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ES Official Quitting Smoking Thread


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Congrats! Really happy for you. I was doing well and then went back because of the stupid snow. Gonna try again next week. Might have to actually pick up the book since it has helped so many people. I am worried it will just agitate me more and make me want a cigarette though...lol My reasons for quitting are not the same as most in that the health concerns really dont bother me. Hopefully you keep it up and will forever be an ex smoker!

The book doesnt really take that approach, though there is a chapter on health effects in it.

To me, I noticed that the theme of being under control of the "nicotine monster" was the most impactful. I hated knowing that something so wimpy (in reality) could own my arse. Once my mind went that route, I was unbeatable.

I am 100% confident that no cigarette will ever touch my lips again.

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So, next week I'll be in Vegas celebrating ONE EFFING YEAR!! You guys have no clue how excited an proud I am. I am welling up right now and I truly can't thank everyone in this thread for the support. No matter what you posted, it helped me. JeffSchmeff I owe you, BIG TIME. If it wasn't for your suggestion of the book I probably would have cracked and smoked a cig. LaxBuddy21, I owe you as well. Our debates allowed me to talk about what I was reading and helped me learn. Zoony, your constant encouragement ever single time this thread was bumped made me realize that even though I have NEVER met you in person, you honestly care. EVERYONE that posted in this thread, even if I didn't mention your name, you helped, know that!

To all that I have inspired keep it up! If I can do it anyone can, hold yourself accountable and tell as many people that you care about that you are quitting, for the first few weeks, months, hell the first year, let them know how everything is going. Everytime you get a craving think of them and if you take a drag you will be letting them down.

After the year is official I will be changing the name of the thread to the "OFFICIAL: ES MEMBERS QUITTING SMOKING THREAD" where members can come and quit for good! Everytime a milestone is reached I will update the title and the OP to note the milestone. FYI milestones are ANYTHING. One Week, Four Days, Thrre Months Two Years, Christmas, etc. I don't care because at least you can come here to this thread and know that someone does care and truly wants you to succeed.

With tears in my eyes, thank you, all of you! I would not have been able to do it without you

Congrats man. That's really great.

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  • 2 months later...
I hit the 6 month mark 2 weeks ago. Never looking back!

I calculated it out to over $950 that I didnt spend so far

Good Job Man!! I'm proud of ya! Isn't it amazing that a cheap ass book that is short as hell could make quitting THAT easy?

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Good Job Man!! I'm proud of ya! Isn't it amazing that a cheap ass book that is short as hell could make quitting THAT easy?

I really do credit the book for opening my eyes (and lungs!) I'm still stunned that not only did I and my wife use it top stop, but many other friends and family too.

It wasnt even hard, which blows my mind!

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I really do credit the book for opening my eyes (and lungs!) I'm still stunned that not only did I and my wife use it top stop, but many other friends and family too.

It wasnt even hard, which blows my mind!

I am glad that this thread has helped you and that was my goal! To help others as well as help myself!

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All signs point to "Quit Now".

I am about to quit (again). I've already cut down from nearly 2 packs a day to less than half a pack. I have one cig left. After that, no more. I have gum to help through the rough parts.

I am determined to quit for good this time. But for those of you who have tried to quit, you will know what I mean when this happens:

Somewhere, sometime, cigarettes won't look so bad. That's the part that always gets me. I quit once for 5 months, then a cig looked so good and ... oh cripes. I still can't believe I started up again. What an idiot I am.

Well here goes. Tonight, when I stub out that last cig, its goodbye forever to that habit.

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All signs point to "Quit Now".

I am about to quit (again). I've already cut down from nearly 2 packs a day to less than half a pack. I have one cig left. After that, no more. I have gum to help through the rough parts.

I am determined to quit for good this time. But for those of you who have tried to quit, you will know what I mean when this happens:

Somewhere, sometime, cigarettes won't look so bad. That's the part that always gets me. I quit once for 5 months, then a cig looked so good and ... oh cripes. I still can't believe I started up again. What an idiot I am.

Well here goes. Tonight, when I stub out that last cig, its goodbye forever to that habit.

You gotta read that book.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I haven't smoked for three days .... :) I know that it's a small amount of time, but I feel really good. I have the book and I've been reading it. The hard thing is that the book is telling me that I'm supposed to keep smoking and I have no desire to smoke.

I had it in my mind that I was going to stop for a while. I finally put the cigarettes down on Friday night. Woke up on Saturday morning and immediately went to get my car washed and cleaned. I'm sick of my car smelling like smoke.

So ... I'll continue to read the book and not smoke any cigarettes. At this point it's just reaffirming my decision. The first few chapters have been right on - I've always said that smoking is my only vice, I enjoy it, yadda yadda. Was nice to finally see that smoking is an addiction - and see some subtle startling facts (ie. injecting the amount of nicotine from one cigarette directly into your blood stream would kill you).

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I haven't smoked for three days .... :) I know that it's a small amount of time, but I feel really good. I have the book and I've been reading it. The hard thing is that the book is telling me that I'm supposed to keep smoking and I have no desire to smoke.

I had it in my mind that I was going to stop for a while. I finally put the cigarettes down on Friday night. Woke up on Saturday morning and immediately went to get my car washed and cleaned. I'm sick of my car smelling like smoke.

So ... I'll continue to read the book and not smoke any cigarettes. At this point it's just reaffirming my decision. The first few chapters have been right on - I've always said that smoking is my only vice, I enjoy it, yadda yadda. Was nice to finally see that smoking is an addiction - and see some subtle startling facts (ie. injecting the amount of nicotine from one cigarette directly into your blood stream would kill you).

This is AWESOME Candace. Congrats and keep me updated! I love hearing the successes of my fellow ESers.

BTW: It has been 18 months since my last cigarette and I truly don't even think about smoking anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Just wanted to bump this before a good amount of smokers make a New Years resolution to quit smoking. If you make the resolution, buy the book, read it and actually make good on the resolution!!

(Disclaimer: I make NO money whatsoever by the sale of the book. It simply worked for me after I tried virtually every way to quit.)

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Just wanted to bump this before a good amount of smokers make a New Years resolution to quit smoking. If you make the resolution, buy the book, read it and actually make good on the resolution!!

(Disclaimer: I make NO money whatsoever by the sale of the book. It simply worked for me after I tried virtually every way to quit.)

I concur, read that book!

If I ever win big in the lottery or hit some windfall, I would love to open an easyway clinic in the Carolinas

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