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NYDN : Sarah Palin: Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using "R" word


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You know most people would amount what you just said to be a lie. I NEVER...let me say that one more time just in case you didn't get it...NEVER excused what Rahm said...ever. Ever. And the fact that you didn't even call for Rush to apologize shows your hand even further. You're not stupid, you know the influence he carries in the GOP and yet you still won't do it.

I didn't I said it wasn't a fireable offense, you're the one on the Palin Express calling for accountability. The only problem is that you want to be selective in who you hold accountable and it all has to do with which party they are in, pure and simple.

I'm done beating this dead horse with you keep up the good work Kilmer. :doh:

Youve given dozens of examples of how YOU are selectively chosing where the outrage should apply, and youre now leaving because you think OTHER people are?


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I'll take my cues from the parents of special needs children. They tell me it's offensive, so I stopped using it out of respect for their feelings.

Exactly. I would refer Eerskins to post 188 in this thread.

USS Redskins has said many things I disagree with in the past, but the fact is he's a person, and his post the other day made me take stock of things.

It's simple respect, and everyone here deserves that regardless of politics or opinions.


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I don't know what the ****s are here.

If your employee is throwing around the N-word in the open' date=' you have yourself an EEOC issue there more than anything.[/quote']

And Obama SHOULD have to worry about parents with special needs kids.

The fact that the director of the Special Olympics has now TWICE had to accept apologies from this White House should be an embarrassment for the left.

It also makes me wonder where that persons political affiliations lie and to what extent.

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Youve given dozens of examples of how YOU are selectively chosing where the outrage should apply, and youre now leaving because you think OTHER people are?


DUDE I'm NOT the one who is outraged...that's you. Remember...you said it was an outrage, not me. It really would help in this whole thing if you could remember who the angry one is here. I'm leaving because you are being totally hypocritical in your application of your accountability and where you see outrage, and you either fail to see that at which point I can't help you further, or you're being intentionally obstinate at which point I'll leave you to your continued hackery.

Here's you (inconsistent)

Rahm says and idea is "f------- r-----ed" and that's a national outrage to you.

Rush goes on for minutes continually calling people "r-----" and saying they are having a "r----- summit" and that's not an outrage to you.

Gov Rick Perry (whom Palin is campaigning for) aide calls an idea "r-----ed" (same offense that Rahm made) and that's not an outrage to you.

Only one of which is supposedly worthy of an apology and termination.

Here's me (consistent)

Rahm says and idea is "f------- r-----ed" and he's insensitive and probably a jerk.

Rush goes on for minutes continually calling people "r-----" and saying they are having a "r----- summit" and he's insensitive and probably a jerk.

Gov Rick Perry (whom Palin is campaigning for) aide calls an idea "r-----ed" (same offense that Rahm made) and he's insensitive and probably a jerk.

All of which are worthy of a sincere apology, but none of which are grounds for termination.

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And Obama SHOULD have to worry about parents with special needs kids.

The fact that the director of the Special Olympics has now TWICE had to accept apologies from this White House should be an embarrassment for the left.

It also makes me wonder where that persons political affiliations lie and to what extent.

Agreed. I would say these are both embarrassing situations. The thing is.. will they learn from it?

Are we a zero-tolerance society? In some areas we are. In others not so much. But they should take this into account of what you've just said. I'm always of the thought that zero-tolerance on some issues can be a good idea in theory, but often ends up as "zero thought" when it comes to practice. (See today's thread about the kid with the Lego gun in school.)

Except the last sentence.. are you talking about the agent you fired? If so, what do his politics have to do with his work ability?


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Would you fire an employee that said this in a meeting with you?"

And I absolutely would fire that person, as I would anyone who dropped the N word, if it was used in that context.

I call B.S.

I am sorry, but your mock outrage quotient is through the roof... you are basically in William Shatner acting territory...

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Exactly. I would refer Eerskins to post 188 in this thread.

USS Redskins has said many things I disagree with in the past, but the fact is he's a person, and his post the other day made me take stock of things.

It's simple respect, and everyone here, regardless of politics deserves that.


I read the entire thread, including post 188. And I'm sorry if someone gets offended by the use of a word that is a legitimate term of art for a specific ailment, even when that word is used to describe something that the speaker is basically denouncing.

The words themselves mean nothing at all. It's the way in which we choose to let them affect us that has meaning.

I have a special needs family member. The use of the word "retarded" doesn't mean someone's insulting him, or downgrading him. Only when I choose to interpret the use of that word as an insult does it become insulting to anyone. Why should it be seen as a derogatory word, any more so than the word "handicapped" is? The only people actually insulted by the use of this word (in a manner that is totally unrelated to them individually) aren't the actual people afflicted by the condition- it's the people around them who feel some sort of slight. And pretending like it's a big deal because you have to protect the handicapped person from the harmful word is more derogatory and less respectful of the actual person than what the original speaker said in the first place.

Again, if Emanuel had said that the Democrats were deaf to their constituents, I, as a hearing-impaired (i.e. deaf- though not completely) American wouldn't demand his resignation. I wouldn't ask people around me to stop using the term "deaf". I wouldn't (and don't) take offense to anyone saying, "What are you, deaf?" when I don't hear them.

I say, "Yeah, I am a little." Then, because they were specifically speaking to me, they can apologize if they want. But I really don't care if they do. Know why? BECAUSE I'M DEAF.

A term of art to describe an ailment and then used in the course of everyday conversation to describe something else altogether isn't something that is offensive. At all.

Unless you want it to be.

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I read the entire thread, including post 188. And I'm sorry if someone gets offended by the use of a word that is a legitimate term of art for a specific ailment, even when that word is used to describe something that the speaker is basically denouncing.

The words themselves mean nothing at all. It's the way in which we choose to let them affect us that has meaning.

I have a special needs family member. The use of the word "retarded" doesn't mean someone's insulting him, or downgrading him. Only when I choose to interpret the use of that word as an insult does it become insulting to anyone. Why should it be seen as a derogatory word, any more so than the word "handicapped" is? The only people actually insulted by the use of this word (in a manner that is totally unrelated to them individually) aren't the actual people afflicted by the condition- it's the people around them who feel some sort of slight. And pretending like it's a big deal because you have to protect the handicapped person from the harmful word is more derogatory and less respectful of the actual person than what the original speaker said in the first place.

Again, if Emanuel had said that the Democrats were deaf to their constituents, I, as a hearing-impaired (i.e. deaf- though not completely) American wouldn't demand his resignation. I wouldn't ask people around me to stop using the term "deaf". I wouldn't (and don't) take offense to anyone saying, "What are you, deaf?" when I don't hear them.

I say, "Yeah, I am a little." Then, because they were specifically speaking to me, they can apologize if they want. But I really don't care if they do. Know why? BECAUSE I'M DEAF.

A term of art to describe an ailment and then used in the course of everyday conversation to describe something else altogether isn't something that is offensive. At all.

Unless you want it to be.

That's fine, and I understand that. However, we've got a regular here who says that he is bothered by it due to his son's Down's Syndrome. I think that if that is known, it's just simple respect for him and his family.

We all self-censor in some form for a lot of reasons. And I think if someone makes a point of telling us why he's legitimately bothered, it is the decent thing to do to try to respect that.

Not everyone is offended or bothered by the same things. And while I don't think it would be a good thing to try and accommodate everyone's personal bothers, in a case like this I don't have a problem with watching my language. It's not too much to ask, in other words.


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Why don't you just make:

"I am rubber you are glue..."

your signature, and save yourself alot of useless typing.

Try this:

I'll say "I bet youve never ever said a bad word about a Democrat."

Then you'll say "Sure I have"

Then I'll say "I call BS"

It's an absurd set up.

If you dont want to believe me. Okay. Outside of actually firing someone for exactly that, then having that person come here, and prove that I fired them, theres no way for me to prove it.

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Its funny because Palin is now doing what some in this thread won't, although it should be noted that she again used a staffer, and this time the comment was sent via email, and it doesn't call for Rush to be fired or canceled.


Palin believes Limbaugh’s repeated use of the word “retard” yesterday was “crude and demeaning,” her spokesperson emails.

In the wake of Palin’s demand that Rahm Emanuel be fired for calling a bunch of liberal activists “f–king retards,” a bunch of people have been asking how she’d react to Limbaugh’s tirade on the air yesterday.

“Our political correct society is acting like some giant insult’s taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards,” Rush said, adding that Rahm’s meeting yesterday with advocates for the mentally handicapped was a “retard summit at the White House.”

I asked Palin spokesperson Meghan Stapleton for comment on Rush’s rant, and she emailed me this:

“Governor Palin believes crude and demeaning name calling at the expense of others is disrespectful.”

It hardly has the passion of her response to Rahm, and there’s no call for him to step down. But given Rush’s stature among conservatives, it’s pretty interesting that she went this far, denouncing his on-air rant as “crude and demeaning name-calling.”

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Try this:

I'll say "I bet youve never ever said a bad word about a Democrat."

Then you'll say "Sure I have"

Then I'll say "I call BS"

It's an absurd set up.

If you dont want to believe me. Okay. Outside of actually firing someone for exactly that, then having that person come here, and prove that I fired them, theres no way for me to prove it.

I call BS because the preponderance of evidence that i have accumulated by following your mock outrage on numerous "here is an example of lefty hypocracy" threads.

You are basically the guy with 50 separate whiplash claims in 49 different court districts... your individual cries of outrage lose some of their poetry when they are stacked together into a single animated gif:


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I call BS because the preponderance of evidence that i have accumulated by following your mock outrage on numerous "here is an example of lefty hypocracy" threads.

You are basically the guy with 50 seperate whiplash claims in 49 different court districts... your individual cries of outrage lose some of their poetry when they are stacked together into a single animated gif:


Id lose my amunition if the left quit being so hypocritical.

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Its funny because Palin is now doing what some in this thread won't, although it should be noted that she again used a staffer, and this time the comment was sent via email, and it doesn't call for Rush to be fired or canceled.


Well, that is a plus in her favor. Consistency is a good thing.

I wonder if Rush will listen, or make her kiss the ring.


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Well, that is a plus in her favor. Consistency is a good thing.

I wonder if Rush will listen, or make her kiss the ring.


The tone of the two responses is quite telling. With Rahm, she calls him out by name numerous times, and calls his statement a "slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them." She also calls on him to resign or be fired.

Yet when Rush does much worse (repeated use of the word), she only goes through a spokeperson who doesn't mention Rush by name at all, and doesn't call for his resignation. Just a general statement (which could apply to anyone) that "crude and demeaning name calling at the expense of others is disrespectful."

What a double standard.

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Well, that is a plus in her favor. Consistency is a good thing.

I wonder if Rush will listen, or make her kiss the ring.


This will never be mentioned on her show and never mentioned on Free Republic, Michelle Malkin's site, and the like. This is cover so two years from now when this is brought up, she can pull out a statement that she did criticize Limbaugh.

She is really really good at this game.

I thought she was a farce a year ago. I still do. But I'm also kind of in awe of her.

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The tone of the two responses is quite telling. With Rahm, she calls him out by name numerous times, and calls his statement a "slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them." She also calls on him to resign or be fired.

Yet when Rush does much worse (repeated use of the word), she only goes through a spokeperson who doesn't mention Rush by name at all, and doesn't call for his resignation. Just a general statement (which could apply to anyone) that "crude and demeaning name calling at the expense of others is disrespectful."

What a double standard.

Interesting. This and LKB's post will have me watching to see.

Not doubting you guys, it's something I didn't even notice. Maybe that is the kissing of the ring I mentioned.

I'm sure she knows that a word from Rush will destroy her base.


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I'm sure she knows that a word from Rush will destroy her base.

I will be fascinated by how the Sarah/Rush dynamic will pan out. Rush - at his heart of hearts - is not a socon. He gives lip service to all the issues that the socons care about. And he constantly reminds them how they are the third leg of the three-leg conservative stool. But he is not a social conservative in either lifestyle or policy.

He didn't endorse anyone in the primary prior to 2008, but if you listened to him, it was obvious he was behind Romney - especially after everyone realized that Fred Thompson was 125.

Romney is distrusted by so-cons (he's a Mormon!!) and hated by the small-government types (Romenycare!).

Rush may sense which way the wind is blowing, but what Palin represents is NOT his version of conservatism.

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Its funny because Palin is now doing what some in this thread won't, although it should be noted that she again used a staffer, and this time the comment was sent via email, and it doesn't call for Rush to be fired or canceled.


Rush = stupid radio host making stupid comments...:bfd:

Rahm = WhiteHouse Chief of Staff = big deal

I dont see how you guys cant see this...

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Rush = stupid radio host making stupid comments...:bfd:

Rahm = WhiteHouse Chief of Staff = big deal

I dont see how you guys cant see this...

Rush = deliberately making insulting comments about "retards" on airwaves to millions of people

Rahm = calling an idea "effing retarded" in a private meeting

I don't see how you guys can't see this. :silly:

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