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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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Trump is a shameless clod, but he's also a savvy media whore. See what he's done? People are dredging up all these scenarios as they speculate what this "Big Announcement" might be. So, two weeks before the election, all these rumors and innuendo about Obama are being generated by this speculation. Even if Ferrett-Head decides not to go on Fox News with his super, huge, blockbuster, game-changing, fabulous, gold-plated announcement, he's managed to indirectly dredge up mud. He's a sleaze bag... a fabulous, top-notch, gold-plated sleaze bag.

Yep. Stir the :pooh: splash it around... doesn't matter if its true... play into the unspoken fears and prejudices of the average stupid voter...

<thoughts> maybe he's gay... maybe he's a drug addict... black people and gay people seem to have a lot of drug problems don't they.... maybe he really is a Muslim... I heard he took the oath of office on a Koran... He was educated in a madrassa, right... Have you seen that picture of him in an African turban - why would he do that if he was a real American.... what is it about that birth certificate anyway.... where there's smoke there's fire..... I heard he go kicked out of the Illinois Bar, I'm not sure why.... Was his mom a slut - are those naked pictures really her - they might be.... I heard Bill Ayers really wrote his autobiography - yeah that guy who killed our policemen in the 60s and got away with it.... Didn't he hire a bunch of New Black Panthers to work in the White House.... is he really going to let the United Nations take away my guns.... I heard Michelle spent over a billion dollars on a vacation to India using my tax dollars... her shoes cost over $500 dollars... she wants to ban fast food... How did Obama get to go to Harvard when I didn't, I heard it was affirmative action.... <end thoughts>

"For some reason, I'm just not comfortable with Obama. He doesn't seem to understand the concerns of real Americans."

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so shocking that his "major" announcement turned out to be nothing.

I'm suddenly reminded of someone's line, I can't remember who, from that comedy central roast : "Donald Trump is such an egomaniac, when he's having sex with a woman he closes his eyes and imagines himself masturbating"

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Trump Announces He's A Very Sad Man

NEW YORK—In a blockbuster announcement today, Donald Trump announced that he is a very sad man who has nothing to live for other than drawing attention to himself. "I'm a sad, pathetic human being and a complete waste of life," said Trump, adding that he lives an empty existence, and that he is nothing more than a corporate shill, as well as a failed husband, father, and human being. "I am the piece of **** you stepped in on your way to work. I am the vomit that hurls out of your mouth when you are sick. I want to kill myself very badly. Thank you." Trump then slit his throat from ear to ear.

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Step right up folks! See the amazing Buffoono!

He talks loud!

He glares!

He waves his hands!

He has hair from his butt piled on top of his head!

Youse will mah-vel at his incredible offa!

Youse will be amazed as he uses the twitta!

Youse will be mystified by his chahms and pop...ularity..

Yes, yes! He's the wonda of the ages!

Step right up!


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On the Trump tangent...

What a scumbag...if ya have 5 mil to give, *******, give it to the charity of YOUR choice....using such a device to further your own sick-minded nonsense is despicable.....I can't say what I wish for you because it's illegal and against forum rules :)

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You guys don't get it. When Obama ignores this stupidity, Trump will have definitively proven that Obama did not go to high school or Harvard.


I have a birther idiot on my facebook friends list who has already made the claim that Obama hates sick children with cancer if he doesn't release his records.

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"Our expectations about @realDonaldTrump's Obama announcement were clearly not low enough." @New York Magazine

"BREAKING: Donald Trump demands to know what medical school Dr. Dre went to." @BScalabrine24

"Trump will give $5 million if Obama releases his college records. I'll give a crackhead $3 if Trump releases that squirrel sittin' on his head." @WatchJ

"Sorry Trump, but in the same way the U.S. doesn't negotiate with terrorists, presidents shouldn't negotiate with idiots." @the_moonface

"Donald Trump is the Honey Boo Boo of rich people." @fake Morgan Freeman

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So, so far today, Trump has made an ass of himself with this moronic request, Ann Coulter has called Obama the "r" word, and now Palin has accused Obama of "shuckin and jivin." You can't make this up.

Mitt probably wants to defect.

Seriously. The GOP absolutely cannot stop shooting themselves in the foot. Romney finally narrows the race and immediately the right wing numbnuts come out of the woodwork. You have Mourdock with his rape pregnancy stuff, Coulter calling Obama the "r" word, and Sarah Palin using a very racially charged phrase to describe Obama's actions. :ols:

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I decided to finally watch this video, and he decided to go full birther again. He just wants to be slick about it once again. Between him, the Indiana Senator, Palin, and Colter, they will push the moderate Republican party members to independents. You can't make this stuff up about Trump.

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The tension in the GOP is fascinating to me. So many people in that party are dying to just go on a horrible racist diatribe about Obama, but they know they can't. So, there are these constant little leaks of racially charged nonsense.

It would really be better for everyone if some prominent Republican just called Obama the N-word on tv and got it over with. Just pull off the Band-Aid.

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