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NYDN : Sarah Palin: Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using "R" word


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Question: Do you really think saying that something is "****ing retarded" is a firable offense?

Ina vacuum no. But for Rahm, yes, I think so.

"Why do you keep lumping Obama into this? He didn't say it.

Would you fire an employee that said this in a meeting with you?"

Rahm is his Chief of Staff. Buck stops here, remember? Further, Obama has already used the Special Olympics as a punch line. So he gets no free pass.

And I absolutely would fire that person, as I would anyone who dropped the N word, if it was used in that context.

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Lets hold nobody accountable for their actions, thats even better!

That's right! Let's not hold Rush accountable, and that Gov. Perry aid lets not hold him accountable either!! Let's just get the Democrat. Kilmer give it up, you already showed you're interested in one thing and that's bashing Democrats. If Rush had said it first you'd be playing it off, but now its all about "hold people accountable". :doh:

If you were REALLY interested in holding people accountable for this supposed outrage as you describe it then you'd be calling for Rush's head and the Perry aide too, BUT....you aren't. soooooo. Me thinks you're just hacking about.

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Tucker Carlson quote from TV on 12/15/2005.


Where was the GOP outrage then? Guess it wasn't politically worthy of jumping on something that someone stupidly said - especially when its one of your party's on air mouthpieces.

That's the danger though about making a big stink about something someone said behind closed doors. More than likely, one of your allies has used the same language publicly and you did nothing.

That was 2005, before Palin, the GOP didn't know that there were mentally handicapped people back then. Thank heaven's for Sarah.

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That's right! Let's not hold Rush accountable, and that Gov. Perry aid lets not hold him accountable either!! Let's just get the Democrat. Kilmer give it up, you already showed you're interested in one thing and that's bashing Democrats. If Rush had said it first you'd be playing it off, but now its all about "hold people accountable". :doh:

If you were REALLY interested in holding people accountable for this supposed outrage as you describe it then you'd be calling for Rush's head and the Perry aide too, BUT....you aren't. soooooo. Me thinks you're just hacking about.

Read much? Ive REPEATEDLY agreed that Rush and Perry should be held accountable.

Deny, Deflect, Defend.

The fact that you need to elevate minor folks to the equal of the POTUS to somehow defend him is hysterical. It shows how weak your argument, and frankly the entire Dem party is, right now.

Think about that. Youre essentially saying that since someone isnt calling for Rush' head, that should excuse Obama and CO.

Really? Thats the best youve got?

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Read much? Ive REPEATEDLY agreed that Rush and Perry should be held accountable.

No you didn't you said that Rush is a blow hard and that the gov. Perry aide doesn't count the same as a Rahm or POTUS.

Its all about consistency Kilmer, and you have it...the only problem is that you're consistently attacking the Left and passing on the Right for the same thing.

I want you to right now call for Rush to be fired, if you do that then I'll let it go.

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Would you fire an employee that said this in a meeting with you?"

Rahm is his Chief of Staff. Buck stops here, remember?

And I absolutely would fire that person

I don't know you but I doubt that if your top salesman said a plan was retarded you would fire him.

I just don't believe that.

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I don't know you but I doubt that if your top salesman said a plan was retarded you would fire him.

I just don't believe that.

Last year I fired a great agent for saying an underwriter was a "****ing *****".

She wasnt there obviously, but other people heard it. That's unacceptable.

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Gotcha, you won't do it. I also noticed that you never once called for Rush to even apologize.

So because I didnt call for Rush to apologize (though repeatedly called him a blowhard etc) you can summarily excuse what Rahm said?

Deny, Deflect, Defend.

Where did you call for Rahm to get fired?

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Lets hold nobody accountable for their actions, thats even better!

He was called out for it, and he apologized. The apology was accepted by the chairman of the Special Olympics, which is a pretty good representative of the people who were not offended until Princess Palin got her petticoats in a flutter. (Really, since you feel so strongly about this, where was all your outrage ten days ago?)

How much more accountability is required?

Seriously, firing the guy for this is furthering a standard that will create an impossible climate for anything to ever get done. Once you do that, then every phrase uttered by anyone in a public position (or not, because it doesn't make sense to hold them to a higher standard than we hold ourselves ) that is even somewhat offensive to someone must result in a firing.

And as we've all seen in this age of PC that no matter WHAT is said, someone WILL get offended by it if given the opening to do so. Especially if there's money to be extorted or political points to be scored. Some leadership, eh?) For every legitimate thing that should cause a firing or reprimand, there will be five hundred ridiculous complaints that must also be addressed lest anyone get offended for not having their ridiculous complaint addressed.

We'd become more gridlocked than ever, and the only people who win will be the lawyers who make a living convincing everyone in this country that they're a victim of something or another.

Its asinine and completely counterproductive to everything that was ever considered "the American Way". Poor poor us. Thin skinned to the extreme, waiting for the slightest mistake by anyone so we can cry to the highest heaven we can find how wronged we've been, and then hire some sleazy lawyer to help us cash in on our manufactured misery.

You really want to live in a country like that?


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He was called out for it, and he apologized. The apology was accepted by the chairman of the Special Olympics, which is a pretty good representative of the people who were not offended until Princess Palin got her petticoats in a flutter.

How much more accountability is required?

Seriously, firing the guy for this is setting a standard that will create an impossible climate for anything to ever get done. Once you do that, then every phrase uttered by anyone in a public position (or not, because it doesn't make sense to hold them to a higher standard than we hold ourselves ) that is even somewhat offensive to someone must result in a firing.

And as we've all seen in this age of PC that no matter WHAT is said, someone WILL get offended by it if given the opening to do so. For every legitimate thing that should cause a firing or reprimand, there will be five hundred ridiculous complaints that must also be addressed lest anyoner get offended for not having their ridiculous complaint addressed.

We'd become more gridlocked than ever, and the only people who win will be the lawyers who make a living convincing everyone in this country that they're a victim of something or another.

Its asinine and completely counterproductive to everything that was ever considered "the American Way". Poor poor us. Thin skinned to the extreme, waiting for the slightest mistake by anyone so we can cry to the highest heaven we can find how wronged we've been, and then hire some sleazy lawyer to help us cash in on our manufactured misery.

You really want to live in a country like that?



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Wow. George Allen said, in a closed meeting, that some idea was macaca?

And he got fired the next day?

Wow, now I see the parallels.

Response specific to Bangs statement that we dont want a single phrase to stop things from beiong done.

Not as a relation to Rahm.

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Saying that an idea is retarded is bad.

Saying that someone IS a retard is worse.

Saying that in reference to someone who is actully mentally handicapped is even worse than that.

Saying it at a public campaign venue in front of hundreds of supporters and cameras is even worse than that.

That is what George Allen did. And he wasn't fired from anything. He lost an election.

If Rahm Emmanual had been making a public speech and he referred to Trig Palin as "that little retard" then you might be on to something.

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He said something on the CAMPAIGN and it cost him.

It did not stop him from getting the GOP nomination to run for the seat. He was not barred from the ballot. The voters spoke with their votes. (in a predominantly republican controlled state)

Is there a problem with that?

How would you prefer it to work?


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I love that the conservative right is suddenly in the business of political correctness. From Michael Steele demanding Harry Reid's resignation to Sarah Palin expecting the WHCOS to be fired for something he said in a closed-door strategy session, it's fun to watch the people who formerly railed CONSTANTLY about how PC everything has gotten turn into the PC Gestapo.

There is absolutely nothing offensive about the term "retarded." Nothing.



It's a term that describes a medical affliction. It's used in medical texts, and is the appropriate term for a given condition.

If Rahm had said that the liberal democrats were blind, would you have outrage from visually-impaired people across the nation? If he'd said they were deaf to their constituents' needs, would I as a hearing-impaired person be outraged?

Of course not.

This debate is retarded.

And I'm not apologizing for using that word. Ever. lol

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So because I didnt call for Rush to apologize (though repeatedly called him a blowhard etc) you can summarily excuse what Rahm said?

You know most people would amount what you just said to be a lie. I NEVER...let me say that one more time just in case you didn't get it...NEVER excused what Rahm said...ever. Ever. And the fact that you didn't even call for Rush to apologize shows your hand even further. You're not stupid, you know the influence he carries in the GOP and yet you still won't do it.

Where did you call for Rahm to get fired?

I didn't I said it wasn't a fireable offense, you're the one on the Palin Express calling for accountability. The only problem is that you want to be selective in who you hold accountable and it all has to do with which party they are in, pure and simple.

I'm done beating this dead horse with you keep up the good work Kilmer. :doh:

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I love that the conservative right is suddenly in the business of political correctness. From Michael Steele demanding Harry Reid's resignation to Sarah Palin expecting the WHCOS to be fired for something he said in a closed-door strategy session, it's fun to watch the people who formerly railed CONSTANTLY about how PC everything has gotten turn into the PC Gestapo.

There is absolutely nothing offensive about the term "retarded." Nothing.



It's a term that describes a medical affliction. It's used in medical texts, and is the appropriate term for a given condition.

If Rahm had said that the liberal democrats were blind, would you have outrage from visually-impaired people across the nation? If he'd said they were deaf to their constituents' needs, would I as a hearing-impaired person be outraged?

Of course not.

This debate is retarded.

And I'm not apologizing for using that word. Ever. lol

I'll take my cues from the parents of special needs children. They tell me it's offensive, so I stopped using it out of respect for their feelings.

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