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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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last night Stephen Colbert offered a one million dollar donation from his Super Pac to the charity of Trump's choice if he gets to dip his balls in Trump's mouth.


Obama had a good line on Leno last night when asked about Trump. "This all started when we were growing up together in Kenya.... He wasn't that good at soccer and so he resented me. I thought this would stop when I finally moved to America." Classic.

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So, so far today, Trump has made an ass of himself with this moronic request, Ann Coulter has called Obama the "r" word, and now Palin has accused Obama of "shuckin and jivin." You can't make this up.

Mitt probably wants to defect.

Seriously? You really need to let me get back to work. :pfft:

She's pretty dumb. But it's not the first time that schtick has been used. :ols:


As Politico points out, this isn't the first time the phrase has come up and inspired controversy. Several years ago, Andrew Cuomo, then New York's Attorney General, used the expression while campaigning for Hillary Rodham Clinton. "You can't shuck and jive at a press conference," Cuomo said. "All those moves you can make with the press don't work when you're in someone's living room."
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Donald Trump fired from management of Trump Place

Donald Trump was in the news Wednesday for his $5 million offer to charity for President Obama to release his school records. The offer, hyped as a 'bombshell' that would reshape the election in two weeks, failed to live up to the hype.

The announcement has, however, managed to help Donald Trump avoid an embarrassing news cycle of his own.

The renowned real estate mogul and "Birther" conspiracy theorist is a vocal and active surrogate for the Mitt Romney campaign. Trump has found ways to stay in the headlines, whether it's controversy over his reality television program or his potential run at the Republican nomination.

Trump's announcement today appears to be an attempt to tamp down coverage of the Trump Organization being fired on Tuesday as the management company for Trump Place.

Effective Nov. 1, AKAM Living Services will take over the management duties of Trump Place. The upscale New York City condominium felt it was time to make a change. Condominium board members said they had given the Trump Organization several years to improve their service. The service did not improve to the board's satisfaction.

The Trump Organization claimed they were unaware of the change in management companies. The board notified Trump that his services would no longer be necessary last week. It was not long after when Trump began spreading word of his 'major announcement'.

Click on the link for the full article

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I saw that PCS, and was really drawn to this part, and particularly the highlighted phrases:

And his Twitter stream, always a torrent of thought diarrhea, has, since Sandy wreaked her havoc, become especially absurdist. The day after one of the most disastrous events in New York City history, Trump has been busy bragging that “people are having a great time in the Trump Tower atrium” and that ”I am the best builder but if that were my building with the crane mishap, I would have been lambasted from coast to coast.”

More significantly, though, for Trump, Sandy is problematic because clearly it’s just one big sympathy ploy from Obama. “Hurricane is good luck for Obama again – he will buy the election by handing out billions of dollars. Not only giving out money, but Obama will be seen today standing in water and rain like he is a real president —don’t fall for it.” Yes, neonatal care babies being evacuated in the midst of a storm — what a windfall for the president.

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By the way, I don't consider Trump to be a real birther. I don't think he could even begin to articulate the birther line, which has evolved so far beyond "Born in Kenya" as to be unrecognizable.

There are two fascinating Orly case out there right now. One in Indiana and one in Mississippi. I don't want to go into too much detail until a judge makes a decision, but Orly is overly excited about the Indiana case and is not terrified enough about the Mississippi case.

There is also a remarkable Orly case in California where she filed in state court and then attempted to remove the case to federal court - which plaintiffs are not allowed to do. She practices law like Lindsey Lohan drives.

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Ok...Now an update on Orly Taitz' horrible no good really bad day.

1. Case one: Taitz v. Obama in California state court. She had a hearing yesteday in a case where she was attempting to get Obama's Occidental College application. She lost. And was sanctioned $4000. She is ordered to pay the sanction directly to Occidental.

2. Case two: case against the Indiana Board of Elections. This case was bizarre. Orly is both a plaintiff (even though she does not live in Indiana and thus has no standing) and an attorney (even though she has not met the requirements to be admitted pro hac vice). The Board of Elections dismissed her complaint and she appealed. She found a judge who I think was a little lazy. The judge let her have a "trial" where every piece of evidence was ruled inadmissable. Still, the judge seemed a little shaky, based on the fact that she held a trial prior to ruling on a Motion to Dismiss. The whole case was backwards. Yesterday, the judge ruled in favor of the motion to dismiss and vacated the trial, thus completely wasting three hours of the court's time and the attorney's (who were also plaintiffs despite having immunity) time.

3. Mississippi. Orly walked into a bear trap in Mississippi and can't get out of it. She pulled her usual antics there and the state actually decided to go after her and brought in a ringer to do it. Attorney Scott Tepper has been following Orly closely and knows everything she has done in every state. He filed a remarkable brief this week in prepration of requesting sanctions and having her declared a vexatious litigant. The court is trying to schedule a hearing and Orly is playing a "The dog ate my homework" game to avoid having to go there. She actually seems to understand how much trouble she is about to get into. This is fun because I'm sure she thought Mississippi would be sympathetic to her cause. Weirdly enough, she keeps getting the most pushback in the reddest states. She was sanctioned $20K in Georiga. Barely escaped Sanctions in Kansas. Got run out of court in record time in Alabama. And may end up paying through the nose in Mississippi.

4. Taitz v. Liberi. This case is the Siege of Richmond of the Birther civil war. Phil Berg is the original Birther. Orly stole most of his work early on. He is suing Orly and a million other people for something in about a dozen different jurisdictions. His damages are actually $1 Trillion. I honestly have no idea what the real issue in this case is now. Apparently neither do the parties. They had a status conference this week and the judge finally said enough. Berg is clearly in the wrong here, and the judge is probably going to just dimiss the case. However, Orly's behavior has been atrocious. I suspect both Orly and Berg are going to get sanctioned.

A judge actually wrote this:

This case has wasted huge amounts of time, but very little time has been focused on the substance of the actual dispute at issue.Instead, both sides have expended incredible amounts of time calling each other namesand fighting over peripheral issues

At the hearing, the name calling continued. The oft-repeated charge that one of the plaintiffs is a felon was again raised, apparently implying that felons should not be allowed to bring civil lawsuits in our courts. It was reported that Attorney Taitz is subject to disciplinary proceedings in the Ninth Circuit for alleged misrepresentations concerning Attorney Berg’s disciplinary status. It has also been reported that Attorney Berg and Attorney Colen have been or are involved in disciplinary actions, and the latter confessed to “anger management” issues."

At the hearing, withwhatever documents Berg chose to bring to a hearing to review status – presumably including his briefing on the subject – Attorney Berg was unable to identify the remaining plaintiffs and defendants in this case. This is an extraordinary failing, particularly at a hearing where the parties were to discuss status. This is yet another example of Attorney Berg’s failure to follow the letter and spirit of this Court’s Orders and the Local Rules of this Court.

As the hearing came to an end on a very busy law and motion day with many attorneys in the Court on many other matters, Attorney Taitz said that she wished to speak. In the past, this has resulted in extensive speeches attacking a variety of people and not focusing on the matters at hand or the substance of this dispute.

Before allowing Attorney Taitz to take time away from the many other pressing matters before the Court, the Court simply asked that she begin by stating what action she was seeking from the Court. Since Attorney Taitz has sought and obtained a stay of actions against her, the Court believes that she should be limited in seeking actions against others while the stay is in effect. Despite receiving multiple opportunities to simply begin by stating what she was seeking, Attorney Taitz was unable to do so and then acted extremely unprofessionally in this Court of the United States of America by rolling her eyes and exhibiting gestures of contempt.

The Court is now considering what action it should take so that the limited resources of this Court – and taxpayer dollars – might not be further wasted in this case. Possibilities include a published opinion outlining all the misconduct that has occurred, ordersprohibiting certain attorneys from further representation in this matter, and dismissals of claims.

5. This week, she also had her attempts to consolidate three of her federal cases into one case fail. And she is back in front of Judge Carter in Orange Couny for something like the fourth time in another case. She does not want to deal with Judge Carter again. Also, the election is in five days.

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The fourth one is hilarious.

It reminded me of something written by A.P. Herbert, "an English humorist, novelist, playwright and law reform activist". He wrote about imaginary stupid cases for Punch magazine and published a collection of 66 called 'Uncommon Law'. Many read like the example that you quoted. Much like the Onion articles, his imaginary cases are sometimes quoted as being real. Such as: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Inland_Revenue_v_Haddock

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I just took a gander at a birther court case scorecard I sometimes refer to and there is nothing out there. If Obama wins, you will likely see a flurry of cases where litigants try to stay the certification, but I think that we are just about done with the legal aspect of birtherism. That has always been the part that most interests me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's a few days late..but...


Judge Blocks Birther Lawsuit In Vermont

The Huffington Post | By John Celock

Posted: 11/16/2012

A Vermont state judge has blocked a birther lawsuit to disqualify President Barack Obama from the state's ballot, while birther queen Orly Taitz claims a "superhuman effort" in the birther movement.

Vermont Superior Court Judge Robert Bent ruled Wednesday that H. Brooke Paige's suit to remove Obama from Vermont's presidential ballot in last week's election was invalid since Paige filed the suit in state court and not federal court, the Burlington Free Press reports. Paige, who unsuccessfully sought a U.S. Senate seat this year, claimed that Obama was not a citizen since neither of his parents were citizens.


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It's a few days late..but...


Judge Blocks Birther Lawsuit In Vermont

The Huffington Post | By John Celock

Posted: 11/16/2012

A Vermont state judge has blocked a birther lawsuit to disqualify President Barack Obama from the state's ballot, while birther queen Orly Taitz claims a "superhuman effort" in the birther movement.

Vermont Superior Court Judge Robert Bent ruled Wednesday that H. Brooke Paige's suit to remove Obama from Vermont's presidential ballot in last week's election was invalid since Paige filed the suit in state court and not federal court, the Burlington Free Press reports. Paige, who unsuccessfully sought a U.S. Senate seat this year, claimed that Obama was not a citizen since neither of his parents were citizens.


I believe that case was actually the last gasp of Mario Apuzzo and didn't have anything to do with Orly.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ok...Now an update on Orly Taitz' horrible no good really bad day.

1. Case one: Taitz v. Obama in California state court. She had a hearing yesteday in a case where she was attempting to get Obama's Occidental College application. She lost. And was sanctioned $4000. She is ordered to pay the sanction directly to Occidental.

Not a new development' date=' but a new detail:

According to Occidental College’s student news site, The Occidental Weekly, in response to a folder presented by Taitz, the presiding judge, Judge Marginis commented “you should know that evidence is not stuff printed from the internet.”


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The entire Occidental Weekly story in the quote is well worth a read. Loved the last few paragraphs:

“You should know that evidence is not stuff printed from the internet,” Margines said, responding to Taitz’s continued argument after he made the decision to quash the subpoena and award $4,000 in sanctions to Occidental College.

“He let Ms. Taitz have her say in court and then he ruled appropriately,” Botterud said. “It’s always good to find a judge that follows the law and does the right thing.”

Taitz had a different point of view. “The judge did not give a damn about this country,” she wrote on her blog in response to the ruling. “Sadly he is not any different from all the other judges. I am yet to see one single judge who gives a damn about this nation. I feel like I am in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.”

On a radio podcast he went on after the case, attorney Jay Ritt, a friend of Botterud’s who was brought on to assist Occidental defend its position, commented on Taitz’s legal skills.

“I would like to take credit for a spectacular job preparing papers and going down to the Orange County Superior Court and arguing this case and getting sanctions, but I honestly believe a rhesus monkey could have beaten Ms. Taitz and got a sanction award based on the awful lack of merit to the subpoena itself,” Ritt said. “And the case itself, from what I could tell, seems just ludicrous on its face.”

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