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ES Official Quitting Smoking Thread


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You got me beat. I'm around 2 months I think. This sucks. I miss it soooo bad. My god I want a ****ing smoke. The girl I'm dating says I'm cut off if I do and I just don't want to anyway, but jesus ****ing christ do I ever want to smoke. AARRRGGGHHHHH!

I'm not gonna though. Gonna try jogging again. I still can't breath and my chest is still tight.

Keep in mind, most people who get lung cancer and die are people within 5 years of quitting smoking, not smokers.

Yeah, I miss it at times too, especially when drinking. But I know how nasty it will taste if I do and that it just isn't worth it. Most people who get lung cancer, if I'm not mistaken, get it later in life and have many years of smoking under their belt. I had 5.5 years of 1 pack a day, and 4 years of 1/2 pack a day. The younger you are when you quit, the better. Is your last line supported by any research?

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I would recommend for those of you that are struggling, sign up now for a few races starting in the spring, when I say races, do a 5k mud race or a 5k, training and smoking should be painful enough, if you're currently smoking and running more than a 10k, i'm not sure what to tell you.

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You started smoking at age 9? Wow and you started with 2 packs a day? That's crazy did you smoke Kools?

Reds and Camels. That's what the guys at the gas station would sell me.

Benson and Hedges 120s is what my grandmother would give me.

I wasn't at 2 packs a day until I was about 14 or so, I was chewing a lot before that.

---------- Post added September-19th-2012 at 07:12 AM ----------

Yeah, I miss it at times too, especially when drinking. But I know how nasty it will taste if I do and that it just isn't worth it. Most people who get lung cancer, if I'm not mistaken, get it later in life and have many years of smoking under their belt. I had 5.5 years of 1 pack a day, and 4 years of 1/2 pack a day. The younger you are when you quit, the better. Is your last line supported by any research?

I saw a graph on here one time. It could be bogus, got me, but it's always stuck in my head.

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  • 1 month later...

So I switched to the ecigs (Mistics) a little over 2 weeks ago (had 1 regular cig b/c my battery died and I'll have to admit it was pretty disgusting tasting - never realized how bad it was before) - anyway, I've read conflicting things regarding "2nd hand vapor" - does anyone know if there is any harm with 2nd hand vapor or smoking the ecigs inside? I'm just trying to figure it out because I switched to the ecigs because my wife and I are expecting so I just want to know if it's safe to smoke the ecig around her (and the baby when he arrives)?

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So I switched to the ecigs (Mistics) a little over 2 weeks ago (had 1 regular cig b/c my battery died and I'll have to admit it was pretty disgusting tasting - never realized how bad it was before) - anyway, I've read conflicting things regarding "2nd hand vapor" - does anyone know if there is any harm with 2nd hand vapor or smoking the ecigs inside? I'm just trying to figure it out because I switched to the ecigs because my wife and I are expecting so I just want to know if it's safe to smoke the ecig around her (and the baby when he arrives)?

I quit the same way about 2 months ago and I've since bought just about every flavor there is out there, lol. I even bought a lot of the DIY stuff and will make my own, its almost free compared to cigs. There's a lot of info on http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com

From what I've been reading there isn't any danger smoking ecigs but it's still nicotine so anything that nicotine itself will cause (who knows?) is still going to happen. At least all the bad stuff is gone and the ecigs actually work great. I could never quit on patches. I did quit 2 years ago on chantix but I was on a US Navy ship at the time and worked my ass off for a few weeks until I didn't think about smoking anymore but as soon as I drank I needed a smoke anyway lol. For me ecigs are great, after buying a few mods which are somewhat expensive, the cost of the juice is pretty much nothing. It's like buying a candy bar or soda everyday.

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Damn right. Chewed wooden matches, that's it. Just put my mind to it and weathered the storm. ;)

Cold Turkey is really the only way to go. I dont understand all these replacements and crutches that people use. It seems like it just prolongs the pain and suffering from breaking the addiction (which is really mild when its looked at in reality).

Nice job man, be proud!!

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Thanks SS I am very proud. 30+ years a smoker and I was a 2 pack + a day smoker.

I bought nic gum when I first quit, but only chewed a few pieces and gave it away.

I'm so happy I'm free of smoking. It's hard to explain.

I fully understand! I have a similar story, a couple of failed attempts over the long term but have been a confirmed non-smoker for a long while now and never looking back.

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I fully understand! I have a similar story, a couple of failed attempts over the long term but have been a confirmed non-smoker for a long while now and never looking back.

:ols: Yeah, I posted on FB about a month into it that my tastes must have changed, because I enjoy mushrooms for the first time in my life, must be from quitting smoking. Well, about 40+ comments about not smoking and good for me, then my sister comes on and says "wow, big deal about the smoking, you've been trying to quit for years, but I've never seen you eat a mushroom" :ols:

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Glad to hear that KB. Keep up the good work. My parents quit cold turkey and said once you get to 1 year, you will rarely get a craving. They've been cold turkey for 25 years. Mom was 40 and Dad was 44 when they quit after 20+ years of smoking. Now if only we could get my sister to quit.

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  • 2 months later...


Quitting smoking by age 40 erases most of the risk of an early death

Smokers who quit by around age 40 can stave off an early death, according to a landmark study that fills key gaps in knowledge of smoking-related health ills.

While smokers who never stop lose about a decade of life expectancy, those who quit between ages 35 and 44 gained back nine of those years, the study found.

Moreover, the benefits of dropping the habit extend deep into middle age. Smokers who quit between 45 and 54 gained back six otherwise lost years, and those who quit between 55 and 64 gained four years.

Quitting young, before age 35, erased the entire decade of lost life expectancy.

The message: It’s never too late to quit, even for heavy smokers with decades of puffing behind them.


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Over 100 days smoke free!

Great Job. Keep it up!!

I never had the desire to smoke even with 2 parents and a sister smoking. Of course I had a little incentive to not start. They found a birth defect in my aorta when I was 15 and I had open chest surgery on my heart, so smoking was NOT an option for me.

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I have smoked for over 20 years now. Typing that # made me want to gag. In the last 3 years I have tried, Chantix (twice), the patch, gum, and lozenges. Nothing worked for more then a month.

Then the Ecig came into my life. Wow! It has now been 8 months since my last stinky ass cigarette. I talked to my PCP and he gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up. He was the one who prescribed the Chantix to me. He said a cigarette has thousands of carcinogen per cigarette. Switching to ecigs is a win he told me.

You can control the level of nicotine and I started with 18mg. I am now down to 6mgs. I feel great, I can taste again, I can smell again, I don't smell like **** all the time, and my workouts have never been better. Switching to Ecigs has greatly improved my quality of living quotient.

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I have smoked for over 20 years now. Typing that # made me want to gag. In the last 3 years I have tried, Chantix (twice), the patch, gum, and lozenges. Nothing worked for more then a month.

Then the Ecig came into my life. Wow! It has now been 8 months since my last stinky ass cigarette. I talked to my PCP and he gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up. He was the one who prescribed the Chantix to me. He said a cigarette has thousands of carcinogen per cigarette. Switching to ecigs is a win he told me.

You can control the level of nicotine and I started with 18mg. I am now down to 6mgs. I feel great, I can taste again, I can smell again, I don't smell like **** all the time, and my workouts have never been better. Switching to Ecigs has greatly improved my quality of living quotient.

Hear, hear! :D

I have been a smoker for 24.5 years. I have tried to quit dozens of times. I've tried Zyban, Chantix, patches, gum, homeopathic, and gimmick methods. On Christmas day I had my last cigarette. This is the longest I've been without a cigarette since I started smoking. These e-cigarettes are a life saver. Literally.

I have been using the patches, and when I get the cravings I use an e-cigarette. I started with step 1 (21mg) patches and 1.8% e-cigs and have been stepping them down on a weekly basis. Today I'm switching to step 3 (7mg) patches and I'm using the last of my 1.2% cigs before I step them down to .6%. I figure in another month I'll be down to no nicotine at all. Then I plan on getting the chocolate cartridges. From the testimonials, users say that the flavored ones are just like eating the candy and satisfy their sweet tooth but no calories.

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