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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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Cue the conspiracy theories.

Loretta Fuddy, who verified the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate died in a small plane crash. She was the only one who died in the crash.




You know Obama's good when he can assassinate one passenger, leave 9 living witnesses, and not worry about his evil plan being exposed.  That's some Antichrist level confidence there.

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You know Obama's good when he can assassinate one passenger, leave 9 living witnesses, and not worry about his evil plan being exposed.  That's some Antichrist level confidence there.


I feel bad that we are joking about this poor woman's death.


On the other hand, was it Obama or Soros who did this? I need to talk to Butterdezillion.

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I feel bad that we are joking about this poor woman's death.


On the other hand, was it Obama or Soros who did this? I need to talk to Butterdezillion.



Butters is in rare form today.



Those who were forced by Fuddy to participate in these crimes, I know you didn’t want to and you did your best to put red flags so the truth would eventually be known. I commend you for your courage; I believe you must love this country. For your own safety you need to speak out BEFORE they can do this to you. If you don’t, you WILL be next, and you will have some answering to do to your Maker, because you had important truth that you were unwilling to share.

You love living in Hawaii, I know. When the sun sets on America Hawaii will be lost as well. If you preserve America by getting us out from under this thug regime there may be a Hawaii for you go to back to. But the window of opportunity to save this country is fast closing, as is your life expectancy if you don’t speak out publicly. Please, for all our sakes, get into protective custody outside Hawaii and even outside the US if necessary, and then tell the world what really happened. Some of us are pretty sure we know it already but tell the world so they can know it too.

35 posted on Thursday, December 12, 2013 11:02:48 AM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing athttp://faxzero.com/ Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)


In other words: "The fires of Isengard will spread. And the woods of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn. And all that was once green and good in this world will be gone. There won't be a Shire, Pippin."

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OMG where did you get that? LOL. Every time I think i've seen maximum insanity, someone else comes along to say something crazier. 9 times to of ten, it's coming from some right wing nut job.


Butterdezillion is by far by favorite birther.




She has this Cessna crashed all figured out. (And as a minister's wife from Nebraska, she is the foremost aviation expert in the country). 

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Butterdezillion is by far by favorite birther.




She has this Cessna crashed all figured out. (And as a minister's wife from Nebraska, she is the foremost aviation expert in the country). 


That's one crazy ****. But considering the eco chamber of stupidity that is that website, i'm not surprised.

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Calling Butterdezillion a birther is unfair. She is so far beyond that.




Here is what she believes: George Soros is the Emperor and Obama is Darth Vader. No...that doesn't work.


It's really hard to explain what she believes. Basically, George Soros thinks he is god and wants to destroy the West because he can. To do so, he needed a pawn. And for some reason, he chose a secret Muslim named Barack Obama. This gets a little fuzzy, because she believe that Obama is a secret Muslim who wants to bring Shariah law down on the country, but I don't think she believe that is Soros' plan. 


She certainly thinks the following:


1. Soros went to both Obama and Hillary and asked them if they would be cool with his plan to destroy the economy. Hillary said no. Obama said, go for it. Soros then threatened to kill Chelsea Clinton.

2. Despite this threat to her beloved daughter, Hillary was going to start a floor fight over Obama's eligibility. Obama or Soros then killed a few Hillary supporters and she backed off.

3. Soros then threatened the media that he would destroy the US economy (which was his plan all along) if they reported on Obama's eligibility.

4. Then in September of 2008, he destroyed the US economy anyway but calling for a "run on the bank."

5. For some reason, everyone was worried that he might destroy the US economy even though he had already done it, and didn't cover this.

6. Soros has access to an earthquake machine. Obama has access to undetectable heart attack darts. One dart killed Andrew Breitbart.

7. All the parties who have backed Obama's eligibility have "indirectly" confirmed that Obama is ineligible through secret language they used while confirming his eligibility.

8. Obama is going to set off an EMP at some point to destroy the US and bring in Shariah law.

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Butter nuggets:





I've been saying for quite a while that Soros and his communist-Islamist allies made the September 2008 run on the bank in order to get Obama into office to implement the communist-Islamist agenda of overthrowing America and capitalism. Now it appears that around the time that Obama’s passport file was being sanitized, Ahmadinejad was expecting the 12th Imam to be ushered in within the first 1-2 years of the next POTUS’ inauguration. Six months into the job, Obama felt like he needed to tell the Muslim world what was slowing him down.






I had said a long time ago that I would flesh out why it is that I believe Soros and his communist-Islamist allies made the Sept 2008 run on the bank in order to get Obama elected to a position where he could serve both factions by destroying America. There is just SO MUCH stuff that points that direction, I don’t know if I could get it all into one document. 




And Hillary has to know that if Soros could threaten to kill Chelsea in 2008, to keep the Clintons from challenging Obama’s eligibility, he can do the same thing any time in order to install Michelle. Again, popularity doesn’t have to mean a THING in this country if our electoral system isn’t sound.





And we all know who owns Kagan and Sotomayor. The same person who owns Obama - the same one who said straight-out that he has bought and paid for the democratic party and it is thus his: George Soros, the man who seriously believes he is God and wants America to lose the “war on terror” so America and capitalism (the two evils in the world, according to Soros) can be defeated.






DHS, Holder, and a bunch of other agencies are arming Mexican drug cartels, aiding in covering up the truth, demanding that they be the only ones who can enforce the laws, and then refusing to enforce the laws. They are literally holding this country hostage by refusing to let anybody but them enforce law and then refusing to do it themselves.
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Guys, you are going to be shocked to learn this.


Butterdezillion has reached the conclusion that Fuddy's death is suspicious.




Thanks for sparking my curiosity. Further investigation has been very, very interesting... I’ll probably post about it later.

Unless something comes up to change my mind, what I’ve found leads me to believe something very fishy is going on.

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Wow. Freerepublic must not give a damn about any credibility so long as it suppers their cause. I can't imagine running any message board that would allow that kind of crazy to be associated with them. 


I posted this in the new 9/11 thread but it fits even better here:


A HS friend of mine is currently a commercial airline pilot living and working in Kuwait. We never discussed religious backgrounds being that we were a couple wild teenagers but he either rediscovered religion or converted to Islam when he married is wife. We've stayed loosely connected over the years, most recently when he was in FL for regular pilot training.


Heres where it gets a little crazy... Evidently he saw some political comments I had made on facebook and shared with me that he and his wife follow Infowars and Alex Jones. I begged him to ignore such drivel  but he came back with their shared theory that Obama is a "an Illuminati front man". (insert face palm here)


I think most of you know me well enough that i'm not going to just accept this so my last email sent yesterday again tried to show him the light of reason. Wish me luck.


What bothers me and sticks in the back of my mind is the trifecta of : Commercial airline pilot / Muslim / Conspiracy theorist. 


Now don't get me wrong. There is nothing I know to indicate he would ever become a terrorist and much to suggest that it is *highly* unlikely (for one, he leads a very comfortable - somewhat privileged life) but still.... LOL. 


Besides, knowing what we do about NSA capabilities his emails to me have probably already been flagged.  :)


My point (if there is one) is that conspiracy theories are more than just amusing flirts with insanity, they can be dangerous motivators for those disenfranchised people who could potentially do great harm.


People like Buttherface (or whatever) can inspire people like the Boston bombers or the idiot who shot up the airport. Censorship with it's negative impact is not an option so we all should do what we can to stamp out this kind of insanity wherever it is found.

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Wow. Freerepublic must not give a damn about any credibility so long as it suppers their cause. I can't imagine running any message board that would allow that kind of crazy to be associated with them. 



Free Republic is one man's cause. And Jim Robinson collects about $30K a month off the site in donations if the Freep-a-thons are anywhere close to accurate. Granted, it takes him longer and longer to collect his $85K each time out, but he still does it.


Here's the budget. Keep in mind that all the "programming" costs are ostensibly for John Robinson - Jim's son.


I think the consensus is that John Robinson makes about $85K a year "managing" the site and Jim makes about that much as its "owner." And Jim's wife makes about $12K "managing the office."


That's not bad scratch for Fresno, CA.

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Free Republic is one man's cause. And Jim Robinson collects about $30K a month off the site in donations if the Freep-a-thons are anywhere close to accurate. Granted, it takes him longer and longer to collect his $85K each time out, but he still does it.


Holy ****.  If there is a god, that dude is going to hell. Preferably one imagined by Dante.



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Butter is all over this plane crash.


Depends on who the killer is.


And a Cessna engine failure 50 days earlier could have been a practice round. The NTSB has had an intact engine to work with, in an airport hangar, and still haven’t said what caused that engine’s failure. These 2 engine failures were within 25 miles of each other and 50 days. In the whole previous 33 years there had only been 2 engine failures with this plane. Within 50 days and 25 miles that number doubled.

The NTSB has not been following their protocols for securing the evidence, in EITHER Cessna crash.



The stuff you’re describing doesn’t match what was experienced by any of the other passengers - least of all Kawasaki, who is himself a large man who may have health issues similar to Fuddy, but who also experienced blood loss that she didn’t, a bang to the head that she apparently didn’t, AND he didn’t have a life jacket.


How exactly does a person “hold on tight” to their life jacket? The description in other accounts was that the survivors were floating on their backs. Fuddy had been dead for some time, unable to “hold on tight” to anything, and was floating just like the others when they found her - even to the extent that none of the others thought there was any problem with her.


The article citing Mark Peer that I was referencing was an earlier one - before they started trying to make it sound like it was sheer madness trying to survive. It seems like now we know Fuddy didn’t die in the crash but died of other causes afterwards, the reports are painting a totally different picture - stuff like the implication that they had to “hold on for dear life” to cushions, which would only be necessary if they didn’t have life jackets on. But the way the crash was noticed was because they had yellow life jackets on.


As time goes on, it seems like people are trying to change history. And that also raises red flags to me. Discrepancies that people have to work hard to unscramble always work to the benefit of those trying to hide something. As with everything, mixed-up stories and discrepancies can always happen, but when there are this many discrepancies, and a picture that changes over time, it raises alarms to me.


We’re talking about a woman who had the audacity to alter at least 4 vital records in full view of the world. This is not some emotional reed in the wind. She’s been dishing out tough stuff to everybody else and I have no doubts that she’s been given some ultimatums too. If she was going to have a heart attack because of emotional distress it would have happened a long time ago.

The reports are all consistent, except for the actions of her deputy director. Everybody else said she was fine even after being out in the water bobbing, and that they were surprised that she died. Only Yamamoto thought she needed to be “calmed”, and he was holding her hand from the very beginning, right after helping her get her life jacket on, according to the priest who apparently got it from Yamamoto when both Yamamoto and Fuddy were taken to a “care home” on Molokai so Fuddy could be given last rites.


And Fred, they had to have had something to keep them afloat that didn’t require them to hold on, because if Fuddy was dead before the rescue crews arrived and had drifted 200 yards away from the rest, she would have sunk if her flotation device was not strapped onto her.

Maybe the pilot put the cushions out in the water in case somebody needed extra security or something. But it sure seems to me that they had to have some kind of flotation device strapped on, for the story to make ANY sense at all.  



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  • 1 month later...

Hey, guys. It's been over a month, but I'm happy to report that butterdezillion is still all lover Fuddy's plane crash.


It may shock you, but she thinks that this is a conspiracy and that it goes very deep indeed.




This involves the NTSB, the USCG, Richard Schuman, and Clyde Kawasaki all hiding the existence of the extra person on board. The NTSB and USCG are both part of Obama’s regime, and the first (test?) Cessna engine failure was off Maui 50 days earlier - 3 days after Doug Vogt filed his case naming Fuddy as a defendant.



Also, if that’s Fuddy then why were we told she had drifted to about a mile from shore?

No matter how you slice it the stories don’t add up. We’re being conned.

Everybody is so averse to “conspiracy theories”, but even without this lady by the shore (who doesn’t fit the story or the hair for Fuddy) there are still too many women just in that space of time where Rosa and MW1 are by the wing, because right after that, while Fuddy was still with Yamamoto by the plane, this woman that Puentes helped (MW3) popped up. That’s 4 women at one time, where there were supposed to only be 3. And the NTSB, USCG, Schuman, and Kawsaki all played along with the lie. THAT is what we deserve to be given an answer for: Why are they lying to us?


Apparently, they crashed the plane - hoping to kill Fuddy and everyone on board was cool with this plan. But there was also an extra secret person on board whose job was to kill Fuddy in the water if she didn't die like she was supposed to. And everyone agreed with this as well. And the Coast Guard was brought on board after the fact.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Birthers are mostly gone these days. But Butter remains. Alas, Butter remains.


And she believes that either Fuddy faked her death or they cremated her to cover up her death. Or something. Anyway, the funeral was a fake regardless.




Conclusion: The person in the casket shown by KITV is not from Fuddy’s funeral. The casket at Fuddy’s funeral had a different pall and had no body inside but did have an oval bump in the middle of the casket, which I presume to be an urn. The media used at least one instance of fake footage (and maybe two) to imply that Fuddy’s was an open-casket funeral, the family was photographed in positions you would expect if there was a body in the casket, and the casket was treated as if it had a body inside. The public was most likely unaware of the deception to be carried out by the media and honored what they believed was her ashes if they got close enough to see the urn in the casket.




(I would love to have more stuff to post to this thread, because it's fun, but most of the blogs that debunked this nonsense have shut down out of boredom. The last real Birther clearinghouse (Birtherreport.com) has not had a really interesting kooky post in months. Now it just posts dumb photoshops, general complaints and old theories. There might be some big news coming out of Mississippi someday involving Orly but that case is going really slow and is a little inside-basebally anyway. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted).

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