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NYDN : Sarah Palin: Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using "R" word


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my statement had a huge level of insensitivity, and i do apologize for that.

i would never suggest that one shouldn't love their own children, regardless of any congenital anomalies. I simply suggested that in Palins case, her having a child at her age posed huge risks. I will restate, everyone knows that the older the mother is passed a certain age, the more risk you have of having an offspring with some sort of genetic problem. I for one think its irresponsible as a member of society to ignore these risks and still procreate at this age, especially when she already has 5 other kids.

I know its a free country and people can have as many kids as they want, but i can also have my own opinion.

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Yeah, but the Nazis took it to a whole disgusting new level, but yeah, we share a very healthy ammount of shame when it comes to sterilizing innocent humans.

Agreed. As far as I know only the Chinese have a program that prevents people who can't take care of themselves from having children. (forced sterilization) I'm sure there are other countries with similar policies...

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everyone knows u increase ur chances of having a down syndrome child as you get older in your child bearing years.

i think its selfish to brings kids like that into the world.

Dude that's colossally stupid, do yourself a favor; apologize retracting the statement and then delete the post.


I see you apologized. :cheers: deleting the offense would be good, or at the very least re-wording.

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No she didn't and that's not the logic he was using when he said it and you know it you just want to mischaracterize his comments to fit your retort. Just because Trig's Downs was not intentional doesn't mean that she doesn't use him to score political points...like she's doing here and like she's done numerous times before.

The comment fits because he made it seem as if Palin was going after Rahm simply for political points... It's as if he was ignoring the fact about Trig. There was more to it than politics, that was my point. Sorry if that was lost on you.

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He apologized about five posts up from this one. An FYI


He apologized, but then pretty much repeated his earlier statement, only changing that Palin was "selfish" for having the baby "at her age" to she was "irresponsible" for having the baby at her age. :whoknows:

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How long can she can keep this shadow presidency going before she starts to annoy her own supporters?

Seriously' date=' every goddamn day this woman is saying something.[/quote']

Somehow I don't think it bothers her supporters.:pfft:

The reactions provide endless amusement to me.

She ought to know her place and keep her mouth shut in your opinion??:evilg:

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Mine opinion is that she ought to stop using her kid as a political pawn.

Queen's Trig to King's Knight


You're really on the wrong side of this story esp. as a man of religion. There are thousands of legitimate reasons to pounce on Palin and she will continue to give reasons for people to jump on her (how's that for a double entendre), but on this issue, Palin has grounds and some legitimacy.

Even if she is doing this partly for political gain and attention, there's enough truth and validity to her complaint that we ought to focus on that and heed the lesson that all of us ought to be more considerate.

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She ought to know her place and keep her mouth shut in your opinion??:evilg:

Yes, that is my opinion. Women should shut and keep quiet. You got me. That's my view. I hate ****es who talk a lot.

(My opinion is that she seems to think that the way to keep her band of die-hards happy is to jump into the fray on every damn issue that comes down the pike. But I think she is going to become over-exposed to the point that Paris Hilton would say, "You may want to stay out of the spotlight for a few days." There is nothing that she won't turn into "a thing."

Just this year, she's had the resigning controversy, her "death panels" controversy, her feud with Letterman, her feud with Levi, her feud with Newsweek over the picture and now retard-gate. Next week, she is going to speak to all the lunatics in the tea party movement for $100K. That will be "a thing." She just needs to settle down and realize that 2012 is still a long way off.

Her best bet may be to travel a bit. See the world. Meet with some Tories in England. Or some conservatives in Israel. Try to transfer into stateswomen. Because right now, she is looking like a pissed off PTA mom to me).

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How can she be using her kid as a political pawn if it's always initiated by someone else ?

In my opinion, accusing her of using her kid as a political pawn, when you don't have solid evidence of it, is several times more offensive than Emmanuel using the R word.

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Just this year' date=' she's had the resigning controversy, her "death panels" controversy, her feud with Letterman, her feud with Levi, her feud with Newsweek over the picture-------. Next week, she is going to speak to all the lunatics in the tea party movement for $100K. That will be "a thing." She just needs to settle down and realize that 2012 is still a long way off.


All of these are think are legit to criticize about. I'd give her a little grace in the disability issue, because she is at least half right.

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Just this year' date=' she's had the resigning controversy, her feud with Letterman, her feud with Levi, her feud with Newsweek over the picture and now retard-gate. She just needs to settle down and realize that 2012 is still a long way off.[/quote']

- what's so controversial about resigning from your job ?

you act like there was a scandal involved, when there was none

- how can you fault her, for Letterman making disgusting, tasteless remarks about her under-age daughter ?

- how do you know with such unwavering certainty that she plans to run for President in 2012 ?

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All of these are think are legit to criticize about. I'd give her a little grace in the disability issue, because she is at least half right.

And on all the other things on the list :beatdeadhorse:

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As they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day. I would imagine she was foaming at the mouth when she heard it, but she's still right.

The "fired" part is definitely over the top, I don't agree with her in that respect.

This would be a good excuse for the President to dump an an ineffective Chief of Staff (eg Cabinet members going their own way, screwing up discoordination from other agencies, etc - ala Holder, Napalitano etc).

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- what's so controversial about resigning from your job ?

you act like there was a scandal involved, when there was none

No, but when your job is voted on by thousands of people, don't you feel you owe it to them to finish what they voted you in to start? It's not like she was just some secretary. She resigned because staying in Alaska doing Alaskan business would keep her out of the mainstream American public eye, and that is where she wants to be.

- how can you blame her, for Letterman making disgusting, tasteless remarks about her daughter ?

And late night talk show comedians are always going to make jokes, and it's a well known fact that if you show you can't take it, it makes it worse. Besides, she got a lot of miles out of that "offense". She's a politician, and one who paints herself as a tough talking 'rogue'. If you honestly believe the many times she gets 'offended' is real, then she is the thinnest skinned politician ever.

She's not. She's a politician who campaigns on a personality of being a mom, and being tough. But since she is a politician in the national spotlight, she has agents and advisers who gameplan her every move.

- how do you know with such unwavering certainty that she plans to run for President in 2012 ?

She might not, but because it is more than likely on her list of things to do, everything she does is to test the waters and keep her in a high profile position appealing to the voters who would support her.

Like.. getting offended over a comment made over a week ago after her strategists figure out the best way to make her appear righteous and put her in a position of strength..

I mean really,, she reads "all the papers', right? This story containing the comment is over a week old. You know she didn't miss it, because even if SHE doesn't read "all the papers", her staff does, and like every politician's staff, they look for anything in the news that they can exploit to their benefit. So why the wait between comment and offense?

I'll tell you why. See my previous posts in this thread regarding "BULL****". That is what all this outrage is. Politically motivated bull****. And this thread is a prime example of how week-old news can whip up the electorate with some carefully placed indignation. Nobody gave a damn about this comment a week ago.

Do you honestly believe that a person in her position does ANYTHING without checking with her advisers first?

She's a friggin' politician, and every single thing they do is geared towards moving their career forward.

If you don't believe that, I'd like to see your birth certificate, because I'd like to check and see how fresh the ink is.


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