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Report: Sarah Palin to join Fox News as contributor


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she will keep herself in the limelight and that is all she really wants anyway.

For some reason I always assumed that she would be interested in running for office. I was thinking that she would try to run for office and end up marginalizing people who think that there is actually some kind of a platform behind her populist rhetoric or don't care if there is one. That would have been a good thing. I'm sorry to all the well-meaning Sarah Palin supporters, but come on now, do you really, REALLY think she is qualified to hold public office? How can you possibly think that? Is it that you identify with her? Do you think God will help her be competent? Do you consider Wasilla (pop 5000) mayorship to be executive experience? How in the world does it make sense in your head?

I do have one possible explanation. I have a friend who is a screamer whenever he has some drinks and starts talking politics. Judging by his positions he's been Glen Becking. He says that Obama is like Hitler and Stalin at the same time. He says that Pelosi and Reid are Pure Evil. (I was curious and asked about Henry Waxman, he said: who's that?) He says that there will not be a single Democrat left in Congress after 2010. He is not an energetic supporter of Sarah Palin, but his response was something like: yeah, whatever, as long as she's not THEM. Now, I can understand how she becomes a viable candidate in this crazy misinformed indiscriminant anger. I am having a hard time understanding how calm and well-meaning people would arrive to the same conclusion.

Anyways, at least now she'll take full advantage of her BS in communications with a focus on journalism.

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He's not going to do anything live and unscripted. He is going to do carefully edited specials, and they are going to make him look fifty times more thoughtful and reasonable than he really is.

nice of you to say that about Obama...

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My goodness, I don't think there's anyone else that the liberals love to bash more.

Rove or Cheney maybe..any one of them seem to set them gibbering.:evilg:

Reagan used to set em off pretty well too.

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Is this competition for Stewart and Colbert?

If you mean "are they going to by trying to create a satire of a news show?", I think the answer is a resounding No.

If you mean "will the people who watch Stewart and Colbert will tune into The Palin Show in search of comedy"? I could see some people watching both shows.

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Wow who would have thought liberal men(?) would be as catty about an attractive female as some insecure chicks? :D

Yes it is still fair and balanced, just because the liberal outlets pretend to be even when their lies oops mistakes in reporting are brought to light and still don't own up to them doesn't mean every one else follow their mantra of reporting only the news fit to push their agenda.

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says he who voted for Biden as VP:doh:

Biden >>>>> Palin in both the brains and delivery departments. If you think that's impossible because Joe is Joe, then you're overestimating Palin mightily. It's not even particularly close.

I don't even think she's any kind of hot either, so it's lose-lose.

Agreed. I don't know who all these people are who think Palin's hot, but I can guarantee you that most of them think Jay Leno is hilarious too.

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Wow who would have thought liberal men(?) would be as catty about an attractive female as some insecure chicks? :D

Yes it is still fair and balanced, just because the liberal outlets pretend to be even when their lies oops mistakes in reporting are brought to light and still don't own up to them doesn't mean every one else follow their mantra of reporting only the news fit to push their agenda.


Fox and Friends then Glenn Beck then Sean Hannity then Bill O'Reilly then Mike Huckabee then Greta Van Susterin then Sarah Palin then Brit Hume, all tied together with the unifying voice of Roger Ailes. Scott McClellan wrote a whole book about how he was involved in the delivery of Bush Administration talking points, delivered fresh to Fox News every single day to they could stay on message.

That's a nice balance. ;)

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Sarah Palin joining Fox News is hardly surprising, and I believe that this was predicted by more than one person on this board back when Sarah Palin walked off the job in Alaska. I just think it is funny because she's going to be the "gotcha media" that she said she hates so much. But at least this gets her out of the Presidential talk, which is actually kinda sad because I'd have loved to see Obama clean her electoral clock in 2012.

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Rove or Cheney maybe..any one of them seem to set them gibbering.:evilg:

Reagan used to set em off pretty well too.

I might disdain "Rovian politics," but at least Rove is a brilliant man. I actually liked the pre-9/11 Cheney. He was smart, articulate, and pragmatic. I think 9/11 changed Cheney for the worse. I really like Reagan the man and the President.

Palin isn't in the same league as those guys. She's an intellectual lightweight who would be a miserable failure in life if it weren't for her looks. How did conservatives go from following the likes of William F. Buckley and George Will to tuning into morons like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin? Conservatism truly has been taken over by anti-intellectuals.

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Palin isn't in the same league as those guys. She's an intellectual lightweight who would be a miserable failure in life if it weren't for her looks. How did conservatives go from following the likes of William F. Buckley and George Will to tuning into morons like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin? Conservatism truly has been taken over by anti-intellectuals.

What did Will and Buckley do but espouse conservatism ?

What great deeds did they do or high office hold?

You are correct that she plays a different game altogether and actually gets her hands dirty,while 'intellectuals' piss and moan and dismiss talent as simple eye candy.

Pettiness does not become you.:evilg:

“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected.”

-G. K. Chesterton


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Definitely sounds like a knee jerk reaction to a perception of her.

Everyone says she doesn't know what she's talking about, she not filled in.

FOX.news marketing rep has an idea and they go to work on her to fix that.

She believes them into thinking if she puts her ideas on the air they can't say she doesn't know.

She hasn't been watching O'Reilly,Beck,Hannity....

She will remove the fact that she doesn't know.

She will affirm the fact that the left doesn't want her.

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