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NYDN : Sarah Palin: Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using "R" word


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So Rahm thinks those Dems are just like Obama?

It's obvious that this administration thinks its fine to use mental handicaps as punchlines or examples of futility.

i actually think that Palin's outrage was at least partially truly heartfelt.

I think that yours is pulled sloppily out of your arse.

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So Rahm thinks those Dems are just like Obama?

It's obvious that this administration thinks its fine to use mental handicaps as punchlines or examples of futility.

Now do yourself a favor and read through the whole thread and get to the part where Rush himself uses it multiple times and where an adviser to Texas Gov. Rick Perry uses it and only warrants a gentle rebuff from a Palin aide because she's going to Texas to shill for Gov. Perry and then reflect that with what you just said.

BTW, if someone in your company tells a racist joke, do you then say "It is obvious that this company thinks its fine to use racist stereotypes as examples of humor"? Of course you don't so stop being silly.

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Now do yourself a favor and read through the whole thread and get to the part where Rush himself uses it multiple times and where an adviser to Texas Gov. Rick Perry uses it and only warrants a gentle rebuff from a Palin aide because she's going to Texas to shill for Gov. Perry and then reflect that with what you just said.

BTW, if someone in your company tells a racist joke, do you then say "It is obvious that this company thinks its fine to use racist stereotypes as examples of humor"? Of course you don't so stop being silly.

Awesome. Rahm and Obama are as bad as Rush.


Obama made a Special Olympics joke, now Rahm calls people retarded.

If someone in the White House makes a racial joke, dont you think they would deserve to be fired?

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Awesome. Rahm and Obama are as bad as Rush.


Obama made a Special Olympics joke, now Rahm calls people retarded.

If someone in the White House makes a racial joke, dont you think they would deserve to be fired?

I noticed that you left out Governor Perry.

And no I don't think that's a fireable offense. Is it unPC yes, is it rude yes, is it mean yes, is it disrespectful yes, is it fireable...no.

So, if I follow your logic right then Rush needs to be fired right along with Rahm...right? I mean all things being consistent, I would want to play favorites or anything...like you're doing.

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I noticed that you left out Governor Perry.

And no I don't think that's a fireable offense. Is it unPC yes, is it rude yes, is it mean yes, is it disrespectful yes, is it fireable...no.

So, if I follow your logic right then Rush needs to be fired right along with Rahm...right? I mean all things being consistent, I would want to play favorites or anything...like you're doing.

Gov Perry too then.

I think its hysterical that you think Rush and Obama should be held to the same standards. Or that they have even remotely similar responsibilities.

Youre the one playing favorites by attempting to deflect the legitimate outrage at Obama and Rahm.

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Gov Perry too then.

I think its hysterical that you think Rush and Obama should be held to the same standards. Or that they have even remotely similar responsibilities.

Youre the one playing favorites by attempting to deflect the legitimate outrage at Obama and Rahm.

So this will be how conservatives spin Palin's hypocrisy.

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Gov Perry too then.

I think its hysterical that you think Rush and Obama should be held to the same standards. Or that they have even remotely similar responsibilities.

Youre the one playing favorites by attempting to deflect the legitimate outrage at Obama and Rahm.

Outrage...really? This is an outrage? Do you even know the meaning of the word?

Maybe its like awesome, after awhile of being overused everyone just thinks its another word for cool.

I think its funny that you aren't willing to hold Rush and Gov. Perry to your idealistic standard as well, I mean if it truly outrageous to you then you should be outraged that Rush said what he said and you should be outraged that Gov. Perry did not fire that advisor...that is if..you were truly outraged; which you're not because you aren't calling for them to be fired. Instead you're political bias is clearly evident for all to see.

Well done sir, I say well done indeed.:applause:

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Gov Perry too then.

I think its hysterical that you think Rush and Obama should be held to the same standards. Or that they have even remotely similar responsibilities.

Youre the one playing favorites by attempting to deflect the legitimate outrage at Obama and Rahm.

Well, she considers it a personal insult,, why should they not be held to the same standard? After all, all of this "outrage" stems from her.

As has been pointed out numerous times, Rahm's comment and the news of it was over a week old before the Palin finally figured out that she could get some political mileage of it.

And no one had a problem with it until she told her flock to get upset about it. And since that time, you see this thread grow and grow with all sorts of outrage and scrambling for the moral high ground.

It's not about whether anyone here thinks Obama and Rush should be held to the same standard, it's about what Princess Palin thinks, since her belated outrage caused all of this flap. Now it's out there that Rush uses the same slur, and unless she slams him and demands he be fired, well she comes off just a bit hypocritical, no?

When Rahm says it she demands his head, when a governor's aid says it she requests a slap on the wrist and when Rush says it,,, well, what does she have to say then?

At the very least it shows Palin for a politician who would use her son's disability to play politics. At worse it shows her as a shallow person who can't take a consistent stand on an issue that she calls "unacceptable and heartbreaking".


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Deny Deflect Defend.

Liberal playbook 101 on display.

If you leftwing nutbags want to be outraged at Perry FINE, I'll agree with you. If you want to blast Palin for politicizing her kid, FINE again. Rush? He's a blowhard idiot. We've established that.

NONE OF THEM, are equal in stature or importance to the POTUS and his Chief of Staff. Not even close.

Is it really that hard for you folks to call a spade a spade?

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Is it really that hard for you folks to call a spade a spade?


Isn't that all anyone is asking Palin to do?

She's the one who considers this a PERSONAL INSULT.

Her words: ""Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the "N-word" or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them – is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking."

Is it only unacceptable and heartbreaking when it comes from the left?

It certainly appears so.

besides, read back through the thread, and you'll find very few people who actually defend Rahm. You'll find very few people who want to deflect it away from Rahm, and you'll find very few people who deny anything, except that Palin is using this as a political ploy. There's lots of folks denying that.


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Isn't that all anyone is asking Palin to do?

She's the one who considers this a PERSONAL INSULT.

Her words: ""Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the "N-word" or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them – is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking."

Is it only unacceptable and heartbreaking when it comes from the left?

It certainly appears so.

besides, read back through the thread, and you'll find very few people who actually defend Rahm. You'll find very few people who want to deflect it away from Rahm, and you'll find very few people who deny anything, except that Palin is using this as a political ploy. There's lots of folks denying that.


Those people are morons.

But this issue should be about Rahm.

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Those people are morons.

But this issue should be about Rahm.

This issue should be about the impact of the word and those who choose to use it. To think only one guy's word usage is meaningful makes Palin's complaint a farce (which I don't think it is)

This story was about Rahm. The issue is bigger.

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Those people are morons.

But this issue should be about Rahm.

You're right this should be about Rahm, because if we look at the whole picture we might really see that indeed Palin is just once again using her son for her own political hackery. Focusing only on Rahm is a nice way for your to ignore that.

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You're right this should be about Rahm, because if we look at the whole picture we might really see that indeed Palin is just once again using her son for her own political hackery. Focusing only on Rahm is a nice way for your to ignore that.

And attempting to elevate minor politicos to the level of the POTUS to excuse behavior ignorant as well.

Rahm and Obama have BOTH now done this, yet you guys on the left are stuck in "yeah but so and so did this" mode.

Im focusing on Rahm because HES THE ONE WHO CALLED PEOPLE RETARDS!

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And attempting to elevate minor politicos to the level of the POTUS to excuse behavior ignorant as well.

Rahm and Obama have BOTH now done this, yet you guys on the left are stuck in "yeah but so and so did this" mode.

Im focusing on Rahm because HES THE ONE WHO CALLED PEOPLE RETARDS!

Actually, to be precise, he called a democratic plan ___________ which is quite different than calling a specific person ______________. Still, a bad choice of language and something he should try to excise from his vocab, but different nontheless.

It was Rush who was calling people __________ and apparently this Perry dude (though in disclosure I didn't hear it or read the article)

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Im focusing on Rahm because HES THE ONE WHO CALLED PEOPLE RETARDS!

Umm no he did not. He said an idea was f-ing r-----ed. Get your facts straight.

You are the one who claims that the usage of this word is an outrage, and yet your only outrage is directed to the Democrats, I wonder why Kilmer...coincidence? I think not. For all intents and purposes Rush is the leading voice of the GOP and we all know it, and HE did call people r-----s specifically, and said they were going to have a r----- summit. And you let him off with a passing "oh he's a blowhard". Please, he is a national opinion leader in this nation (a fact that still is as absurd as juggling dump trucks) and you ignore what he says, you ignore the Governor's aid and your only outrage is that a Democrat said something you didn't like and you jump on the Palin Express to crazytown tooting the hackery whistle all the way.

Again I say well done.

But as much as I enjoy watching this side show I feel we are now :beatdeadhorse:.

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