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Redskins Fans....who you rooting for this year in the playoffs?


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I thought it might be fun since we are out of the playoffs this year to ask one another who you are rooting for in this years playoffs? No wrong answers here and no fighting, just fun. At heart we are all football fans and are going to watch so which team are you hitching your wagon to this year?













This is not a question of who you think will win this year but rather who do you want to see win this year.

I'll go first. My top choice this year is the Seahawks. How funny would it be to see this team actually win it this year? Second choice goes to Kansas City. They were my surprise pick this preseason and it would be nice to see them do something they haven't done in over 40 years. Third choice is Falcons who've never won it ever.

So Skins Fans who you got?

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I'm rooting for Eagles to lose in humiliating fashion as they usually do. Nothing could be more upsetting than watching them hoist a Lombardi.

I'd actually like to see them host the NFCCG, only to melt down late in the 4th quarter of a tight game. Philly misery is my only joy this January.

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Steelers in the AFC. Even though they have about 40 rings already, I respect the hell out of that organization. They are everything we wish we were. Wouldn't be upset if the Chiefs made a run but I don't think they have the horses. Everybody else in the AFC can go eff themselves.

In the NFC, I could root for the Saints, Falcons and Packers. They all have good QBs that are fun to watch play.

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