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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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Not much has happened in Birther World lately. Mike Zullo promised universe-shattering evidence in March and now it is mid-May. Butter got banned from FreeRepublic. Came back. And got banned again. And is now back but will probably be banned again.


A sort of interesting thing has happened today. Old-time birther Douglas Vogt claims to be a document expert but is not and has some vague relationship with Jerome Corsi at WND (as do most high profile birthers). He filed a case at the Supreme Court that included a sealed affidavit where he named the forgers of Obama's clearly fake birth certificate. The aforementioned Zullo has called Vogt a nut and he has mostly been forgotten until this week when the affidavit was unsealed. The forgers are:


Johanna Ah'nee

Kevin Davidson(Dr. Conspiracy)

Loretta Fuddy

Alvin Onaka


Dr. Conspirary is a pro-Obama blogger who simply cannot stop arguing with Birthers. How he got involved in this is beyond me. Fuddy and Onaka we know.


Ah'nee is interesting because she provided a birth certificate to Miki Booth that basically showed that - yep - Obama's birth certificate has the correct number. Miki Booth is a birther and friend of Pastor Manning. Vogt names her as a potential conspirator in his affidavit.


All this means is that we got ourselves a good ole fashioned birfer fight. We haven't had one of these since Dean Haskins left the stage, I think. There is nothing more fun than a Birther Civil War.



Although the conclusions that Vogt has reached have not been supported by Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Maricopa County, Arizona Cold Case Posse or lead investigator Mike Zullo, Vogt's release has sparked discussion amongst eligibility activists that these may be a guidepost as to where the upcoming Arpaio-Zullo press conference may go.

"I believe Johanna Ah'nee is the forger of the Obama [Certificate of Live Birth] as well other birth certificates created to cover up the first mistake," said Vogt. The Bellevue, Washington document imaging expert also adds that he intends to show "that Johanna most likely knew Barack Obama II when they were kids in Hawaii."

Late Monday after NewsBlaze revealed the names on Vogt's document to the website Birtherreport.com before Newsblaze went to press. Ah'nee's Hawaiian Friend and eligibility activist Miki Booth made the following statement. "My friend Johanna had nothing to do with this except to give her birth certificate to me to give to Dr. Corsi and Mike Zullo."

Ah'nee according to the affidavit allegedly partnered with Kevin Davidson to the research on the document. Davidson, who has become a frequent critic to birthers, even questioning NewsBlaze's reporting on the issue in our YouTube videos on the issue. Davidson hosts a website dedicated to opposing birthers entitled obamaconsripracy.org

Davidson has expertise in vital statistics from Greenville, South Carolina something which Vogt labels as a "very interesting professional background." to the case of Obama's Birth Certificate that included working on the National Association for Public Information Statistics (NAPHSIS) Fraud Prevention Committee. "I've looked over the shoulders of vital records staffers as they process births."

Vogt alleges that not only did Davidson look over the shoulders of records staffers processing births but that an examination of the Davidson-authored Obamaconspiracy.org website includes files of modified Obama Birth Certificates that were modified in April 2010



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Not much has happened in Birther World lately. Mike Zullo promised universe-shattering evidence in March and now it is mid-May. Butter got banned from FreeRepublic. Came back. And got banned again. And is now back but will probably be banned again.




I'm dying to know, what does it take to get banned from FreeRepublic, twice?  How crazy do you have to be to out-crazy the crazies over there?  Is that like Dave Mustaine and Steven Adler being kicked out of Metallica and Guns N Roses, respectively, for too much drugs and alcohol?

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I'm dying to know, what does it take to get banned from FreeRepublic, twice?  How crazy do you have to be to out-crazy the crazies over there?  Is that like Dave Mustaine and Steven Adler being kicked out of Metallica and Guns N Roses, respectively, for too much drugs and alcohol?


Oh, its easy to get banned from FreeRepublic.   Just say something, anything non-hateful about Obama.  You will be gone so fast....

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Oh, its easy to get banned from FreeRepublic. Just say something, anything non-hateful about Obama. You will be gone so fast....

Well yes. But I meant what would someone like butters, an Obama hating birther true believer, if I understand correctly, have to do to get banned

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Well yes. But I meant what would someone like butters, an Obama hating birther true believer, if I understand correctly, have to do to get banned


The easiest way to get banned at Free Republic is to go after Jim Rob's wallet. Criticize the Freep-a-thon, ask a question about the budget, or imply that people should not donate and you are gone. No questions asked. Also, do not fundraise on your own. Only Jim can ask for $85,000 every three months to run a website using 1997 technology.


A grifter's gotta grift.


On the thread that initially got butters banned she said this:


To: fatima; Jim Robinson

I guess our contributions aren’t needed any more then. How do we sign up to get our money back?

You and I both know that this is a dependent relationship. The posters here need the formatting, etc - which is very, very good and provides a platform that doesn’t exist anywhere else - and Jim and the staff need the intellectual and financial contributions of the posters to keep this place going strong.

Either side can walk away. Jim can get rid of me and other posters; I and other posters can take our money and comments elsewhere.

It would make no sense for either side to do that though, if we’re serious about confronting the enemies of America. Why do what our enemies want us to do? The only people who win in that scenario are our enemies.

If Jim doesn’t want me and my contributions I will go as he desires. I will consider it a misunderstanding; I had a different view of what Free Republic is.

279 posted on Friday, April 04, 2014 12:17:00 PM by butterdezillion (Note to self : put this between arrow keys: img src=""/)



Jim showed up an personally starting spanking her after that. You do not threaten the money machine.

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This may be in poor taste, but it explains how you stay in the good graces of Jim at FR. Onyx is a long-time member over there and is one of a small group of women who run the Freepathon. Basically, for 240 days a year, they sit at their computer for 8 to 10 hours a day posting silly pictures to a thread where Jim asks for money. They make no money doing this. Long-time freepers also know that if you cross this harpy patrol, they will come after you in force. They and a poster named humblegunner are probably responsible for 80 percent of the bannings over there. And when you get banned (zotted), they celebrate. It's a really bizarre culture.


Anyway, onyx's husband is dying and there is a long thread there about his condition. One of the few good things about FR is there does seem to be a small sense of community among a small group of them. The average Freeper is a 70 year old person who is ostracized from his liberal children so this gives them someplace to feel part of something. That's good, I think.


Anyway, here is an update on onyx's husband.


To: onyx; Jim Robinson; DJ MacWoW; trisham; JustAmy; TheOldLady; deoetdoctrinae; Lady Jag; moose07; ...


It is with a very heavy heart that I am making this update tonight. Things are not so good tonight for Dr. O. His blood pressure is very very low and it sounds like the doctors might be preparing onyx for the worst now. Words escape me right now, I am just in tearful prayer. He is such a beautiful man. I wish you all could meet him. I feel so blessed to have he and onyx as friends. I am just heartbroken and at a loss for words. Please forgive me.


She is staying at the hospital tonight and fearing the worst. God bless and keep her and Dr. O in His loving grace and comfort.

I just wanted you all to know that things look very grim tonight and I knew you would all want to be lifting your own prayers as well for our dear sweet Onyx and Dr. O.


Even with all of this going on, onyx just texted me to remind you all of the Freepathon while I was penning this update. I had to laugh through the tears at that point. She loves you all so very much and loves everything about our little corner of the world called Free Republic! Where freedom loving people come together to protect and preserve our constitution and our God given rights! She wanted me to thank you all and let you know that she feels like we are all right there, holding her hand. The strength and comfort of this thread and our prayers have sustained her.

1,222 posted on Monday, May 12, 2014 7:26:46 PM by penelopesire (TIME FOR OBAMA TO ANSWER FOR BENGHAZI UNDER OATH!!)
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Are there people on Free Republic who interrupt the echo chamber simply by posting non-Far Right views?  Do they last long?


There are a few borderline sane Freepers who very carefully and selectively try to combat very specific things there. There are a few posters who try to tone down the overt racism. There used to be some posters who were basically agnostic on gay rights, but they have mostly been purged. There are a few attorneys who try to explain how the legal system actually works. But if you scratch the surface on any of the moderate Freepers, you will find something pretty ugly. There is one Freeper who generally mocks the Birthers and is very pragmatic about primaries - always pushing for candidates who can win over those who can pass Freeper purity tests. He also often makes the argument that Freepers need to realize that the under 40 voters either are pro-gay rights or neutral on the subject and that the battle there is already lost. But on any thread about a crime, he is posting some theory about "feral blacks" or something along those lines.


There are no moderate Republicans left there for the most part. They were all sent packing during the Great Guiliani Purge back in '07 and '08. That's really the great tipping point where it went from an extreme right-wing site with some interesting discussions to a racist, conspiracy theory clearinghouse.


Libertarians were originally purged over a decade ago. With the rise of Rand Paul, they have started getting a little more vocal there. I think Jim needs them at the moment because the growth on that site is negative and the Freepathons are asking for less money and taking more time to complete. (He used to get close to $100K in 60 days. Now he gets around $80K in 90 days. Which is still a ton of money). My guess is there will be a great cleansing at some point in 2016 when the Libertarians get too frisky and start attacking Cruz.


2016 might be the end of the line for FreeRepublic. He's almost certainly going to purge Rand Paul supporters. He is probably going to have to purge the remaining birther true believers when they go after Cruz (they have already been warned multiple times). If Rubio gets momentum, birthers and anyone somewhat pro-amnesty will be gone. And God only knows what happens if Palin gets involved.


You just can't run a website where the average age is 68 and you regularly purge 5 to 10 percent of the posters.

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This thread is like the chad and dukes thread in the stadium...never ending fun at the expense of the still-ambulatory post-op brain donors.


It's heady to consider the reality that there are millions upon millions of folks all around that are just full of various bat-**** crazy cognition on a multiple of important matters. It's all part of the fun and adventure of participation in society.  :ph34r:

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Well yes. But I meant what would someone like butters, an Obama hating birther true believer, if I understand correctly, have to do to get banned


Insult Jim Robinson.   Or even better, question why it costs over $300,000 in donations A YEAR to run a website with 1994 functionality and probably less than 10k in actual out of pocket annual costs.  


That grifter will ban you and delete your posts like wildfire.



edit - damn, beaten badly

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How ya like me now?


You are like a rash that pops up again and again unexpectedly.  Irritating, but it must be acknowledged.

Hey Mods. Can be bring this one back from the dead, please?


ooh  add me to the request list.   Still a top 5 thread in Tailgate history!

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And you don't really know where I came from, but assume it was someplace fun.


Nah.  You live in Houston.


















































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This thread is like the chad and dukes thread in the stadium...never ending fun at the expense of the still-ambulatory post-op brain donors.

It's heady to consider the reality that there are millions upon millions of folks all around that are just full of various bat-**** crazy cognition on a multiple of important matters. It's all part of the fun and adventure of participation in society. :ph34r:

Paraphrasing George Carlin:

Draw, in your mind, an image, of just how stupid the average American is.

And then think: half of us are dumber than THAT.

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