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NYDN : Sarah Palin: Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using "R" word


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- what's so controversial about resigning from your job ?

you act like there was a scandal involved, when there was none

Because she had 18 months to go. I just find it kind of weird.

- how can you fault her, for Letterman making disgusting, tasteless remarks about her under-age daughter ?

It was a dumb joke. And she milked it. And he apologized. And she milked it some more. And he apologized again. And she kept on milking it. Seriously, she never lets up on her grievances.

How do you know with such unwavering certainty that she plans to run for President in 2012 ?

Do you think she posts to Facebook every day to keep in touch with her high school buddies? She's been running since election night in '08.

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You're probably mostly right, Bang... I'm sure that this is a plotted statement, but I think that at it's heart is also something worth hearing. Maybe it's because I'm used to trying distill all the garbage to try to find out what they're actually saying, but I think the heart of her complaint has validity and maybe even a smidgeon of sincerity.

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All of these are think are legit to criticize about. I'd give her a little grace in the disability issue, because she is at least half right.

She is the thinnest-skinned politician in human history. If she is ever president, she is going to have a press conference every day to discuss the previous night's Daily Show.

You're probably mostly right, Bang... I'm sure that this is a plotted statement, but I think that at it's heart is also something worth hearing. Maybe it's because I'm used to trying distill all the garbage to try to find out what they're actually saying, but I think the heart of her complaint has validity and maybe even a smidgeon of sincerity.

I suppose. But she is ****ing about the language of a politician who is known for sending dead fish to his political opponents and uses the F-word like you and I use prepositions.

Let's just face the truth. Palin's entire strategy is to fuse the moral superiority of the cultural conservatives on the right with the politics of victimhood of various groups on the left. Basically, she is taking the two most annoying political developments of the last 40 years and is fusing them into one large miserable stew.

How is what she is doing any different than a million press conference held by Jesse Jackson since 1984? "I am aggrieved. Please give me attention, money and votes as a salve."

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You're probably mostly right, Bang... I'm sure that this is a plotted statement, but I think that at it's heart is also something worth hearing. Maybe it's because I'm used to trying distill all the garbage to try to find out what they're actually saying, but I think the heart of her complaint has validity and maybe even a smidgeon of sincerity.

Well, obviously it was a dumb thing to say, (and almost certainly not expected to be made public since it was made in a strategy session and not a public speech.) and in her situation she likely is honestly offended. And USS Redskin remind us today why we really SHOULD try to be more sensitive with our comments.

But of course, on top of that is the agenda that can be made of it by demanding Raum be fired. Nothing like being able to toss some monkey wrench's into the White House, eh?

I don't necessarily have a problem with her being offended. It's all the partisan indignation that is dredged up for her by her being upset. Where was this thread a week ago?


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She is the thinnest-skinned politician in human history. If she is ever president' date=' she is going to have a press conference every day to discuss the previous night's Daily Show.[/quote']

As opposed to calling the networks during a show to complain?

Hey maybe she can get a network to factcheck a comedy skit?:evilg:

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She is the thinnest-skinned politician in human history. If she is ever president' date=' she is going to have a press conference every day to discuss the previous night's Daily Show.[/quote']

She is completely unworthy of the Presidency both because of her temperment and her skillset. That said, it's not impossible that a monkey could write Hamlet or that somewhere amidst the rough you find find a diamond.

Trust me, it's no fun defending her, but I try very hard to judge each situation on its own. Now, if you want to argue that she has a huge history of attention grabbing behavior and this could be another symptom of it, I'd have a tough time arguing that you are wrong. Still, I think that there is enough truth to the complaint that it is a hurtful term and Rahm ought to find a way to be more conscious of it (should have been phrased more like that than with her overdramatic flair) that I feel that her detractors ought to pause a breath and give credit to the underlying thought.

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I really don't care about Palin, but I love how everytime she speaks, the left gets riled up and wants to talk about her. The left is what keeps her relavent. The amount of hate she gets from liberals is freakin amazing. All you got to do is walk into a room of liberals and say "Palin" and watch them start foaming out the mouth. I have never seen someone who is politically an nonfactor get people rilled up like she does. Its classic.

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Well, obviously it was a dumb thing to say, (and almost certainly not expected to be made public since it was made in a strategy session and not a public speech.) and in her situation she likely is honestly offended. And USS Redskin remind us today why we really SHOULD try to be more sensitive with our comments.

But of course, on top of that is the agenda that can be made of it by demanding Raum be fired. Nothing like being able to toss some monkey wrench's into the White House, eh?

I don't necessarily have a problem with her being offended. It's all the partisan indignation that is dredged up for her by her being upset. Where was this thread a week ago?


Sounds like we're pretty close in our interpretation of things. I'm choosing to ignore the hyperbole and focusing on the complaint. You are giving a bit more attention to the hyperbole while crediting the complaint.

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I really don't care about Palin, but I love how everytime she speaks, the left gets riled up and wants to talk about her. The left is what keeps her relavent. The amount of hate she gets from liberals is freakin amazing. All you got to do is walk into a room of liberals and say "Palin" and watch them start foaming out the mouth. I have never seen someone who is politically an nonfactor get people rilled up like she does. Its classic.

Not sure if that's true. Palin may be sort of another Ann Coulter. She definately has her following. I think Palin is somewhat less outrageous than Coulter, but some of her language is sure trying to descend into the filth of Coulter.

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I really don't care about Palin, but I love how everytime she speaks, the left gets riled up and wants to talk about her. The left is what keeps her relavent. The amount of hate she gets from liberals is freakin amazing. All you got to do is walk into a room of liberals and say "Palin" and watch them start foaming out the mouth. I have never seen someone who is politically an nonfactor get people rilled up like she does. Its classic.

How is she a non-factor?

She's getting $100,000 to make a nationally televised address in front of ardent supporters next week.

She probably killed health care reform in this country with her "death panel" nonsense.

She is winning every poll that Republicans have about the 2012 election.

I think she is the most laughable public figure since Spiro Agnew, but somehow she has elevated herself into the second most important person in American politics.

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Sounds like we're pretty close in our interpretation of things. I'm choosing to ignore the hyperbole and focusing on the complaint. You are giving a bit more attention to the hyperbole while crediting the complaint.

With Palin, you always have to study the why of the complaint. She never complains for the sake of complaining. (Though, all she does at this point is pretty much complain). Why is she complaining? What is she hoping to achieve?

Not sure if that's true. Palin may be sort of another Ann Coulter.

Oh, God. I fear you are wildly underestimating her if you think she is simply another Coulter.

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I think she is the most laughable public figure since Spiro Agnew' date=' but somehow she has elevated herself into the second most important person in American politics.[/quote']

I thought that was O'Biden,Pelosi or Reid?;)

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How is she a non-factor?

She's getting $100' date='000 to make a nationally televised address in front of ardent supporters next week.

She probably killed health care reform in this country with her "death panel" nonsense.

She is winning every poll that Republicans have about the 2012 election.

I think she is the most laughable public figure since Spiro Agnew, but somehow she has elevated herself into the second most important person in American politics.[/quote']

Do you seriously think she will ever even sniff the presidency? I am conservative and I would never think of voting for her. She's like a side show.

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Let's just face the truth. Palin's entire strategy is to fuse the moral superiority of the cultural conservatives on the right with the politics of victimhood of various groups on the left. Basically' date=' she is taking the two most annoying political developments of the last 40 years and is fusing them into one large miserable stew.


Dang, I never thought about it that way. That is it in a nutshell.

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Sounds like we're pretty close in our interpretation of things. I'm choosing to ignore the hyperbole and focusing on the complaint. You are giving a bit more attention to the hyperbole while crediting the complaint.

True,, it is the hyperbole that always bugs me. As you may recall from my years here, most of the time when I pipe in on political discussions it's to ask people stop just following politicians like so many sheep.

As I've said ad nauseum over the years, it is we who hold the power, but we willingly give it to politicians who will exploit it and we do not hold them accountable (if a Dem screws up, they downplay it and the right hollers, and if a Con screws up they downplay it because they say what's good for the goose... it makes no sense at ALL. the scoundrels just skate on by, laughing like hell at how easy it is to get everyone else to fight their battles for them.

We just keep getting deeper and deeper into ****. (and i don't mean recently, either. Since I've been an adult it's been one long downhill slide with very few peaks.) Our government is not for the people by the people and of the people anymore. It's for the special interests who pay for the influence they get. It's by the puppets who readily sell their principals. And it is of professional politicians interested in nothing more than the next election, and how much it can make for them.

And people in this country just happily whistle along to the tune they're told they should be whistling.


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With Palin' date=' you always have to study the why of the complaint. She never complains for the sake of complaining. (Though, all she does at this point is pretty much complain). Why is she complaining? What is she hoping to achieve?

Oh, God. I fear you are wildly underestimating her if you think she is simply another Coulter.[/quote']

I think she's aiming for multiple things:

I think that she likes beating up on the Dems or the White House

I think that she wants to keep herself in the limelight and relevent

I think that she believes that the word matters and can cause pain

I think that she knows that continuing to make declarations means larger dollar signs for her future (if not furtherance of other ambitions)

But I do think (and maybe it's the ex-special educator in me) that this is one topic where she made a complaint that has legitimacy. Her suggested resolution of the problem is silly, but the complaint itself has merit.

Remember, that even with the best politicians fifty percent of what they say is bull****. So, as you analyze what to take away from their invective or points, sheer off half the volume.

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More pseudo outrage from the Right.

Yeah thats what it is. :rolleyes:

The PC left did ignore the special olympics comment too since it a liberal that said it.

I don't have a problem with the Left using the words Retard or retarded, since their actions,idealogy and agenda brings both words to mind.

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Do you seriously think she will ever even sniff the presidency? I am conservative and I would never think of voting for her. She's like a side show.

I don't think she has a chance in a general election. But as long as there isn't a kind of Christian conservative stalking horse like a Huckabee, I don't see a Republican who could beat her in the primaries. Romney won't get the Christian conservative vote and can't get the tea-bagger vote because of Romneycare. Jindal seems like a non-starter to me. I think it will be hard for any Republican to come out of the Senate or House in 2012.

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Originally Posted by Lombardi's_kid_brother

Let's just face the truth. Palin's entire strategy is to fuse the moral superiority of the cultural conservatives on the right with the politics of victimhood of various groups on the left. Basically, she is taking the two most annoying political developments of the last 40 years and is fusing them into one large miserable stew.

That is probably a pretty reasonable assessment.

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My advise to her is: "You are the most prominent Republican in America. Begin acting like it."

I just find it amazing that the Right has spent the last 50 years attacking victimhood but has now pretty much co-opted it completely.

It's politics. What works is copied. Just like the NFL. The SB champ runs a 2-7 front, and so will a few other teams the following year.

See also: Union, State of the.....and all the references to the "previous administration."

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It's politics. What works is copied. Just like the NFL. The SB champ runs a 2-7 front, and so will a few other teams the following year.

See also: Union, State of the.....and all the references to the "previous administration."

So, if we know it's just a ploy, if we know that what they're doing is just putting up a front "because it works"

why support it?

It's obviously chicanery. It's obvious pandering.

Why choose one side over the other when they prove to you it's all an act?


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