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ES Official Quitting Smoking Thread


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I want to quit soooo bad, but I'm scared as heck if I do I'll gain more weight. I've put on about 25 pounds over the last few years that I can't seem to lose, and I am terrified if I quit I'll replace the cigarettes with food :(

Replace it with exercise. Easier said than done but it would be a huge benefit. Get a craving to smoke, do a short workout. One of the best ways to stop. Exercise releases endorphins also.

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Replace it with exercise. Easier said than done but it would be a huge benefit. Get a craving to smoke, do a short workout. One of the best ways to stop. Exercise releases endorphins also.

Actually very good advice. You work out and lose your breath a bit, and it reminds you of why you are quitting as well.

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Today is 3 years for me without a temptation. Don't mind if I pat myself on the back! :)

nice, nice work, brother.

i'm on my 276th day of freedom. yes, i'm still counting every day. went cold turkey and haven't looked back.

brandy- while replacing smoking with exercise IS good advice, the most important thing for your health is to quit. don't stress about the extra weight you initially put on. you can always lose the weight once you get deeper into your new life as a non-smoker. i put on a good 20 lbs from may to january- i just started in feb (really the last couple days of january) to focus on my diet and exercise and am down 10 lbs or so. i'll be back at my pre-quit weight soon, and i'll still be quit.

RVA- if you want to quit, you'll do whatever it takes. for me, i avoided "dangerous" situations for a while until i had more confidence in my will power. that, and i did what madison did... :)

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Day 6.

I've been on Chantix for about 1.5 weeks and decided to use a business trip (change of scene and routine) as an excuse to quit. Luckily I was tested twice when having a few beers at the end of the day - a coworker who smokes offered, but I turned it down.

I'm still having cravings in my head, but I'm hanging tough.

No noticeable changes phsyically for me yet, but I'm sure that will come.

I'm glad this thread exists - it's good to see success stories like all of yours.

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Day 6.

I've been on Chantix for about 1.5 weeks and decided to use a business trip (change of scene and routine) as an excuse to quit. Luckily I was tested twice when having a few beers at the end of the day - a coworker who smokes offered, but I turned it down.

I'm still having cravings in my head, but I'm hanging tough.

No noticeable changes phsyically for me yet, but I'm sure that will come.

I'm glad this thread exists - it's good to see success stories like all of yours.

Good job man. Keep it up. You might want to read the book to reinforce your quit. It'll make the cravings go away too.

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Good job man. Keep it up. You might want to read the book to reinforce your quit. It'll make the cravings go away too.

I've read parts of it and it's not the sort of book that appeals to me, but thanks for the suggestion. If I'm getting it correctly it's basically saying that I'm in control, that smoking doesn't do what I think it does for me (e.g. it's not good) and that I can overcome the inner voice that brings on the deisre. Is that apprximately right? If so, I already know that and that knowledge has helped.

In fact, my wife quit smoking regularly years ago, but would have a few when drinking. On about Day 8 we went for dinner/drinks and when we got home she said "I'd love to smoke, but I'm stopping to support you." I told her not to hold off on my account, and that in fact it was important for me to get used to being around smokers. She had the smoke and I had no trouble with it.

It's just that every once in a while the voice in my head pipes up really loudly and I have to stuff it back in its cage. I just want to be at the point where it's not even around anymore.

Day 16!!! :)

Thanks for the help!

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Started smoking my senior of college, why then i dont know. Been smoking almost a pack a day since Feb 2010 and decided it was time to quit. Quit cold turkey on Sunday, MArch 4th. I know two days isnt a long time or anything to brag about. As of yet, the cravings havent been that bad. i'm sure they will, but I'm hoping it doesn't come out of nowhere and kick my ass. But I'm committed to quitting so we'll see how it goes.

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Sunflower seeds are also a great freakin way to help quit. My buddy did it a while back and was easily eating a couple packs of em a day but it certainly helped with the cig craving and worked well for him. he quit cold turkey too. I'm glad I never have touched a cig in my life. The herb on the other hand.....

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Any advice is appreciated,

Smoked half a pack for 5 years, and quit cold turkey 7 weeks ago, physical symptoms are draining away, feel great, i actually lost weight when i quit (put on a few the week I quit just so i could get through the first few days but then went to the gym a lot in subsequent weeks to kill cravings), but ive gotten to a point where i just miss cigarettes and feel like ive lost a friend (as dumb as that sounds to nonsmokers, smokers hopefully know what im talking about). I have some reunions coming up with old friends (real human friends) and am letting thoughts creep in my mind of "i can smoke with my buddies for a night while we have a drink and then just stop no problem"

Would really appreciate some horror stories of people who had this thought, smoked for a night and then got hooked again.

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A friend of mine in California was hooked on cigs, and he started mixing marijuana and tobacco (Marijuana form dispensary) and he slowly reduced the amount of tobbaco and eventually he was clean and hasnt smoked cigs since.

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Any advice is appreciated,

Smoked half a pack for 5 years, and quit cold turkey 7 weeks ago, physical symptoms are draining away, feel great, i actually lost weight when i quit (put on a few the week I quit just so i could get through the first few days but then went to the gym a lot in subsequent weeks to kill cravings), but ive gotten to a point where i just miss cigarettes and feel like ive lost a friend (as dumb as that sounds to nonsmokers, smokers hopefully know what im talking about). I have some reunions coming up with old friends (real human friends) and am letting thoughts creep in my mind of "i can smoke with my buddies for a night while we have a drink and then just stop no problem"

Would really appreciate some horror stories of people who had this thought, smoked for a night and then got hooked again.

Smoking friends were the biggest barrier to me finally quitting. Good friends will bum you smokes endlessly. I lingered on smoking for months bumming cigarettes from my friends after I had decided to never buy packs again for myself. I'm that guy...

Speaking from experience, if you're going out drinking with smoking friends, you're going to smoke. It's going to be miserable the next day. You're just going to have to try and limit how much you smoke that night as best you can.

You don't have to fall off the wagon though. After it's over, try and remember the reasons why you felt the imperative to quit and do not go out and buy a pack. One thing that was effective for me was remembering the visceral unpleasantness of smoking in the sober light of day. I always hated smoking outside on a scorching hot day. I think about a bitter, dry taste I got, and the unpleasant wheezing burning feeling I got in the back of my throat and my lungs. I still think about those feelings today when I get an urge and I'm fighting it.

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