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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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  • 1 month later...



"Queen of the Birthers" Orly Taitz is having an interesting week. Taitz, the lawyer, dentist, real estate agent and self-appointed leader of the birther brigade, has been threatened with possible punishment from a federal judge, who accused her of lying in his courtroom about the extent of her legal troubles. Meanwhile, Taitz also announced this week that she and her followers can arrest Barack Obama for electoral fraud — but only in Connecticut. (Seriously.)
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  • 1 month later...

At this point, I'm more interested in the many Birther Civil Wars than in the actual Birther movement.

This FreeRepublic thread on Ted Cruz' eligibility is over 1000 posts now.


By the way, that thread should have one post: "Yes, he is eligible." But Birthers have all kinds of theories. My favorite is the idea that Cuba is a US protectorate and therefore all Cubans are Natural Born Citizens of the US. So, the people who have been complaining that Bin Laden could have had a child born in America and that child would eventually be eligible to become president are now declaring the Castro Brothers to be Natural Born.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Brooklyn judge slams birther lawsuit as 'fanciful, delusional and irrational' and orders theorist to pay $177G

Judge Arthur Schack wrote that if the case brought by Christopher Earl Struck claiming President Barack Obama was not truly born in Hawaii were a movie script it would be entitled 'The Manchurian Candidate Meets The Da VInci Code.'

A birther's lawsuit was born of a crackpot theory.

That’s what an irritated Brooklyn judge said in slapping a preeminent conspiracy theorist with a hefty bill for filing “a frivolous” suit and wasting the court’s time.

Christopher Earl Strunk sought to have President Obama disqualified as a candidate. The author of some 20 other lawsuits — most of which have been dismissed — Strunk was ordered to pay $167,707 in attorney fees plus a $10,000 sanction for the 2011 lawsuit that named Obama, New York’s Board of Elections and a list of others as defendants.


What a birther may look like

Click on the link for the full article

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I have a question for those who follow this closely:

Does Taitz honestly believe in her delusional cause? Or is this just a hustle for her to get fame, money, whatever?

My guess is that a) she passionately believes in the cause even if B) at some level she knows it isn't true. Her identity is so wrapped up in this that I don't think she spends any time evaluating the plausibility of these ****amamie theories.

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Christopher Earl Strunk prefers to go by the name Christopher-Earl: Strunk. The extra punctuation ensures that the government has no power over him. He is a "sovereign citizen" conspiracy nut, which is a truly special breed of stupid that has :pooh: ed up our court system for years. Several of the weirdos who have gone off the rails in recent years and started shooting people or buying explosives have been sovereign citizens.

Strunk likes to file legal documents that say things like this:

not a corporation; [but a] Living-Soul; Son-of-the-Most-High-God-Yaweh in existence nunc pro tunc the moment of Creation; Joint-Heir-With-His-Son Made Debt-Free with the Yashua; Payment (consideration) of His Blood; I Stand in the Kingdom of the Most-High-God Yaweh; Under reserve, without dishonor, without prejudice, without recourse in good faith, no dolus.


Any attorney, district attorney, or anyone from the lawyering craft are all third parties and do not have a license to make a legal determination in this matter as they do not represent Me and you, the county clerk, and do not have the authority to represent Me.


That based upon information and belief Barack Obama is the asset of the Pilgrim Society (2), Le Cercle (3), 1001 Club (4), Commercial Club of Chicago (5), Sovereign Military Order of Malta (6), Council for National Policy (7), whose powerful membership overlaps with the directorships in various think tanks, mainstream media, financial institutions, law firms, corporations, and far more secret societies hardly worth mentioning; that all covertly support the Usurper to complete the European Union -EU (Fourth Reich), as directed by Fr. Peter-Hans Kovenbach, S.J. to dissolve all Eurasian national secular borders, and form the Mediterranean Union, as King Juan Carlos of Jerusalem's crown jewel, at the hilt of the neo Babylonian Caliphate scimitar Arc of Crisis swath from Thailand to Morocco, hewn by their crown prince SOEBARKAH .:. Obama fealty "There is no other God than Allahf' (B) allegiance to the Opus Dei- Muslim Brotherhood - GULEN I EU Utopian Islamic Fascist Alliance (UIFA) to transform United States national sovereignty by plundering our youth by war and U.S. Taxpayer $43 trillion Dollars wealth by theft.

Nice to see him get a slap from the court (but he doesn't have any money so he can't pay the sanction).

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Yea, Strunk is really just a birther by the fact that he believes in every conspiracy theory. The case was his own brand of crazy that was built around the idea that Obama AND McCain were placed on the 2008 ballot via some Jesuit conspiracy being run out of the Vatican. (In all honesty, I've not read his pleadings as they don't really interest me).

Sovereign citizens are extremely dangerous. A number of highway patrolmen have been shot in the face by them in recent years after asking why they being handed "Kingdom of Heaven" drivers' licenses.

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  • 4 months later...

The Donald is back at it. You have to give him credit, he's still beating the drum on his issue about Obama's birth certificate. He wants to get to the bottom of this. 


Donald Trump Beats The Birther Drum Again: 'Was There A Birth Certificate?' (VIDEO)

Give Donald Trump points for persistence -- if not for anything else.

On ABC's "This Week" Sunday morning, Trump insisted yet again that the issue of Barack Obama's birth certificate is up for debate, telling Jonathan Karl:

Was there a birth certificate? You tell me. Some people say that was not his birth certificate. I’m saying I don’t know. Nobody knows.



Click the link and yes, there is video of him asking this on This Week. 

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The Donald is back at it. You have to give him credit, he's still beating the drum on his issue about Obama's birth certificate. He wants to get to the bottom of this. 



Donald Trump Beats The Birther Drum Again: 'Was There A Birth Certificate?' (VIDEO)

Give Donald Trump points for persistence -- if not for anything else.

On ABC's "This Week" Sunday morning, Trump insisted yet again that the issue of Barack Obama's birth certificate is up for debate, telling Jonathan Karl:

Was there a birth certificate? You tell me. Some people say that was not his birth certificate. I’m saying I don’t know. Nobody knows.



Click the link and yes, there is video of him asking this on This Week. 

We were watching, and yes, laughing heartily.  I actually missed my plate of pancakes, and syrup landed in my eggs(yuck, it should've landed on the sausage)...that man can ruin a decent breakfast. :angry:

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Oh more birther news. Where is LKB and Predicto at when you need em.


VIDEO: Congressman Embraces Birtherism, Says We ‘Should Have Looked Into’ Obama’s Birth Certificate

LULING, Texas — Birthers have found another sympathetic ear in Congress: Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX).

During a town hall on Saturday, a constituent, Lesley Lawson, asked Farenthold to review documents she had from Maricopa County (AZ) Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s birther investigation squad. “I’ll certainly take a look at it,” Farenthold agreed, but lamented that “unfortunately the horse is already out of the barn on this.” Farenthold expressed his support for the overall birther theory though, telling Lawson that prior congresses “should have looked into this and they didn’t.”

LAWSON: Will you review this and then get back to me and let me know if you will support Steve Stockman of Texas, Ted Yoho of Florida, and Representative Barletta of Pennsylvania, because they are all supporting this effort to determine the truth behind the fraudulent birth certificate of Barack Obama. This affidavit is from Mike Zullo and it tells you everything about that birth certificate.

FARENTHOLD: I’ll certainly take a look at it. I’ll tell you, on the whole birth certificate issue, I think unfortunately the horse is already out of the barn on this, the whole birth certificate issue.The original Congress when his eligibility came up should have looked into this and they didn’t. I’m not sure how we fix it. But I’ll take a look at what you’ve got.


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Eh, I wouldn't put Farenthold in the birther category, at least not from evidence in that clip.  He took the lady's packet, said he'd look it over, handed it off to an aide like a hot potato, and, as gently he could, suggested it was a dead issue.  Spineless, maybe, for not more forcefully rejecting the whole issue, but birther? Naw.


BTW, I liked how the older couple got up and left as soon as the lady mentioned "birth certificate."

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Eh, I wouldn't put Farenthold in the birther category, at least not from evidence in that clip.  He took the lady's packet, said he'd look it over, handed it off to an aide like a hot potato, and, as gently he could, suggested it was a dead issue.  Spineless, maybe, for not more forcefully rejecting the whole issue, but birther? Naw.


BTW, I liked how the older couple got up and left as soon as the lady mentioned "birth certificate."


That is the preferred method of blowing off the birthers without aggravating them.  It was pioneered by Chief Justice John Roberts, who was confronted by Orly Taitz at a public meeting and instead of arguing with her, had his clerk take her papers for "later review."

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