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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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24 minutes ago, goskins10 said:



I tried with AZ. Even got to know all the players, followed thier draft, watched games etc. But it was just not the same passion. And what pisses me off the most is that I am not sure I can ever get that same passion I had for this team. Dan took that away from me and I do not think i can ever get it back. That makes me hate him more than anything. 


Cowards! I get what you are saying and would not turn down a real suspension but do we really believe that would change the franchise? It will still be his organization. 


They need to cut out the rot and that rot is dan ****ing snyder. 


The Redskins do not exist anymore. This is no longer that. You have to start over choosing whatever team you prefer. If you then consciously choose Doofus Dan's team well that is on you, lol.


I no longer really have a team though. I do follow this one still, waiting for Wile E Coyote to break out some ACME products from time to time but to ever expect SB wins from this buffoon?


I live in Tennessee, used to live in San Diego, so I might choose the Titans or the Chargers. I might just watch some football and pick a team too. I don't really know. 



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18 minutes ago, Thinking Skins said:

I'm only half following this thread in the conversation but the thing that gets me is that when I talk football, I'm talking from a certain perspective, a history. Sure Dan has ruined my recent memory but he didn't ruin the 80s. Even under his ownership there have been bright spots, the runs under GIbbs, the You Like That game, the RG3 year, the 7-9 division winners, the Heinicke stuff. Even if I were to walk in the next 5 year or so, I can't walk from those things. I remember in the 90s when I was gravitating towards the Lions because of Barry and my despising of Norv's ineptness, I'd talk to Skins fans and Lions fans and I liked their roster. I liked Charlie Batch, Herman Moore, Brett Perrimen, etc, Kevin Glover. It was great. But I was still checking in on my ex. I would look at Norv and watch the games and watch the scores to see if he was doing well. I would go to a barber shop or a basketball court and then when they started talking trash about my Skins, I'd get defensive and suddenly I'm defending Gus being better than Heath. I remember the argument. Dude was shooting free throws and three pointers saying how much Heath was better than Gus and how Gus shouldn't even be in the league. I think this was 97ish before we started on the 7-1 run. He was like how are you going to pick somebody top of the first round and not start him. I was trying to stay quiet because I despised Norv and really wanted to move on. But eventually I found myself just getting in his face talking about you don't know football because Heath is bad, just bad, just really bad. And then my love for Gus just started coming back. Even though I couldn't stand Norv, I really liked Gus and his play at QB. We could never get the players and we had done our team from the 80s and early 90s wrong and we had gone into enemy terrirory hiring Norv and Alvin Harper and James Wasington and all those bums, but I couldn't let this guy, a Dallas fan at that just go after my team like that. 


Shortly after I found sites like webskins and tsn and extremskins that served as a support group therapy for fans who were in need of help through this process. Funny thing is that we thought that Dan would bring clarity and order to the team because we were in such flux under a sick JKC and then the flux caused by his death and letting Trent Green go. Boy were we wrong. 



You are mixing two things. My love of the teams past and those players has not changed. Honestly not sure how you got that out of what I said. But OK, when I say my passion for the team is not the same it means I no longer get totally pissed when we lose and pout for days. I no longer get quite as excited even when we win. I am jsut kind of numb most of the time. I get a little excited about the draft but mostly because of the mock draft which has become the best part of the year. If the team starts winning I will be happy but it will never carry the same excitement I had from 1967 though 1990. I like following the team and I enjoy the winning but just not the same as it was. And the new name has nothing to with it.

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Dan, just sell the team and retire. You are hated league wide, you are despised  by your own  fanbase and the team itself has only gotten worse since you bought it. There is no reason to keep it. Stubborn asshole.

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6 hours ago, dyst said:

Dan, just sell the team and retire. You are hated league wide, you are despised  by your own  fanbase and the team itself has only gotten worse since you bought it. There is no reason to keep it. Stubborn asshole.

Dan will fight tooth and nail; to

keep the team.


Dan’s ego can’t deal with someone else owning the team and being successful; so he will

hold on to the team as long as he can.



To prepare for the fight; wouldn’t surprise me; if Dan hired people to get the dirt on key owners .

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6 hours ago, dyst said:

Dan, just sell the team and retire. You are hated league wide, you are despised  by your own  fanbase and the team itself has only gotten worse since you bought it. There is no reason to keep it. Stubborn asshole.

Goodell grew up a Redskins fan. He knows what this franchise was and what Dan has done to it. It’s way past time to end it. 

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I see a new article claiming owners might want a tougher suspension, but are worried about forcing him out.  But how exactly do you enforce that?  I mean all he needs in this day and age is a smart phone

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7 minutes ago, MrJL said:

I see a new article claiming owners might want a tougher suspension, but are worried about forcing him out.  But how exactly do you enforce that?  I mean all he needs in this day and age is a smart phone


South Park got it so so right. 




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The reason generally floated as to why the owners are so reluctant to boot Snyder is they’re afraid he will litigate them into the next century. There’s no doubt he would, but so what? They’re a bunch of billionaires, with plenty of money to pay their lawyers to take on Snyder’s lawyers. This is a case of being penny-wise and pound-foolish. Sure, Snyder would continue to be a nuisance, but how can anyone look at the chaos Snyder has brought to what was once judged the most valuable franchise in sports — read that phrase again, the most valuable franchise in sports — and not understand that the sooner he’s gone, the better off everyone will be?


It isn’t just that the team was worth a lot of money; it’s that it was one of the most respected franchises in sports. Vince Lombardi coached the team; George Allen led the team to a Super Bowl. General manager Bobby Beathard hired Joe Gibbs, who won three Super Bowls and went to another.

Now, the fact that the team is, at best, mediocre on occasion is the least of its problems.

Jack Kent Cooke built a monument to himself in a terrible location, and the team’s fans have suffered because of that. But Snyder took a bad situation and made it worse — expanding the stadium to include obstructed view seats (and then removing them when he couldn’t find buyers), charging ridiculous prices to park and taking lousy care of the stadium, from the playing field to the fan experience itself.


And that’s not close to the worst of it. While the NFL only wrist-slapped Snyder for his treatment of female employees, the world noticed. Washington is now the laughingstock of the NFL. It finished second-to-last (!) in attendance this past season — ahead of Detroit but behind Jacksonville (seriously, Jacksonville) — and even the pathetic announced average of 52,571 per game doesn’t begin to tell the story. People who attended games thought the stadium looked significantly emptier than that, and at most home games it appeared at least half of those who did show up were fans of the visiting team.

This is a city where people once waited years for the chance to buy a season ticket, where you could walk into a supermarket on a Sunday afternoon and have the place to yourself because those not at the game were home watching on TV. The store employees? They had the game on the radio.

Snyder’s response to all this has been twofold: deny every charge against him through statements put out by the team or his lawyers — he never speaks on the record to the media anymore — and have his flunkies talk nonstop about where they want to build a new stadium.


If you believe Snyder’s denials, that means every person who has spoken out against him is lying. If you’re buying that, perhaps you’d like to help him fund a new stadium on the 200-hundred acre tract the team just acquired the option to purchase in Woodbridge.


There are two theories on that purchase: Snyder is trying to bluff the D.C. and Maryland governments into thinking he might actually take the team there, or the people around him understand that no smart politician in any accessible jurisdiction is going to touch him right now. He’s radioactive.

The NFL has done everything it can to protect Snyder, even allowing him to begin to investigate himself in the wake of the initial sexual harassment allegations. Then, after it took over the investigation, it ensured there would be no written report.


The great Bob Woodward has always insisted that you get to the heart of any story by getting the documents. Goodell made sure there were no documents.


Regardless of the outcome of the latest investigation — launched in the wake of new allegations made during a congressional roundtable — this nightmare doesn’t end until Snyder is forced to sell. A new owner could walk in with a clean slate, the ability to negotiate a stadium deal someplace closer to or even inside D.C. — will the new fight song conclude with the words “Fight for old Woodbridge?” — and not be dragged down by what is now 23 years of rancid baggage.

I would suggest that Goodell take a leadership role in getting this done, but he’s too busy shopping for new suits and putting out bogus news releases about the NFL’s search (ha!) for more diversity.

Snyder’s a member of an exclusive, only-White-people-need-apply club. As much as he has done and is still doing to damage the club’s, the city’s and the league’s image, no one seems inclined to kick him to the curb, which is where he belongs.

Instead, it’s pass the cigars and the brandy.



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Sheehan talking this morning about knowing some of the new group who runs the business side of the team right now -- in his view humble and smart and a major departure from the prior group but have been dealt a bad hand on the stadium among other things because of the hole than Dan and the prior business team put them in.  


He goes and he has said so before.  The previous business group (implying Bruce and in other past segments he flat out referenced Bruce) were arrogant as heck while being incompetent.  lol, for some reason I still have stuck in my head Keim's story from years back when he wrote about how they are losing fans and Bruce called him into his office being pissed about the story and selling him its nonsense.  Ditto the Chris Russell story where I guess at some point they indeed noticed a problem with fans so Bruce asked some of those who cover the team for their input in a meeting.  According to Russell he laid it on in a real way as to what he was seeing, Bruce got pissed at him, and that's part of the narrative why they had a contentious relationship afterwards.


As I like to say the Bruce-Dan marriage was the perfect marriage to sink this franchise.  Adding another layer of incompetence to Dan's brand of it while jacking up the smugness-arrogance to the brand with an extra helping of sleaze which made them more off putting than even the Cerrato-Dan brand.   Bruce apparently helped feed Dan's delusions.  And I don't think that was purely about Bruce pandering to Dan.  The more narratives I hear about Bruce the more it gives the vibe that he was as genuinely delusional as Dan.  It's probably why they got along so well and he lasted as long as he did.  But again Bruce was IMO the symptom of the disease.  The disease by a country mile is Dan.




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...“Most people would like to have the team here. The question that still remains is whether or not there is any political will to move forward this year given some of the difficulties surrounding the owner,” Newman said in an interview with The Washington Post. “I’ve heard from a number of fellow senators who are concerned.”



...Newman said negotiators have made “good progress” toward ensuring the stadium bill would make solid financial sense for the commonwealth. But as negotiators have focused on the financials, Newman noted, questions about Snyder have been raised.

The Commanders and Snyder have been embroiled in scandal for much of the past two years with the allegations of sexual misconduct and financial impropriety, which have prompted investigations by the NFL and Congress, as well as possibly the Federal Trade Commission. Last month, attorneys general Karl A. Racine of D.C. and Jason S. Miyares of Virginia launched their own probes of the team and Snyder.


Petersen and Newman voiced concerns about the bill following reports this week that the Commanders had acquired the right to purchase 200 acres in Prince William County for the project. Leaked a little more than a week before the General Assembly has its last chance to vote on the stadium bill June 1, the disclosure could have been intended to pull the measure over the finish line.



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Listening to this guy on the radio right now.  He's afraid they will be drawing 20,000 fans.  If this was a winning team with strong fan support, he'd feel differently.  He was a big fan of the team once but he tapped out on it 2 years ago. 





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I get his sentiment, but I'd still be against public funding even in a perfect world. The Redskins and the feelings that name has built up over a couple generations are dead and gone. This is basically a new team trying to use the legacy of another and it's not gonna' work. The fanbase was on shaky ground even before the name change. That just sloughed off the diehards who remained. Good luck getting new fans with a losing team, this owner and this FO.

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27 minutes ago, sebestian said:

I would take Trump being the owner if it meant Snyder was gone.  My standards are dwindling as my patience whines.  


24 minutes ago, CobraCommander said:

Oh lord. Please don't do this. 


Naked Gun Panic GIF

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Both of you - Please edit your posts within a timely manner. ...

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I really do feel for Ron and his entire staff.  I've always said that every coach here under Dan has one hand tied behind their back, just having to navigate the circus that is Dan Snyder's Ashburn. But Ron has to try and block out the blaring noise from all around and get their guys to focus on football and winning games.  The noise has never been louder and he's got to do all this in the midst of a rebrand that fell flat, congressional investigations, stadium drama, and the list goes on.



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1 hour ago, sebestian said:

I would take Trump being the owner if it meant Snyder was gone.  My standards are dwindling as my patience whines.  


Ugh, I'll never forgive Trump for ruining the original USFL with his greed. The owners had agreed not to get in bidding wars for players, so the league would have a chance to survive. Guess who violated that rule before the ink even dried on that agreement? Trump did, by signing Herschel Walker to a mega-deal. That forced the other owners to try and keep up by overspending on players. Then Trump drove the nail into the coffin by forcing the league to adopt a fall schedule to directly compete against the NFL. How'd that work out?

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1 hour ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:



Yeah, pretty much. Especially since Rule 6 was the last posted in here before your last two posts. 

Go edit your post. 

And the next one that quotes that Rule violation is getting a ban. 

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3 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:




As of now, I doubt winning would cure anything.

It's not like 2012 and RG3's magic anymore. There's been so may things unveiled since, that I really doubt you'll get any fans back with winning.


At least, those that left due to sexual scandals aren't gonna come back with one or two winning seasons. 5 or 10 in a row probably wouldn't.

Then you add everything that happened after that, DEA, Sean Taylor's ceremony last year, rebrand, financial stuff....

I'm forgetting some.


There's way too much on this team so that those that are leaving aren't coming back until Dan's gone. And even that is not a promise they'll be back, though they'll probably cheer on it and have a beer at it too. So IMHO, the bleeding of departing fans won't stop with a winning season here and there. Franchise isn't getting new fans at all. Not because they aren't winning. Lions, Browns, Jets, still have viable fanbases. And they aren't winning much more than us.


The biggest difference is that they are way more respectable than us. Fans can overcome losing. But not being not respectable.


And honestly Jack, you really think you can come up with 5 winning seasons in a row with that kind of owner? If you do, you're clearly overestimating your coaching skills. Too much to overcome.

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