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Redskins Fans....who you rooting for this year in the playoffs?


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The Patriots. I have so much respect for the way that franchise is built and the hardworking players that make it what it is.

I also wouldn't mind seeing the Packers or Jets win. The Packers because they're more of a team than anybody in the playoffs, and the Jets because of the awesomeness of Rex Ryan.

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I'll be rooting for the Chiefs. Nothing like a good underdog. And while their performance in week 17 was not so good, and while they haven't beaten good teams, they're my pick. Nothing more I would want to see then the potential of that explosive offense to blow up. I have nothing against Baltimore honestly, unless of course they have something against me.

I love the Redskins, and I'll miss them until OTA's, but I love football and the NFL plain and simple. I won't let another bad season destroy my playoff fun.

C'mon Jamaal Charles!

Edit: I hope the Eagles get completely side raped.

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Packers because my brothers are all Green Bay fans.

In the AFC, anyone that plays the Jets and Ravens, because I'd love to see their HC's HUGE egos crushed.

Rex Ryan because of all the dumb **** he's done this year.

Harbaugh because of all the dumb **** he said after our preseason game against them.

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It's going to be Patriots vs Falcons. I respect both teams, but I think the patriots are the most dominating team out there. I just want to see a good Superbowl game and let the best team win and then piss all over the stadium down there.

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