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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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So, for all of those people (which would be I think literally everyone on this board and in the community) who wants Dan gone, yesterday was a good day.


What does the NFL cherish more than anything?  Money.


What does the NFL want in order to get more money from DC?  A new Stadium.


What does the NFL want in conjunction with the new Stadium?  Not to have to pay for it. (ie: spend LESS money)


Is there anything that can swing votes from the other owners to pressure Snyder to sell?  Inability to make more money.  


See a theme?  It's all about the money.  


There is absolutely no way to know this, but I really wonder if part of the deal, written or not, with the NFL allowing Dan to buy out his minority owners and be given the debt waiver and a loan from the NFL was his ability to get a new stadium.  Even in the press release announcing Her Great Emperess On High Queen Tonya was taking over the day-to-day operations, it stated Dan was going to be focusing on special projects, including the stadium.  


I think the NFL wants the stadium.  I think the NFL wants fans back at the new stadium, and they want to squeeze more money out of one of the richest communities in the country.


Virginia just said to Dan, "Go to hell you mother****er."  And this is WITH a "Friendly" governor, and a legislature that actually WANTs the stadium in VA.   The message couldn't be clearer: we'll do it, but getting close to Dan, at least right now, is bad politics." 


Maryland has said for ages, "stay, we're finally investing in the area, you build it, we'll help build around it."  Ok fine. But they also don't want to deal with Dan.  Dan owns the land already, if he wants to build a stadium there, fine. They will take it.  But they're not going to work for it.  


DC, well, I've already said, I don't think DC wants it and that has less to do with Dan and more to do with DC not wanting it. Which has been the case for 40 years and 2 owners. But Dan can't help.


So, now, the question is, has THIS news pushed more of the owners into the camp of, "We're just not going to be able to do anything with this guy, we need a new partner."


I dunno the answer to that question. But maybe?  I'd say it probably swung a few folks.  


I NEVER thought the workplace misconduct stuff was going to stick.  I've posted that multiple times.  Unless they could draw a straight line from Dan's dick to some chick who didn't want it, it was never going to amount to anything except bad press and scandal.  Or if he was openly made racist comments, and I'll say, we've NEVER heard anything like that.  He was a fan of Griffin and Haskins, and friendly with both of them.  Of all the things we have heard, any type of racial bias has never been one of them.  


There are too many owners (and I'm not sure exactly who they are, but I'd gather at least 9 and that's all you'd need to stop the vote) who have skeletons in their closets, either with them directly or their organizations, and they don't want any part of voting Dan out because of that reason.  Those in glass houses should not throw stones.


But this?  This is business.  This is money.  This I can see really irking the business side of the NFL.  And that is the more important side. 


So in the arena of getting Dan to sell, yesterday was a good day.   Maybe Dan looks at this last defeat and says, "the Stadium was my get out of jail free card.  We were going to build it, it was going to be awesome, we were going to start winning, and everything would be ok.  And now that's not going to happen.  Maybe it's time to get $5 Billion in cash and go do something else."  Maybe the stadium was his hail Mary.  Maybe now that it's dropped to the floor, he jus decides it's not worth it.  Unlikely, but maybe.   


Will it amount to anything from the NFL side?  It's possible.  Probably still doubtful.


But this advances the case for the NFL to push Dan out MUCH MUCH more than anything to do with the workplace misconduct scandals ever did.

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The NFL only wants a new stadium that is massively publicly funded. They don’t want to set a precedent where it’s completely privately financed. Simply building a stadium is not good enough even if he can secure funding on his own.   Dan has to go.

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17 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Gregg's off to the XFL were he probably stays until the league folds again. 🥱


Aside from all the baggage he is just not that good a DC. Look at the rankings of his defenses in his most recent stops - starting in Cleveland and then on to the Jets he was 32, 16,16,17 and 31.  

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2 minutes ago, MartinC said:


Aside from all the baggage he is just not that good a DC. Look at the rankings of his defenses in his most recent stops - starting in Cleveland and then on to the Jets he was 32, 16,16,17 and 31.  

Eh, part of that was personnel.  He was a very good DC here and with the Saints.  Might the game have passed him by?  Yeah.  Is he a giant male rooster?  Yeah.  Do I really want him here?  Not really.  


I do find it so "Red Commander Team" that we hired a pretty well respected DC who goes and runs his mouth and causes a distraction. I mean, at some point, can't literally anything be easy?


It's one of the reasons I like Turner.  (Apart from the fact I think he's not a bad OC.)  He's just so freaking boring and seems like he could yuk it up with literally anybody.  He's as bland as they come, and this team needs some bland in their diet.  


It's also ironic most of the roster is bland.  Young has a big personality.  Is that it from at least the leaders?  Jon Allen, Terry, Daron, Curtis Samuel, Dotson, none of these guys are flashy, in your face kinds of guys.  Fitz was, but he lasted 16 plays.  Wentz is not either. (Though we did have the one wild afternoon with Jon Allen saying he wanted to meet Hitler in a twitter AMA. New rule: nobody on the team is allowed to mention Hitler.  Ever.)


It's so Ironic the team is so bland, most of the coaches are bland, the HC talks to much (I love Ron, but at times, dude, shut up) but he also doesn't ever say anything controversial.  The owner himself never speaks.  


But somehow, there's always swirl. 


Back to Gregg.  I don't want him either. If they have to flip DCs, fine.  But Gregg wouldn't be my first choice.  

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23 hours ago, Wildbunny said:

That's the theory, but I'm pretty confident that almost everyone around here had a boss asking him to do something stupid or that you know won't work because he knows less than you.


At that point, even if you're being professionnal here and he orders you to do it, many are not gonna do it, or are gonna half-ass it.

I'm pretty sure that happens quite often in pro sports. Many players just don't care that much about fans, teams, teammates and only care about themselves and their own stats so they can make money out of it.


The best answer I've seen from all this mess camed from J. Allen saying all that mattered to him was JDR's ability to coach. It's good to have that kind of guy leading our D. I'm just not sure not everyone will be on the same page.


Sometimes, I'm wondering why the Washington Commanders are the Pro Football team in town, because it rarely looks professionnal at all.


Maybe Ron Rivera should ask our mods how to keep politics out of the locker room...

What is the xfl's football team going to be called? Might be the only real professional football team.

22 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

I seriously doubt a lot of players are going to feel the same playing for Del Rio following his "dust up" comment.


His comments also effectively torpedoed any new stadium in Virginia.  Jus look at some of the responses from state senators since he said that, it's over.


I'd be shocked if he wasn't fired, but it may take the production in the field to do it. Expect this to be his last year in DC.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but all the sudden the most likely scenario is they stay in DC at FedEx.  I doubt Maryland gives Snyder the help he needs for a new stadium outside basic infrastructure, and they don't need to, there's no threat of them leaving because neither DC or VA want them.

Saudi Arabia has money to spare. They offered Tiger a billion for their Liv golf tour. Offer Dan $10 billion to play there. The Neil's first international team.

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I happened to stop by Jack Del Rio's office and noticed his bookshelf collection:


Dustups and Peace - Leo Tolstoy

The Art of Dustups - Sun Tzu

The History of the Second World Dustup


He had some DVDs too:


Star Dustups

Dustup of the Worlds

Dustup Club (with Brad Pitt)

Marvel's Infinity Dustup


Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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21 hours ago, The Rook said:

So, there now seems to be some strong negative backlash to Coach Del Rio.  


If he is shown the door, who takes over as DC? Mills? Rivera?  I don't particularly like those choices.  Don't get me wrong, I think Coach Rivera would be a very good DC, but he has bigger fish to fry.


Someone else from inside the organization?



Any outside suggestions?







:229:The Rook


Well, probably promote someone since you don't want to change the schemes to much or now would b e the time to do it before training camp?

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30 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:



Back to Gregg.  I don't want him either. If they have to flip DCs, fine.  But Gregg wouldn't be my first choice.  


Vic Fangio is out of work. But he turned down a lot of offers to be a DC this season.


If our D is poor or even just average this season and the offense shows significant improvement he could be a name to look at for next season. I don't think Del Rio is getting sacked anytime soon and if he is it should because he's failing as a DC not because if some tweets based on his political opinion. 

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13 minutes ago, MartinC said:

If our D is poor or even just average this season and the offense shows significant improvement he could be a name to look at for next season. I don't think Del Rio is getting sacked anytime soon and if he is it should because he's failing as a DC not because if some tweets based on his political opinion. 

It's a bit hard to argue he was that succesful running this D.

It was abysmal last year and you have to wonder why did he survived mid season.


He and Rivera are ex NFL Linebackers, and our backers play has been terribles since they've been here. So in my view, it doesn't reflect great on any of them. I've been more impressed by Scott Turner ability to do something out of Heinicke and just  TMac than the defensive coaches and all there supposedly star players.

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I wonder why JDR and RR were so hesitant to change up our failed defense last year. Watching other games (and defenses vs our offense) it is clear there was no trickery no deception attempted no unpredictability... almost an arrogant approach thinking on paper we can dominate any offense playing what was a vanilla scheme for 2022. No I dont care that PFF shows we blitzed blah blah % of the time. Any blitzing we did was predictable delayed and ineffective. It was easy to play our D until mid to late in the year when clear adjustments were made but the damage was done and IMO JDR only kept his job because he is best buds with RR.  If either of those 2 were responsible for reaching on Jamin that should be enough to make them voluntarily consider a career change.

Edited by RandyHolt
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16 minutes ago, RandyHolt said:

I wonder why JDR and RR were so hesitant to change up our failed defense last year. Watching other games (and defenses vs our offense) it is clear there was no trickery no deception attempted no unpredictability... almost an arrogant approach thinking on paper we can dominate any offense playing what was a vanilla scheme for 2022. No I dont care that PFF shows we blitzed blah blah % of the time. Any blitzing we did was predictable delayed and ineffective. It was easy to play our D until mid to late in the year when clear adjustments were made but the damage was done and IMO JDR only kept his job because he is best buds with RR.  If either of those 2 were responsible for reaching on Jamin that should be enough to make them voluntarily consider a career change.

I completely agree.  I think it was pretty obvious early in the season that Landon Collins was a main issue in the secondary.  There was no cohesion with that unit whatsoever. Almost like a light bulb though, as soon as Curl took over they just started getting better and better, Then the D-line had issues with injuries and the second string ends came in.  All of the sudden we had gap discipline and while the pressure wasn't there all the time, teams knew they couldn't run on us as effectively.  It was night and day for me.  I do hope they bring Landon back as a LB.  I think he really excelled there and it would be exciting to see him add a few lbs and really attack the LOS.  

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1 hour ago, RandyHolt said:

I wonder why JDR and RR were so hesitant to change up our failed defense last year. Watching other games (and defenses vs our offense) it is clear there was no trickery no deception attempted no unpredictability... almost an arrogant approach thinking on paper we can dominate any offense playing what was a vanilla scheme for 2022. No I dont care that PFF shows we blitzed blah blah % of the time. Any blitzing we did was predictable delayed and ineffective. It was easy to play our D until mid to late in the year when clear adjustments were made but the damage was done and IMO JDR only kept his job because he is best buds with RR.  If either of those 2 were responsible for reaching on Jamin that should be enough to make them voluntarily consider a career change.



Last year our defense sang a paean to a bygone era when teams essentially just lined up mano a mano, played a simplified game, didn't try to out think or out trick you, and the team that was the most brutish on a given Sunday left the field victorious.


I grew up when football was like that. 


Even this old broken down three legged cross eyed hound dog knows that era is as extinct and obsolete as the fierce reptiles that once ruled our planet...




(Image of reptiles that once ruled the planet inserted above for the benefit of those readers lacking imagination. Copyright held by Tanya Snyder Designs, Ltd.)



It's a shame we're stuck with an old school-- "no new trick learning"-- dinosaur running our defense.


Edited by CommanderInTheRye
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JDR got a hundred thousand dollar fine. He's probably going to get parental locks put on his cell phone, but Ron didn't specifically mention it in his statement.



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4 minutes ago, spjunkies said:

I'd fire the guy. I don’t trust him not to sabotage the defense, hopefully I'm just being paranoid lol.

You're being paranoid. Jack is 59 and can easily have at least 5 years of coaching in front of him. Being an annoying twitter user doesn't mean he's going to intentionally suck at his multi-million dollar job.

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24 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:

It's a shame we're stuck with an old school-- "no new trick learning"-- dinosaur running our defense.



That's a big problem that has been around the league forever. Usually coaches stick to the same plan if they had success with it before...even when it's no longer working. They always say they just need to execute better, but it's the same reason a lot of successful entrepreneurs who succeed once fail to repeat that success...the inability to keep an open mind and learn new things.


Guys like Dustup Del Rio are stuck in the smashmouth era. As an (admittedly) Steelers fan, I've seen the same thing with Tomlin and even Cowher before him. The Steelers had good defenses and played good smashmouth football in the 90s and up until now...and don't have much to show for it. Yes, we won two Super Bowls, but we had a Franchise QB who was in his prime...something Cowher never understood as we struggled with oxygen thieves like Bubby Brister, Neil O'Donnell, Jim Smith, Mike Tomczak, Kordell Stewart, and Tommy Maddox. Just reciting those names makes my stomach queasy.


The Steelers wasted all that defensive prowess with an addiction to smashmouth, run-the-football-down-their-throats football...which works great when you have a big lead, not so great when you're being outcoached by the other team. Can't tell you how many times I saw Tom Brady go deep on the Steelers on the 2nd or 3rd play of the game and connect, while the Steelers looked on in shock, like they were expecting the Patriots to try and 'establish the run' first. That's because Belichick doesn't follow patterns and is well aware of trying new things when the other team doesn't expect it. The 2016 AFCC game where the Steelers got walloped is a good case study. Marty Schottenheimer was another smashmouth coach who came up short in the playoffs every year because he never understood you need a franchise QB either.


Guys get stuck in old ways of thinking. Smashmouth is fine, but not all the time, and I don't think Dustup Del Rio has the capacity to think any other way. Hence we see the same defense every year.

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I don't see how this isn't the beginning of the end of JDR here.  You fine me $100k and I don't think I did anything wrong, we're gonna have a problem that probably won't get fixed. 


But i wonder if he gets fined if he doesn't make the dust up comment while on company time. 

1 hour ago, RandyHolt said:

I wonder why JDR and RR were so hesitant to change up our failed defense last year. Watching other games (and defenses vs our offense) it is clear there was no trickery no deception attempted no unpredictability... almost an arrogant approach thinking on paper we can dominate any offense playing what was a vanilla scheme for 2022. No I dont care that PFF shows we blitzed blah blah % of the time. Any blitzing we did was predictable delayed and ineffective. It was easy to play our D until mid to late in the year when clear adjustments were made but the damage was done and IMO JDR only kept his job because he is best buds with RR.  If either of those 2 were responsible for reaching on Jamin that should be enough to make them voluntarily consider a career change.


Swiftly adjusting to things has never seemed to be Ron's forte. 

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10 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


That's a big problem that has been around the league forever. Usually coaches stick to the same plan if they had success with it before...even when it's no longer working. They always say they just need to execute better, but it's the same reason a lot of successful entrepreneurs who succeed once fail to repeat that success...the inability to keep an open mind and learn new things.


Guys like Dustup Del Rio are stuck in the smashmouth era. As an (admittedly) Steelers fan, I've seen the same thing with Tomlin and even Cowher before him. The Steelers had good defenses and played good smashmouth football in the 90s and up until now...and don't have much to show for it. Yes, we won two Super Bowls, but we had a Franchise QB who was in his prime...something Cowher never understood as we struggled with oxygen thieves like Bubby Brister, Neil O'Donnell, Jim Smith, Mike Tomczak, Kordell Stewart, and Tommy Maddox. Just reciting those names makes my stomach queasy.


The Steelers wasted all that defensive prowess with an addiction to smashmouth, run-the-football-down-their-throats football...which works great when you have a big lead, not so great when you're being outcoached by the other team. Can't tell you how many times I saw Tom Brady go deep on the Steelers on the 2nd or 3rd play of the game and connect, while the Steelers looked on in shock, like they were expecting the Patriots to try and 'establish the run' first. That's because Belichick doesn't follow patterns and is well aware of trying new things when the other team doesn't expect it. The 2016 AFCC game where the Steelers got walloped is a good case study. Marty Schottenheimer was another smashmouth coach who came up short in the playoffs every year because he never understood you need a franchise QB either.


Guys get stuck in old ways of thinking. Smashmouth is fine, but not all the time, and I don't think Dustup Del Rio has the capacity to think any other way. Hence we see the same defense every year.

I just read your user name incorrectly as “BringMeth”.


Ive never used a drug and never see myself doing so (I do take OTC pain relievers and cough medicine).


But I found that to be poetic.


Just wanted to share.

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I'm wondering how much of Del Rio getting fined is an eyeroll and a shoulder shrug from the organization in a response to outside pressure.  


In other words, if Del Rio says what he said and no one makes *ahem* a dust up over it, he's not getting fined because the Commies are committed to being an upstanding franchise.   


Make no mistake, this is not about what Del Rio said.  Rather, it's about the Commanders seizing the opportunity of taking the moral high ground, finally looking like they're doing the right thing for once and stepping in before the NFL could.  


14 minutes ago, justice98 said:



But i wonder if he gets fined if he doesn't make the dust up comment while on company time. 


He probably does.  IMO, what he said was stupid but not fine-worthy.  But someone like that can't say anything stupid these days without someone breathing down their neck and wanting them to be fined or fired.  Doesn't matter if it's on company time or not.

Edited by Spaceman Spiff
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1 minute ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


He probably does.  IMO, what he said was stupid but not fine-worthy.  But someone like that can't say anything stupid these days without someone breathing down their neck and wanting them to be fined or fired.  Doesn't matter if it's on company time or not.

It's not the first time he's opened his mouth -- or tweeted controversial stuff. Goes back to his Oakland days. Team had to do something.

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