea or a LB besides ray lewis and they know nothing!

lol true. Same gos for a lot of good teams though. There will always be those bandwagon fans! But you gotta respect that organization at least. Especially that D. I have no problem rooting for Ray Lewis and Ed Reed. Love Flacco and Rice too. Plus the girl is a Ravens fan. ....so I might as well pull for em. haha

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I want to see Aaron Rodgers and the Pack win it all. It would be a great story, what with all the injuries they've had this year. Especially with Favre retiring this year, kind of the final "we're over you" from Green Bay.

And we can say we beat the Super Bowl Champs. Only NFC East team to do it.

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I thought I'd bump this back up for this week's big playoff weekend.

While it is hard for me as a Redskins fan.and longtime NFC supporter -- but I'm going to be paying more attention to the AFC playoffs than the NFC. I suspect whatever NFC Champion emerges from these playoffs will be a decided underdog to the AFC Champion. Maybe the most evenly matched Superbowl might be a Falcons-Jets matchup -- but even so I'm hoping for a Packers-Patriots contest and maybe Rodgers gets hot enough to make it a close game.

So I'd like to see the Ravens over the Steelers and the Patriots over the Jets. As for the NFC I'd like to see the Bears over the Seahawks and Packers over the Falcons. As for the Packer-Patriots final -- I would be happy with a win for either team, but would be inwardly hoping that Green Bay might put it out. But I wouldn't be devastated if Brady wrote himself into the record books either,

More importantly, I would like to point out how most of the teams in the playoffs (with exception of the Bears and Seahawks) tended to have built their teams through the draft, only bringing in a few choice free-agents.And I hope this fact is not lost on our owner, who might now consider spending what it takes to upgrade his scouting and talent evaluation network] There are a lot of franchises undergoing turnover this year -- I suspect some of these had top-tier talent scouts; maybe some could be lured to the Skins?

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NFC's easy. Green Bay, the one team I have zero ill feeling towards. Mike Smiths a dick, so I want the Falcons to fall flat on their behinds. The Seahawk's fan base will NEVER be forgiven for the low life **** they slung our way after #21's sad passing. And I still have a thing with the Bears through the '80's rivalry and post-season games. Green Bay you just can't fail to admire as an organization, in most everything they do and stand for.

The AFC's more tough. I hate Belicheat with a passion, and ergo the Patriots by association. The way he arrogantly tried to humiliate us a few years back by leaving all his starters in and going for it on 4th downs when they we're up like a zillion points just cemented that hate for the man. Baltimore are Baltimore, a bunch of DC wanabe's. And I could never cheer for a team with a double murderer leading them on defense. The Jets have the Rex Ryan factor. I know some think he's refreshing, but to me he's still a loud mouthed, arrogant SOB who's done little in the game to back it up. So from the AFC, I'ma be rooting for the Steelers by default. Least I can get behind Ryan Clark with them (the less said of Mis-ham, Brown and El the better); and one on of my current favourite players in Polamalu.

From a spectacle stand point, a Patriots/ Packers SB would be ideal. But I hope it's a Pittsburgh/ Green Bay one.


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For all of you Marylanders who love those Ravens....

Our illustrious former Governor Parris Glendenning succeeded in doing two things while in office. One was dumping his wife and marrying his secretary, and the secnd was to give Art Modell a key to the state's treasury to bring that team to Md. He handed that guy 250 million of our dollars without so much as giving us a vote on it.

THEN, we built him a stadium with the tax funded Maryland stadium authority, and THEN we told Modell that he could 100% of ALL parking and concession proceeds and didn't have to pay a dime in tax on it.

The Orioles have a clause in their contract with the stadium authority that says if another pro sports team came to Maryland with a better deal, then they get the same deal. So now they don't pay any taxes either.

And in three years Art Modell was broke. All our money, pissed away.

So, fellow Marylanders.. love that team. Just realize that you're the ***** in the relationship.

I'm rooting for the Packers. I like Aaron Rodgers, and to me, they're the least hatable team left.


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I'll never forget the January 5, 1991 playoff game. And how the Atlanta Falcons came to RFK full of trash talk, Jerry Glanville in the Duster Coat like some half assed western outlaw, the Deon Sanders taunting dance before kickoff, the whole team going to the coin toss, the entourages including MC Hammer, the "intimidating black jerseys". Just ask Charles Mann about this. 19 years after the fact, I will root for the Packers today, after all, they gave us St. Vincent the patron saint of 60's football.

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