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ES Official Quitting Smoking Thread


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I concur, read that book!

If I ever win big in the lottery or hit some windfall, I would love to open an easyway clinic in the Carolinas

That would be a difficult task, because the government has blocked Easyway clinics in the US. I was thinking about starting my own smoking cessation business and use the techniques in the book.

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Figures, they always seem to outlaw things that actually work. What was their reasoning?

I read somewhere that their reasoning was because it was not an approved method by the FDA. Which to me is translated, big tobacco pays congress and government entities to stick with methods that have low quit rates ie, NRT, psychoactive drugs, and "cold turkey".

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I read somewhere that their reasoning was because it was not an approved method by the FDA. Which to me is translated, big tobacco pays congress and government entities to stick with methods that have low quit rates ie, NRT, psychoactive drugs, and "cold turkey".

LOL, FDA? There arent any drugs involved though? rediculous

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  • 2 months later...
Get the book bro! It'll make it so much easier!!! (the book is mentioned in the first post)

saw some mention of a book earlier in the thread...but never caught what book you are speaking of. The only thing I'm worried about is not smoking when I drink...but that is what the e-cig is for!

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saw some mention of a book earlier in the thread...but never caught what book you are speaking of. The only thing I'm worried about is not smoking when I drink...but that is what the e-cig is for!

He means the Bible man, the good book. It will lead you to the path of salvation and a smoke free life.

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saw some mention of a book earlier in the thread...but never caught what book you are speaking of. The only thing I'm worried about is not smoking when I drink...but that is what the e-cig is for!

Allen Carr's The Easy Way To Stop Smoking

---------- Post added March-24th-2011 at 04:33 PM ----------

damn, i remember when i first saw this thread. can't believe its been two years.

congrats on the continued success, Titaw


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  • 2 weeks later...

Huly and I decided to quit smoking, although in different ways. I have gone "cold turkey" while she plans on taking some sort of medicine over the next couple days that averts you from cigarettes, and in a couple days will quit.

I am currently at 34 hours without a cigarette... I have had a couple hard cravings, but have successfully squashed them....

One of my biggest problems right now is that I am very very very VERY antsy... I really don't have an outlet right now as work is going crazy for me right now. How long till the cravings and this antsiness goes away?

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Pez, brother, I'm gonna answer your questions but first let be say BUY THE BOOK, it's cheap and it helps. You two both want to quit, the book will just make it 100 times easier.

Now to the questions:

1) I'd say the antsiness slowly dwindles with each day, it will take about a week - two weeks before you start to realize that you are not nearly as antsy and about a month or two before you realize that you have gone full days without that feeling.

The reason you are getting the antsy feeling is because your brain is telling you to feed the monster (your addiction). What makes nicotine so addictive is that it modifies the pleasure receptors in the brain in a way that when you smoke a cigarette your brain actually triggers a "reward" reaction. The way you feel as you are smoking a cigarette and RIGHT after you finish a cigarette is the SAME feeling non-smokers feel ALL THE TIME.

2) Cravings are pretty much like the antsiness as they slowly dwindle over time. The intense cravings every few hours go away after 10 days to two weeks. They dwindle down to about one intense craving a day for the next couple of months. Then you'll basically get them during trigger periods, times where you always smoked. Those to me were the easiest ones, because I just told myself, if you get through this you can get through anything.

Just remember there is no such thing as just one. Just one drag, turns into just one smoke, turns into just one pack, turns into I'll try to quit again when I'm ready.

**All of this advice is explained in better detail in the book Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking***

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