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NYDN : Sarah Palin: Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using "R" word


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So, if we know it's just a ploy, if we know that what they're doing is just putting up a front "because it works"

why support it?

It's obviously chicanery. It's obvious pandering.

Why choose one side over the other when they prove to you it's all an act?


I'm not saying it's right, B. I'm just saying that's what's going on.

And I'll fully admit to a little jealousy of the dems cornering the sympathy vote. But I would agree that stooping to the other guy's level isn't exactly regal.

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My advise to her is: "You are the most prominent Republican in America. Begin acting like it."

I agree.

Just as Bengals fans were reminded they are not in Cleveland, show class and not throw snowballs at refs and players, don't lower your standards and behave like democrats.

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This is why we are f**** it is like having to choose between rooting for the iggles or pukes!!!!

No, that isn't why.

It's because when given the choice of which crap to pick from, we swallow it and defend our side's choice to the death, even after it becomes clear they're just more of the same old same old.

The partisans swear their ideas are better,, and more importantly, the other side is worse, and to blame for everything, including their side's failings. This thread is a fine example. Very few people, regardless of whether their anger over this comment is real or not, (some are) will miss the chance to use it to take a swipe at the other guy.

And likewise, very few people do not recognize that whether or not Palin's anger is real, she's definitely going to use this to score political points. It's what politicians do.

Nowadays it's even worse because television and radio are filled to the brim with the extremes, the propagandists who twist and bend truths, and aways blame all of the problems on the other side. No matter what you want to hear, there's someone standing there ready to tell you that you're right, that the other side has screwed up everything, and in fact it is worse than you could ever imagine... They will give you reasons to justify why you should not question whoever they prop up, and should demand perfection from the other guy.

Again, look at this thread.

This guy said something that I'd bet my last dollar every single person who has participated has said, probably in the exact same fashion. Yet because the White House Chief of Staff said it, people demand he be FIRED for something they've all done before, because a week after the fact Sarah Palin demanded it. Would any of you think it was justified if you got fired when you called someone a retard? Probably not, I bet. But outrage can be manipulated rather easily.

I'm not saying it's OK to have said it, but we've all said things that are insensitive, and most of the time we really don't mean for it to actually hurt someone's feelings. When we say such things, we expect that is understood. When it's pointed out, we're usually apologetic. I know after reading USS Redskin's posts, I will do my best to not use such language on the forum.

But when they say such things, other politicians use it to their advantage, and we get all lathered up over it even though we know that is what is happening.

And that is what the problem is as I see it. It's not that we've been given poor leadership. It's that we've accepted poor leaders.


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Just noticed this update


Disability Advocates Accept Rahm Emanuel's Apology For 'Retarded' Comment

Reuters – White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel speaks at the Wall St. Journal CEO Council on "Rebuilding …

Michael Falcone – Wed Feb 3, 6:01 pm ET

Special Olympics Chairman and CEO Timothy Shriver personally accepted an apology from White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday, days after comments surfaced in which Emanuel used the word "retarded" to describe a proposal made by a group of liberal Democrats.

According to a joint statement from Shriver and five other disability advocates who attended a meeting at the White House, Emanuel "sincerely apologized for his mistake and the pain it caused in our community." Emanuel also committed to signing an online pledge to make the word obsolete.

"We are thankful to Mr. Emanuel for meeting with us today and hearing our concerns," the statement said.

"Our community has earned the right to be respected instead of ridiculed. We have suffered injustice for generations and we are demanding that it end," the advocates said. "This is another small step on the road to a country that accepts the gifts of all."

More under the link.


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I think she has a point, but went too far in wanting him fired.

Anyway, I don't think she'd make a good president. Although I voted for McCain-Palin back in 08, and I think a lot of misinformation was thrown around about her, she's too thin-skinned to make a good POTUS. Bush had every pejorative (some deserved, most not) under the sun thrown at him during his 8 years, and we never once saw him complain the way Palin has over the past few months.

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It will be interesting to see if Sarah Palin calls for Rush Limbaugh's firing for insensitive remarks made on his radio program.


People on this board will defend Rush on this, or they will stay tellingly silent in their criticism of Rush about this.


I can't get the youtube video on here. Is it the youtube url or the embed code?

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Looks like a Rick Perry adviser used the same term twice recently and didn't even warrant a comment from Palin nor a call for his job on her facebook page...oh wait she's going to Texas to campaign for Rick Perry well that makes sense then.


Sarah Palin is criticizing a Rick Perry campaign adviser accused of using the word "retarded" - but she isn't demanding that the aide be fired.

The accusation - made against top Perry consultant David Carney on Wednesday by Kay Bailey Hutchison's gubernatorial campaign - is of note because Palin is heading to Texas this weekend to campaign for Perry as he seeks a third term as Texas governor.

On Monday, Palin called on President Obama to fire his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for using the very same word in a closed door meeting about health care negotiations.

Hutchison's campaign manager Terry Sullivan told CNN Wednesday that Carney repeatedly said "retarded" during a recent conference call between the gubernatorial campaigns to plan logistics for their Jan. 14 debate in Denton.

According to Sullivan, Carney became "bombastic and agitated" when he learned that one of the candidate holding rooms would be in a separate building from the debate venue.

"That's just retarded," Carney said when he learned about the room location, according to Sullivan. "That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard."

Perry's campaign did not respond to a request to comment on the conference call.

Palin spokesman Meg Stapleton condemned the language as "disrespectful," but did not say that Carney should lose his job.

"While it seems few can comment on the veracity of the conversation, Gov. Palin believes crude and demeaning name calling at the expense of others is disrespectful," Stapleton told CNN in an e-mail.

Palin, whose youngest son Trig has Down Syndrome, wrote on her Facebook page Monday that the word "retarded" is "a slur on all God's children with cognitive and developmental disabilities."

She said Emanuel's use of the term, first reported in a Wall Street Journal article last week, was "heartbreaking" and merited his dismissal from the president's inner circle.

My critique that Palin is exercising some serious pseudo outrage is being confirmed repeatedly now.

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Forgive me for not reading the first million pages of this thread, but my thoughts on this are

1. As Palin is a mother of a disabled child, I don't see this as pseudo outrage her part. I think she is genuinely horrified by a comment like that.

2. A public figure like Rahm should know beTter than to use that term. How hard is it to just say something is "****ing stupid" or "idiotic" or "moronic"...those happen to be some of my personal favorite phrases...

3. This was foolish on his part, but not "fire-worthy"

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I agree. I think I am generally sensitive to the topic as a special educator. I just think that words ought to be used carefully, but not hidden from. More, genuine offense is laudable and needs to be taken into account. Phony offense for gain is something that is worse than a mistake.

My guess is that Sarrah's outrage falls somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. I think she felt a moment of genuine offense, but also figured it was something she could capitalize on.

Forgive me for not reading the first million pages of this thread, but my thoughts on this are

1. As Palin is a mother of a disabled child, I don't see this as pseudo outrage her part. I think she is genuinely horrified by a comment like that.

2. A public figure like Rahm should know beTter than to use that term. How hard is it to just say something is "****ing stupid" or "idiotic" or "moronic"...those happen to be some of my personal favorite phrases...

3. This was foolish on his part, but not "fire-worthy"

Yup. I think many of us left and right are on the same page. I think it's also not particularly unsurprising that she's being inconsistant in her application of rage.

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People on this board will defend Rush on this, or they will stay tellingly silent in their criticism of Rush about this.


I can't get the youtube video on here. Is it the youtube url or the embed code?

*edit x2

Looks like a Rick Perry adviser used the same term twice recently and didn't even warrant a comment from Palin nor a call for his job on her facebook page...oh wait she's going to Texas to campaign for Rick Perry well that makes sense then.

My critique that Palin is exercising some serious pseudo outrage is being confirmed repeatedly now.

I would agree with you that this has political agenda behind it. But I would call it "selective" outrage...like selective hearing....like my husband :)

I agree with you that she should blast everyone who uses the term (whether left or right). Particularly Rush, who I find to be a massive idiot anyway.

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