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ES Official Quitting Smoking Thread


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I was searching for this thread about a week ago and for some reason could not find it. I just passed the 6 week mark and hope to make this permanent. After the first 4 weeks, I decided to start the P90X workout to give me something to accomplish while I quit.

I bought the book you recommended early in this thread. I didn't finish it but it gave me the courage to try and now I'm on my way. I also have Chantix but have not resorted to it yet.

Thank you for the inspiration and for keeping this thread alive. Eventually I came around.

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Good job spreading the word, Titaw. February 15th was 2 years for me. It isn't even a thought anymore. I'd say to some people that are thinking of quitting or trying to quit, read the book. It explains why calling something "cold turkey" makes it that much harder. You're placing value in something that has no value (smoking). The book takes any positive association away from smoking, so you aren't tempted to "cheat" while drinking, which was huge for me. Chantix works, but you have to take it. I'd forget to take it. Anyway, congrats to everyone!

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Congrats to all that have quit. I have been smoke free since Feb. 17th 2011. I had a 6th back surgery on the 18th of Feb and the doctors told me smoking would hinder my healing process. They started me on Nicoderm the 19th of Feb , i am now on step 2 and will start step 3 next week. I am doing great. I have had no cravings and it doesn't bother me to even be around others that smoke.

Pez and Huly, Good luck to you , Bottom line no matter what you use or try when quiting smoking . First and foremost it all boils down to you wanting it and sticking to which ever plan you choose. You can do it !

See you at the tailgates , Smoke free

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I was searching for this thread about a week ago and for some reason could not find it. I just passed the 6 week mark and hope to make this permanent. After the first 4 weeks, I decided to start the P90X workout to give me something to accomplish while I quit.

I bought the book you recommended early in this thread. I didn't finish it but it gave me the courage to try and now I'm on my way. I also have Chantix but have not resorted to it yet.

Thank you for the inspiration and for keeping this thread alive. Eventually I came around.

You're welcome bro!

I love seeing this because you did it. I may have inspired you but YOU did it. To be honest with you, if it wasn't for JeffSchmeff turning me on to the book I think this thread would not have had the same outcome.

---------- Post added April-5th-2011 at 12:29 PM ----------

Good job spreading the word, Titaw. February 15th was 2 years for me. It isn't even a thought anymore. I'd say to some people that are thinking of quitting or trying to quit, read the book. It explains why calling something "cold turkey" makes it that much harder. You're placing value in something that has no value (smoking). The book takes any positive association away from smoking, so you aren't tempted to "cheat" while drinking, which was huge for me. Chantix works, but you have to take it. I'd forget to take it. Anyway, congrats to everyone!

Congrats on the two year milestone! I truly do owe you. If you didn't read the book and turn me on to it so EARLY into your journey, this thread would not have had the same outcome. You deserve way more credit than I do.

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I was searching for this thread about a week ago and for some reason could not find it. I just passed the 6 week mark and hope to make this permanent. After the first 4 weeks, I decided to start the P90X workout to give me something to accomplish while I quit.

I bought the book you recommended early in this thread. I didn't finish it but it gave me the courage to try and now I'm on my way. I also have Chantix but have not resorted to it yet.

Thank you for the inspiration and for keeping this thread alive. Eventually I came around.

Good to hear Chachie and good luck on quitting. I smoked from age 15 to 25. I stopped for about year in between somewhere around 22 or 23 but fell off the horse. I finally kicked the habit for good at 25. It's definitely tough as ****.

The P90x will help a lot. I started working out regularly when I was trying to quit and I found that getting active played a huge role in kicking the habit. And now four years later, I'm more active than I ever have been and feel great.

If you mess up and have a cigarette don't give up. I had moments where I'd get stressed or go out for drinks with someone and mess up and smoke, but you just have to have amnesia and go back to being a non-smoker. It may sound ridiculous but I don't even remember my "last" cigarette. I couldn't do it cold turkey so I cut down to the point where I would smoke a cigarette once every 2-3 weeks when I got stressed or just had such an intense craving. Gradually the cigs started tasting like ass and eventually I just never went back and had one.

Hope this helps. I know everyone's different when it comes to kicking an addiction. But either way, you'll get there and be glad you did.

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On day 3... feel a bit calmer than yesterday (I thought I was going to peel my own skin off).

Hearing that this day is pretty pivotal, but so far so good

Another thing: thank god for un-shelled peanuts !

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Good job Cachie and Pez....I'm on week 3 myself!

Keep it up, you're doing great.

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 12:05 PM ----------

On day 3... feel a bit calmer than yesterday (I thought I was going to peel my own skin off).

Hearing that this day is pretty pivotal, but so far so good

Another thing: thank god for un-shelled peanuts !

Just keep telling yourself, if I can make it through this I can make it through anything. No matter what life throws at you, just push through without a cigarette and you'll be smoke free in no time.

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Okay, to all the websites that say everything is so much better on day 4...

...they can all go sit and rotate...

This has been the worst of all my days so far...

I found day 5 or 6 to be the day where it started to get better for me. Nicotine should be out of your system now...it is all mental man. Get an e-cig, might help the mental part of things...did for me.

Your avatar is EPIC btw

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  • 2 months later...

In the middle of my 4th month and feeling stronger than ever. I have more energy, happiness, money, and time. If anyone on ES is thinking of quitting or struggling with quitting, please hear me now and believe me later. Don't let cigarettes beat you! Your own feeling of accomplishment, your liberation from the chains, and your view of your future will be your reward once you turn the corner.

Once again- Thx to Titaw for starting this thread and thx to 98QBK and Gator Bait for the kind words. I feel like I have a new lease on life and I strongly encourage others to kick that horrible habit. Keep going, Pez!!

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Chachie congrats man! Just remember there's no such thing as just one. I have my fleeting moments from time to time, you know when the thought crosses you mind. As long as during those times you simply smile and say, not anymore, you'll be fine.

Keep it up friend, you are well on your way!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Just wanting to check up on how everyone was doing with their quits... Frosty's thread reminded me of this one.

Thanks, in part, to this thread, I'm on day 93 without nicotine (dip). Went cold turkey. Toughest thing I've done, but worth it from the very first day. Thanks to Jeff, titaw, gator, and pez for leading the way.

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I know it's different, but this weekend I decided I'm never smoking weed again. I hit some great bud on Saturday and it just isn't enjoyable anymore. I just feel strange and think I'm not as sharp as everyone else. Like I'm being looked at suspiciously by others. And it isn't paranoia...just an uncomfortable feeling. Too bad because I used to really enjoy it. Maybe too much.

Good to all of you for stopping cigarettes, those are horrible. I smoked for maybe 4 years between 16-20. Then one day I was like, "damn this tastes horrible." And stopped. It was surprisingly easy. But I know once you are addicted and smoke a pack a day it becomes insanely difficult. That's the vice. So stay strong my ninjas.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah...since first reading this thread over a year and a half ago, I am now at 1 year 2months without tobacco. I chewed for 21 years. For anyone that is interested, I would be happy to mail a copy of the book that was originally referenced in this thread. I read a few pages of the book and discussed it with my doctor and she got me on Chantix. After 4 months of Chantix I finally walked away completely and havent' looked back since.

I still dream about 'cheating' from time-to-time but for the most part I don't have any withdrawal symptoms. I will say that the dreams (and fake morning guilt) persisted for almost a year. Eventually, I think my brain just gave up.

do I want a dip from time to time? Sure. But I also know that I can never touch the stuff again. Call it muscle-memory or what you will...i know that a small sampling of the stuff would get me hooked right back on it.

Also...I am lucky that the 21 years only did a little bit of damage. I had a skin graft yesterday to repair recessed gums on two of my teeth. While the experience has not been fun, I am so thankful that a graft is all I've had to pay.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've wanted to quit smoking for a few months now. I can usually stay pretty strong throughout the work week, maybe smoke 1 or 2 a day. But, when the weekend hits, I smoke like a chimney when I drink/hang with friends. Unfortunately, 90% of my friends are smokers and its incredibly difficult to pass up, especially if I've had some drinks. Anybody been in a similar situation? How did you get over the hump?

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I've wanted to quit smoking for a few months now. I can usually stay pretty strong throughout the work week, maybe smoke 1 or 2 a day. But, when the weekend hits, I smoke like a chimney when I drink/hang with friends. Unfortunately, 90% of my friends are smokers and its incredibly difficult to pass up, especially if I've had some drinks. Anybody been in a similar situation? How did you get over the hump?

I quit smoking last month by going cold turkey. I used a few tricks to help, like telling myself that I have control over what I do and to stop being a little whiny *****. :ols:

Best of luck man.

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