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ES Official Quitting Smoking Thread


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Any advice is appreciated,

Smoked half a pack for 5 years, and quit cold turkey 7 weeks ago, physical symptoms are draining away, feel great, i actually lost weight when i quit (put on a few the week I quit just so i could get through the first few days but then went to the gym a lot in subsequent weeks to kill cravings), but ive gotten to a point where i just miss cigarettes and feel like ive lost a friend (as dumb as that sounds to nonsmokers, smokers hopefully know what im talking about). I have some reunions coming up with old friends (real human friends) and am letting thoughts creep in my mind of "i can smoke with my buddies for a night while we have a drink and then just stop no problem"

Would really appreciate some horror stories of people who had this thought, smoked for a night and then got hooked again.

its been 4 weeks today for me and i understand exactly what you mean.

smoking is a way to pass time (especially in the car) and when you quit you cant use smoking as a vice to pass the time making it feel like you lost a friend.

the hardest thing for me has been recently i started on a new construction site and my coworker smokes like a chimney. i have never seen anyone smoke so many cigarettes and so far its been a very slow paced job so the cravings have been pretty tough to handle.

but im still hangin in there.

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Smoking friends were the biggest barrier to me finally quitting. Good friends will bum you smokes endlessly. I lingered on smoking for months bumming cigarettes from my friends after I had decided to never buy packs again for myself. I'm that guy...

Speaking from experience, if you're going out drinking with smoking friends, you're going to smoke. It's going to be miserable the next day. You're just going to have to try and limit how much you smoke that night as best you can.

You don't have to fall off the wagon though. After it's over, try and remember the reasons why you felt the imperative to quit and do not go out and buy a pack. One thing that was effective for me was remembering the visceral unpleasantness of smoking in the sober light of day. I always hated smoking outside on a scorching hot day. I think about a bitter, dry taste I got, and the unpleasant wheezing burning feeling I got in the back of my throat and my lungs. I still think about those feelings today when I get an urge and I'm fighting it.

You are so exactly right!

Here's my advice to Soccerdude: try cutting back on the amount of alcohol you drink at the reunions. Maybe don't drink at all. That might help you stay away from smoking. Also, when I get the urge to smoke while drinking, I'll grab one of the swizzle sticks and start chewing on it. Kind of satisfies my hand urge to hold a smoke. Honestly, I find the urge is there for about 10-15 seconds "I want a smoke" and then it just goes away and I forget about it.

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the swizzle isnt a bad idea at all, something to keep me busy, i like it. Its not so much the amount of alcohol i drink more as the people im with. Reminiscing on good times, sharing stories, just taking me back to those days where thats all we did when we were hanging out.

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the swizzle isnt a bad idea at all, something to keep me busy, i like it. Its not so much the amount of alcohol i drink more as the people im with. Reminiscing on good times, sharing stories, just taking me back to those days where thats all we did when we were hanging out.

I understand. You will be soo freaking proud of yourself the day after if you don't smoke. Seriously. It will push you past one of the last few hurdles to being completely, totally smoke free.

Good luck and stay strong.

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Hats off to all of you...Keep up the good thoughts, and don't ever give in...

I quit for a whole month(started at 8, hey, it was in VA, a tobacco state of mind), but when my hubby had surgery and came off the morphine, he was one mean SOB...I started again. That was almost 3 years ago. We have the Nicotrol inhalers, but haven't started them yet,, AGAIN,, but I swear...I wanna give this nasty habit up...what smokes we have now are the last. but ya'll have to help me, please. I need support, and don't know what I'll do when I'm reading everything on ES.:silly:

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the swizzle isnt a bad idea at all, something to keep me busy, i like it. Its not so much the amount of alcohol i drink more as the people im with. Reminiscing on good times, sharing stories, just taking me back to those days where thats all we did when we were hanging out.

If your old buddies don't appreciate that you are quit and at least cut you some slack (my friends would have punched me if I HAD bummed a dip from them), then you shouldn't go to the reunion. Period. You've come a long way, but you're not out of the woods... You'll never be out of the woods. There is no such thing as just one. Buck up and save your life.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Any advice is appreciated,

Smoked half a pack for 5 years, and quit cold turkey 7 weeks ago, physical symptoms are draining away, feel great, i actually lost weight when i quit (put on a few the week I quit just so i could get through the first few days but then went to the gym a lot in subsequent weeks to kill cravings), but ive gotten to a point where i just miss cigarettes and feel like ive lost a friend (as dumb as that sounds to nonsmokers, smokers hopefully know what im talking about). I have some reunions coming up with old friends (real human friends) and am letting thoughts creep in my mind of "i can smoke with my buddies for a night while we have a drink and then just stop no problem"

Would really appreciate some horror stories of people who had this thought, smoked for a night and then got hooked again.

Smoking friends were the biggest barrier to me finally quitting. Good friends will bum you smokes endlessly. I lingered on smoking for months bumming cigarettes from my friends after I had decided to never buy packs again for myself. I'm that guy...

Speaking from experience, if you're going out drinking with smoking friends, you're going to smoke. It's going to be miserable the next day. You're just going to have to try and limit how much you smoke that night as best you can.

You don't have to fall off the wagon though. After it's over, try and remember the reasons why you felt the imperative to quit and do not go out and buy a pack. One thing that was effective for me was remembering the visceral unpleasantness of smoking in the sober light of day. I always hated smoking outside on a scorching hot day. I think about a bitter, dry taste I got, and the unpleasant wheezing burning feeling I got in the back of my throat and my lungs. I still think about those feelings today when I get an urge and I'm fighting it.

its been 4 weeks today for me and i understand exactly what you mean.

smoking is a way to pass time (especially in the car) and when you quit you cant use smoking as a vice to pass the time making it feel like you lost a friend.

the hardest thing for me has been recently i started on a new construction site and my coworker smokes like a chimney. i have never seen anyone smoke so many cigarettes and so far its been a very slow paced job so the cravings have been pretty tough to handle.

but im still hangin in there.

The problem you guys are having with friends, missing it, etc. is that you are still glamorizing it in your mind by thinking you're giving up something of value. If you haven't, read the book referenced all throughout this thread. Here's a link to it. It's the best $11.55 you'll ever spend. Look at the rating on it.


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  • 1 month later...

So, I have been smoking for about 30 years, usually around 2 packs a day. Tomorrow is the 26th anny of my mom dieing of ****ing cancer (ovarian) and I'm going to quit. I am moving into a house I'm not suppose to smoke in, started cooking again at a very healthy little joint inside of a gym, want to start back with my yoga and exercise and break a bunch of other habits. I've already cut down on my drinking and might stop for a month or two, going to switch from coffee to sun tea and a few other things, including spending a ridiculous amount of time on the computer, I may not even have internet access.

I quit for 6 weeks once, cold turkey and thought I had it licked, but my sister having surgery to have a tumor (ovarian) removed and my dad having open heart the same weekend had me so stressed out, my non smoking friends found me smokes while we were camping and made me, because I was a little less than pleasant.

I mention this and bump this thread for two reasons. One, of course I'll need all the support I can get and two, I'm going to be going extremely healthy in every way of my life, getting more into my diet and spirituality type stuff. One with the earth type crap I push now, so being that I'm already fairly annoying about it, I'm asking for forgiveness if I get even more crazy about it. :D

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So, I have been smoking for about 30 years, usually around 2 packs a day. Tomorrow is the 26th anny of my mom dieing of ****ing cancer (ovarian) and I'm going to quit. I am moving into a house I'm not suppose to smoke in, started cooking again at a very healthy little joint inside of a gym, want to start back with my yoga and exercise and break a bunch of other habits. I've already cut down on my drinking and might stop for a month or two, going to switch from coffee to sun tea and a few other things, including spending a ridiculous amount of time on the computer, I may not even have internet access.

I quit for 6 weeks once, cold turkey and thought I had it licked, but my sister having surgery to have a tumor (ovarian) removed and my dad having open heart the same weekend had me so stressed out, my non smoking friends found me smokes while we were camping and made me, because I was a little less than pleasant.

I mention this and bump this thread for two reasons. One, of course I'll need all the support I can get and two, I'm going to be going extremely healthy in every way of my life, getting more into my diet and spirituality type stuff. One with the earth type crap I push now, so being that I'm already fairly annoying about it, I'm asking for forgiveness if I get even more crazy about it. :D

I'll go with ya... I'm moving up to DC next Monday and I want to go up as a non-smoker, rather than a smoker who's "trying to quit"...

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I'll go with ya... I'm moving up to DC next Monday and I want to go up as a non-smoker, rather than a smoker who's "trying to quit"...

Alright. Whoever smokes first pays for the other one to see a Redskins game. I mean everything too, including airfare. :D

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anyone try e-cigs like joytech ego's or anything like that?

People that I know using ecigs have had no trouble at all leaving cigarettes behind. But they end up smoking ecigs instead. Research is still catching up to them and when you read a bad study another contradicts it. I have a couple myself that really do the job in those instances where I would just about fight one one for a cigarette.

Don't get the kind they sell at the mall, they are overpriced garbage.

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I've been quit cold turkey since June 2nd of this year. I started smoking at 14, then my grandma told me "you can't do it by yourself", pointing up the sky like I should ask for help. The reality is I just didn't want to smoke anymore.

Not smoking for non-smokers is like holding your breath underwater until you don't need to breathe anymore. It's like no matter what, my body wants nicotine, but I don't want to smoke regularly anymore. I got to the point I was putting out single newports or black and milds, to actually breaking the cigars in half in front of my grandmother because I didn't want to do it anymore.

Couple problems: even though I don't like the way they made my body feel towards the end, newports and marbol smooths are f'n delicious to me. Also, I'm still twisting up a cigarillo every once in a while. Is that technically cheating???

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The problem you guys are having with friends, missing it, etc. is that you are still glamorizing it in your mind by thinking you're giving up something of value. If you haven't, read the book referenced all throughout this thread. Here's a link to it. It's the best $11.55 you'll ever spend. Look at the rating on it.


The book is how I did it, my wife too, plus a few friends as well. All read the book and stopped with no issue. (most of us were packaday folks too)

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The book is how I did it, my wife too, plus a few friends as well. All read the book and stopped with no issue. (most of us were packaday folks too)

I quit a little over 4 months ago now. I never heard of that book but it looks interesting. The only thing, in reading the reviews on Amazon, that I find a tad dubious (perhaps dubious is a bit too strong as I don't mean to call people liars but it is the best I can think of off the top of my head) is the assertion that these people quick cold turkey after many years and didn't have a single hint of withdrawal. I quit cold turkey and though my desire for smoking wasn't too terribly bad I did experience some withdrawal effects; fatigue, etc (I had a headache for about a week straight). Was that your experience as well? Perhaps it just varies from person to person in general.

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I quit a little over 4 months ago now. I never heard of that book but it looks interesting. The only thing, in reading the reviews on Amazon, that I find a tad dubious (perhaps dubious is a bit too strong as I don't mean to call people liars but it is the best I can think of off the top of my head) is the assertion that these people quick cold turkey after many years and didn't have a single hint of withdrawal. I quit cold turkey and though my desire for smoking wasn't too terribly bad I did experience some withdrawal effects; fatigue, etc (I had a headache for about a week straight). Was that your experience as well? Perhaps it just varies from person to person in general.

It actually doesnt claim no withdrawals, more that they are easily handled and weak. I had some very minor ones and was able to just get past them quickly once I recognized then for what they were.

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Was a pack a day smoker from 18 to 22. Quit for 1.5 years, but started back again, the desire to smoke never really went away. When I started back up I kept it at half a pack a day and switched from menthol to regular.

This time I was serious about quitting. It's only been a little over 2 months, but I rarely get any kind of urge, and if I do it passes just as quickly as it came on. Did it cold turkey. If you really want to quit you have to seriously believe in the bad stuff that can happen to you later in life and really view it as a dangerous habit. If you can get that mentality, make it past the first two weeks, and reduce the times your triggers for wanting a smoke go off, then you can make it. Plus, after a while you start to think about how far you've already made it and how nasty one would taste at this point.

But I'm only at 2 months, so take this with a grain of salt.

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Well I don't shop on line and I know I can't find that book on island, so if anybody wants to send it to 4a Tide Village Christiansted USVI 00820, feel free. :D I'll take all the help I can get.

How come you don't shop online? I know its a bit OT but I'm curious.

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Was a pack a day smoker from 18 to 22. Quit for 1.5 years, but started back again.

Story's like this scary me. My last cigarette was Jan 7th and the first 3 weeks sucked but Ive made it over 6 months ok. I dont crave them any more at all but I do see others smoking like at BBQ's or out drinking and think I wish I could enjoy just one without being addicted all over again. lt prolly took me 10 times of trying before I finally put them down after 21 years and dont want to go though that again.

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Story's like this scary me. My last cigarette was Jan 7th and the first 3 weeks sucked but Ive made it over 6 months ok. I dont crave them any more at all but I do see others smoking like at BBQ's or out drinking and think I wish I could enjoy just one without being addicted all over again. lt prolly took me 10 times of trying before I finally put them down after 21 years and dont want to go though that again.

I had a lot of crap going on in my life at that point. VERY stressful. Plus, I quit in an attempt to get healthier, but I never really wanted to quit. This time I did and am so glad. Unlike last time I don't miss smoking at all now. Although to be honest I still find myself liking the smell on occassion, but it doesn't bother me to be around it, I can even drink and be around it and not even be tempted. I got myself in the right frame of my mind. I'm 30, smoking is very, very bad, I really don't want to do it ever again, and I can control that. Sounds like you have the right frame of mind yourself.

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anyone try e-cigs like joytech ego's or anything like that?

Been using e-cigs for 3 years now.

With all due respect to the spirit of this thread, I appluad those who have given up cigarettes. That said, I LOVE the e-cig and offer them as an option for a safer nicotine delivery method. Also, if you go down this path, do NOT buy the overpriced crap they sell at mall kiosks or gas stations for that matter. Research the devices online and purchace online if possible. Brick and mortar places are popping up across the country too. Fellow vapers are super friendly and very helpful.

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Was a pack a day smoker from 18 to 22. Quit for 1.5 years, but started back again, the desire to smoke never really went away. When I started back up I kept it at half a pack a day and switched from menthol to regular.

This time I was serious about quitting. It's only been a little over 2 months, but I rarely get any kind of urge, and if I do it passes just as quickly as it came on. Did it cold turkey. If you really want to quit you have to seriously believe in the bad stuff that can happen to you later in life and really view it as a dangerous habit. If you can get that mentality, make it past the first two weeks, and reduce the times your triggers for wanting a smoke go off, then you can make it. Plus, after a while you start to think about how far you've already made it and how nasty one would taste at this point.

But I'm only at 2 months, so take this with a grain of salt.

congratulations! your story is very similar to mine. The first time I quit, my mind wasn't right.

I haven't touched a tobacco product since 2004. Thank God, the stigma attached to smokers in our society worsens by the day.

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