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NYDN : Sarah Palin: Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using "R" word


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Umm no he did not. He said an idea was f-ing r-----ed. Get your facts straight.

You are the one who claims that the usage of this word is an outrage, and yet your only outrage is directed to the Democrats, I wonder why Kilmer...coincidence? I think not. For all intents and purposes Rush is the leading voice of the GOP and we all know it, and HE did call people r-----s specifically, and said they were going to have a r----- summit. And you let him off with a passing "oh he's a blowhard". Please, he is a national opinion leader in this nation (a fact that still is as absurd as juggling dump trucks) and you ignore what he says, you ignore the Governor's aid and your only outrage is that a Democrat said something you didn't like and you jump on the Palin Express to crazytown tooting the hackery whistle all the way.

Again I say well done.

But as much as I enjoy watching this side show I feel we are now :beatdeadhorse:.

Its convenient for left wingers to claim Rush and Palin are the leaders.

If you really think that they have the same stature and relevance as the POTUS, then you're either stupid, or a hack.

I havent ignored Palin, or Rush or Perry, Ive denounced them all.

All I hear from you left wing morons is "yeah but".

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Hey!! I'm offended, as a moron myself I take exception to you using that word, unless of course you're also a moron, then it's okay. :silly:

This entire thing is dumb...people need to get a life. :D

Interestingly, moron is also an IQ term. If memory holds it indicates an IQ of between 50-60, which places it in the range of moderate mental retardation.

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Deny Deflect Defend.

Liberal playbook 101 on display.

If you leftwing nutbags want to be outraged at Perry FINE, I'll agree with you. If you want to blast Palin for politicizing her kid, FINE again. Rush? He's a blowhard idiot. We've established that.

NONE OF THEM, are equal in stature or importance to the POTUS and his Chief of Staff. Not even close.

Is it really that hard for you folks to call a spade a spade?

I am offended that you used the word spade to describe Obama.

And, I'm still not sure how this reflects badly on Obama. His chief of staff used a word that may or may not be offensive in a private meeting that he did not attend.

It's not like the two of them were sitting in the Oval Office ****ing about wetbacks or something.

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Those people are morons.

But this issue should be about Rahm.

It should be.

And if it really was, then it would have upset Palin when it happened, but it took her over a week to work up her outrage. It can't be she missed it, after all, she reads all the papers.

It's an easy political lay-up. She took it, and NOW the rank and file are upset.

But they weren't a week ago when it was actually reported he said it.

He's since apologized and had his apology accepted by the Chairman of the Special Olympics.

As long as he's learned his lesson, I think that should suffice.

Now the issue seems to be whether or not she can be consistent in her outrage when someone insults her son's disability.


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It should be.

And if it really was, then it would have upset Palin when it happened, but it took her over a week to work up her outrage. It can't be she missed it, after all, she reads all the papers.

It's an easy political lay-up. She took it, and NOW the rank and file are upset.

But they weren't a week ago when it was actually reported he said it.

He's since apologized and had his apology accepted by the Chairman of the Special Olympics.

As long as he's learned his lesson, I think that should suffice.

Now the issue seems to be whether or not she can be consistent in her outrage when someone insults her son's disability.


She cant. Shes a hack.

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Its convenient for left wingers to claim Rush and Palin are the leaders.

If you really think that they have the same stature and relevance as the POTUS, then you're either stupid, or a hack.

I havent ignored Palin, or Rush or Perry, Ive denounced them all.

All I hear from you left wing morons is "yeah but".

Kilmer, first of all, read the thread already.

Secondly, what do you think YOU'RE doing? "YEAH Palin and Rush and Perry this, BUT Democrats that."

Sounds pretty familiar.

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Gov Perry too then.

I think its hysterical that you think Rush and Obama should be held to the same standards. Or that they have even remotely similar responsibilities.

Youre the one playing favorites by attempting to deflect the legitimate outrage at Obama and Rahm.

How did this become about Obama?

edit - oh, never mind, it's a Kilmer17 post. Let the games continue.

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Let's fire everyone who has said something they regret later on. That way no one will have a job and the economy will completely collapse. Then we can all join the government soup lines. Hooray!!

Lets hold nobody accountable for their actions, thats even better!

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Which came first? Rahms "****ing retarded" or Palins response?

What's your point? That Rahm said something stupid and insensitive and should be called out on it? I agree.

Is Palin wrong for speaking up? I don't think so.

Some of us in this thread had hoped that this particular incident would spark some heightened awareness about the actual issue of people with mental disabilities and the challenges they face.

Unfortunately too many on both sides of the aisle, and in this thread, seem intent on using this as fodder for the pointless and endless exchange of political rhetoric. Limbaugh only being the worst of the bunch. But we've had some real winners right here.

I can tell who the people in this thread are that actually give a damn about people with special needs, and it's not a lot of you. And that is a real damn shame.

And that's really the point.

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Tucker Carlson quote from TV on 12/15/2005.


First of all, anybody with any ambition at all, or intelligence, has left Canada and is now living in New York. Second, anybody who sides with Canada internationally in a debate between the U.S. and Canada, say, Belgium, is somebody whose opinion we shouldn’t care about in the first place. Third, Canada is a sweet country. It is like your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving and sort of pat him on the head. You know, he’s nice, but you don’t take him seriously. That’s Canada.

Where was the GOP outrage then? Guess it wasn't politically worthy of jumping on something that someone stupidly said - especially when its one of your party's on air mouthpieces.

That's the danger though about making a big stink about something someone said behind closed doors. More than likely, one of your allies has used the same language publicly and you did nothing.

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Tucker Carlson quote from TV on 12/15/2005.


Where was the GOP outrage then? Guess it wasn't politically worthy of jumping on something that someone stupidly said - especially when its one of your party's on air mouthpieces.

That's the danger though about making a big stink about something someone said behind closed doors. More than likely, one of your allies has used the same language publicly and you did nothing.

I didnt realize Tucker was the POTUS or the Chief of Staff.

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