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NYDN : Sarah Palin: Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using "R" word


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As much as I trumpet Bias in the media....you seem to defend it as a non-issue, while at the same time acknowledging it

If its not that important....why do you always have to sound off about it?

Here is just another example of liberal bias......

ABC Devotes Over 60 Minutes to John Edwards, Avoids Labeling Him a Democrat


I sound off to maybe get people to stop and think for a minute.

People line up and ***** to high heaven over ridiculous crap, and depending on which side of the aisle is "offended" depends entirely on how the complainers and defenders line up.

It is such a load of BULL****.

As far as the "liberal bias" goes, you're right, I don't think it's an issue. In fact, I think it's a slab of right wing propaganda that have convinced you it exists through their MEDIA. (Rather ironic, isn't it?) Right wing radio rails against it. The number one cable news network rails against it. Every time something happens countless right wing bloggers monitor all of the media response so they can report on who didn't cover something to their satisfaction, and slap the big scarlet B on them.

The bias no longer exists because you have plenty of outlets that are equally as biased to the right. But we're told that isn't bias, that is a RESPONSE to the bias. And yet the response is to be just AS biased, but that's OK, because it's bias you agree with. It's maddeningly frustrating.

Two wrongs make a right these days, and it's' annoying as all hell. In this thread we have a bunch of people with their feathers all in a ruffle over something I'd bet they've said in the same exact context a hundred times in their own lives (probably to describe the hated liberal) And if the sides were reversed, as CJ points out, the roles would be reversed although neither side would admit that to be true.

Everyone claims to hate the overly sensitive namby pamby PCism,,, unless it's PCism we can use to score points and make the other side squirm.

So again, quit being a bunch of namby pamby nitwits and start acting with a little honesty.

Sure the guy shouldn't have said it, but it is not the end of Western Civilization, and he shouldn't be fired over it. (just like you shouldn't have been fired when you said it, or when your boss said it, or when your buddy said it, or when your dad said it, etc. etc .etc. )

But, of course, points are never to be left on the field and the object is to huff and puff and throw up our false fronts and stomp on as much common sense as we can. Until it happens to our side...

Here's some honesty. **** the bias. If you don't like what one news source says, don't patronize them. Exercise your options. Simple.


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........People line up and ***** to high heaven over ridiculous crap, and depending on which side of the aisle is "offended" depends entirely on how the complainers and defenders line up.......
For the record, I did say she went to far in asking for his job


To force the issue into the media....she played politics

I think its BULL**** that she has to go this far, while the Liberal media does the Democrats dirty work for them when the issue is reversed

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No, honestly I wouldn't seriously, this is so stupid that it doesn't even rank on my offended scale.

Asbury, please.

So where would you be when the other side then called them a bunch of namby pamby fags for getting their feelings hurt over a stupid comment?

PS, no offense to all the namby pamby fags who may have been offended.

To the first paragraph, Bang you get SO OFFENDED when the right does anything like this and go into rants. Simply put, you do.

It's obvious where you stand on the aisle and I respect that..but dude, you pretend to be so non-partisan when that just isn't the case.

Also, no offense taken...but the way you partake in certain political arguments shows that you are not what you claim you are, politically speaking.

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For the record, I did say she went to far in asking for his job


To force the issue into the media....she played politics

I think its BULL**** that she has to go this far, while the Liberal media does the Democrats dirty work for them when the issue is reversed

The conservative media does their dirty work for them, too, right? Is bias only bias when it's the other guy?

She has to go this far to do what? Post her feelings on FACEBOOK?

This story is a week old.

She has to go to these lengths because no one thought it was a story until she figured she could score some points over it, and Yahoo put the story on its front page today, which has unleashed a torrent of "outrage" over something that they didn't give two ****s about until she did.

Here's an article from Fox News on January 26th that no one thought important enough to comment on until Poor li'l Sarah got on Facebook and made sure all her supporters knew how mad she was about it. (in fact, a Google search of "Chief of Staff Draws Fire From Left as Obama Falters" (the title of the article the insult appeared in) shows HUNDREDS of articles about this on all sorts of news sites and blogs. (most of which are of a right lean) Just because the left media ignored it is a non story, because even though the right media didn't ignore it, no one who reads the right media gave a damn. ou're complaining because they didn't cover a story you didn't even care about.

This site is a good microcosm of the not-so-loony partisans from both sides. We discuss everything, and very rarely does something that could cause a good argument slip by, agreed? But this one did. No one cared, or no one noticed. And considering how many pages it has generated in it's first day, you'd figure someone would have cared, no?

Again, for you to say that she had to GO TO SUCH LENGTHS to make sure her voice is heard is just more bull****. to say that the liberal bias is at fault is even more bull****, because as a google search clearly shows, even though it was all over the conservative biased media, no one cared.

As is obvious, this word was way out there, and those taking up her flag had no idea it was a week old, or didn't care about it until she told them to get upset.

It's as if someone put out a sign that said "FREE PLATE OF BULL****"

And look at the line forming.


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........Just because the left media ignored it is a non story, because even though the right media didn't ignore it, no one who reads the right media gave a damn.....
You miss the point

Palin MADE IT a bigger story when she commented on it

Thats Politics

and again

The LEFT would have been less likely to ignore this NON-STORY if it was flipped


Its a "STORY" by definition if the MSM covers it

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Bang, let's not forget how bias is defined. If it's left of Fox News it's left wing media. If it's right of MSNBC it's "corporate media" (take a spin over to the liberal sites and see what they think of the news if you don't believe me).

So it works like this:

<Right Wing Bias> ----- <Entirely Bias> ----- <Left Wing Bias>

What you have Bang is simple, bias equates to "you didn't represent the extremists." Anything that falls short of flat out attacking the other side is bias in their favor. So truth dies and is replaced by extremists insisting that their propaganda be included as news.

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Asbury, please.

To the first paragraph, Bang you get SO OFFENDED when the right does anything like this and go into rants. Simply put, you do.

It's obvious where you stand on the aisle and I respect that..but dude, you pretend to be so non-partisan when that just isn't the case.

Also, no offense taken...but the way you partake in certain political arguments shows that you are not what you claim you are, politically speaking.

So you say,

if you remembered back when Bush was in office i'd go after just as many disingenous things from the left.

I had hoped that when the shoe got to be on the other foot, that the party who saw so much mud slung would know better than to play the same games, but you don't. After the past year I've grown more disgusted by this behavior.

But the fact is, most of the things I support from the right don't get argued as much anymore. I remember more than a few discussions with destino and Baculus over the war. I support it, still do. We've had our battles.

I'll admit I've drifted left, but it's not been by any magnetism of theirs, I can assure you. I am simply sick of the bull****, and further, the notion that somehow people don't notice the bull****.

Bull**** is offensive.


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Bang, let's not forget how bias is defined. If it's left of Fox News it's left wing media. If it's right of MSNBC it's "corporate media" (take a spin over to the liberal sites and see what they think of the news if you don't believe me).

So it works like this:

<Right Wing Bias> ----- <Entirely Bias> ----- <Left Wing Bias>

What you have Bang is simple, bias equates to "you didn't represent the extremists." Anything that falls short of flat out attacking the other side is bias in their favor. So truth dies and is replaced by extremists insisting that their propaganda be included as news.

What it is is a propaganda technique. It's simple demonization. By telling everyone of this bias, they've created a distrust of all media, and that the only media that can be trusted is the one that told you about the evil bias in the first place.

It's Goebbels 101. You demonize your enemy with a consistent simple message repeated over and over for years, and the angered masses think you're the savior. They will then parrot anything you say as if it were gospel, and will shun everything said by other sources.


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Exactly. You can't lose when everyone that thinks you're wrong about anything at all is automatically viewed as bias.

Or you just change the subject to something completely different,, like, say, John Edwards not being called a Democrat on ABC news.

How retarded.


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.......People line up and ***** to high heaven over ridiculous crap, and depending on which side of the aisle is "offended" depends entirely on how the complainers and defenders line up.......
....Bang, let's not forget how bias is defined. What you have Bang is simple......
What it is is a propaganda technique......
Exactly. You can't lose when everyone that thinks you're wrong about anything at all is automatically viewed as bias.
Or, you just change the subject to something completely different,, like, say, John Edwards not being called a Democrat on ABC news.

How retarded.

What a circle jerk..
I agree :ols:
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As a parent of a special needs child, was Sarah Palin out of line for taking offense and asking Rahm Emanuel to be fired? Of course not. Should Rahm Emanuel be fired for saying something offensive in a closed door meeting? Of course not.

This is all "Dog Bites Boy" stuff. There's no story here.

Obviously, it wasn't closed door... The Republicans tried this tactic with Lott: it was just a party and he was just celebrating the life of a 100 year old man.

Lott didn't even use any offensive words, people just felt offended. We need a bunch of mentally impaired Al Sharptons to rise up here.

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I don't understand why it's so terrible to tell someone when they've offended you. Wouldn't you like to know rather than to keep on doing it?

I agree that Palin is overreacting, but that doesn't change the fact that using 'retarded' or worse, 'REtard', as a derogatory term can be hurtful to people. Sorry you find that so irritating.

Here, let me show you how it's done: Those of you who, even after people in this thread have gone to legnths to explain WHY it is offensive to some of us, have made a point of using the word 'retard' in their posts ... that's not cool. I don't feel like pointing specific people out, but I was surprised at those of you who did it. I don't want anyone to get fired, but that was not cool at all.

I'm glad you posted this Henry. I've also tried to explain why it is offensive to many people. I had to put the computer down last night because I was starting to get very upset.

I actually thought some people would get the hint that maybe some of us have family members with developmental disabilities, but it appears that it escaped many.:mad:

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They learned it was pretty effective after watching the left use it numerous times. Quit being such a hypocrite for once...

Two wrongs make a right then eh? Defend it when its your side doing it eh? :doh: As for the last part I call out pseudo outrage on the Left too, so stop making things personal and keep things on topic.

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I suppose she birthed Trig to score political points in your mind too... Kind of sick logic there.

No she didn't and that's not the logic he was using when he said it and you know it you just want to mischaracterize his comments to fit your retort. Just because Trig's Downs was not intentional doesn't mean that she doesn't use him to score political points...like she's doing here and like she's done numerous times before.

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