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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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2 hours ago, JSSkinz said:

Don't worry, Jack Del Rio is running his account.


Its amazing we're more valuable than the Eagles and they are fresh off a Superbowl, have a fairly new stadium and a franchise QB.


So much upside with this team.

Wait....2003 is “fairly new” for a stadium?? You DO know it’s 2020, right? :P 

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Round 2




Lewd cheerleader videos, sexist rules: Ex-employees decry Washington’s NFL team workplace



But interviews with more than 100 current and former employees and a review of internal company documents and other records show that, in his 21 years of ownership, Snyder has presided over an organization in which women say they have been marginalized, discriminated against and exploited. The employees also described an atmosphere in which bullying and demeaning behavior by management created a climate of fear that allowed abusive behavior to continue unchecked.

Twenty-five women — most of them speaking on the condition of anonymity because of nondisclosure agreements or fear of reprisal — told The Post that they experienced sexual harassment while working for the team. They described male bosses, colleagues and players commenting on their bodies and clothing, incorporating sexual innuendos into workplace conversation and making unwanted advances in person or via emails, text messages and social media. Many said they were motivated to speak out because they were angered by Snyder’s comments after The Post report last month that detailed allegations from another 17 women, which they read as an attempt to distance himself from the workplace culture described.


One of the women interviewed for this story accused Snyder of directly humiliating her, the first such claim made to The Post. Former cheerleader Tiffany Bacon Scourby said Snyder approached her at a 2004 charity event at which the cheerleaders were performing and suggested she join his close friend in a hotel room so they “could get to know each other better.” Scourby’s account was supported by three friends she spoke to shortly afterward about the alleged incident, including the team’s former cheerleader director.


....“It was like fresh meat to a pack of wolves every time a new pack of interns would come in,” Pareti said. “It was like a frat house, with men lined up in the lobby watching women walk in and out. You constantly felt there were eyes on you.”


...Pareti and Scourby are among 12 former team employees who have retained attorney Lisa J. Banks, partner in the D.C. firm Katz, Marshall and Banks, which specializes in civil rights, employment and sexual harassment law.

“A workplace culture this toxic and pervasive, at the highest levels of the organization, simply cannot exist without the knowledge and encouragement of the owner,” said Banks, whose firm represented Palo Alto University professor Christine Blasey Ford when she went public in 2018 with accusations of sexual assault against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh, who denied them.


Some former team employees were referred to Banks by the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, an initiative that connects women who are sexually harassed at work with legal and public relations professionals.

The new allegations come at a perilous time for Snyder, 55, who recently dropped the team’s name under pressure from sponsors and critics who said it was racist. He also faces the possible exodus of his three co-owners, who are trying to sell their collective 40 percent stake in the franchise.


...“Tiffany!” Scourby recalled Snyder calling to her. Then 26, she had never spoken to Snyder before, she said, and was surprised he knew her name.

Scourby recalled a brief, awkward conversation before Snyder said, “You know, Tony is here,” and gestured to Anthony Roberts, his longtime friend, who was 40 years old at the time.


Roberts, an eye doctor, had performed LASIK surgery on Scourby the year before — one of her friends had recommended him — and she said she had noticed him in Snyder’s suite at FedEx Field before a game a few months later, peering through binoculars and waving at her.


The “official ophthalmologist” of the team, Roberts has known Snyder since they were classmates at a Rockville high school. As teenagers, they watched Washington games together at Snyder’s home in Silver Spring, according to a 1999 Post story. When Snyder had one of his first successful business forays, at 22, he and Roberts bought Porsches together.

“We have a hotel room,” Snyder said that 2004 night, according to Scourby. “Why don’t you and Tony go upstairs and get to know each other better?”

Scourby said she laughed sheepishly and waited for a laugh from Snyder that would indicate he was joking. He didn’t laugh, she said.

“Oh, I’m working. Have a great time,” Scourby said she told him before quickly walking back into the crowd. Later that night, she confided in Donald Wells, the cheerleader director, about the conversation.

“I remember her saying, ‘Daniel Snyder offered me the suite with one of his friends,’ ” said Wells, who led the squad from 1997 to early 2009, when he was laid off with roughly 20 other employees amid the economic downturn. “She was more or less propositioned.”


...Two other people supported Scourby’s recollection of that evening: her boyfriend at the time, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, and a longtime friend, who said Scourby told her about the incident a few days later.

Snyder “let it be known he had a room in the hotel and Tiffany and his friend should go get to know each other better,” recalled Kristi Kelly, a cannabis industry executive who lives in Michigan. “She gracefully exited the conversation.”


Years later, Scourby said, she is still unsure whether Roberts knew about Snyder’s remark. Roberts did not respond to repeated requests for comment from The Post.

“There’s a power dynamic, and Dan Snyder looked down on me,” Scourby said. “Because he‘s powerful and our employer, he’s thinks he somehow has the right to say these things to us, to make these requests of us, and he doesn’t. It’s disgusting.”

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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2 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


I hate these stories, they are sad and sleazy, only silver lining to me is maybe it would force Dan to sell. 


I'm with you, none of this **** is good. Just too much stink surrounding this guy, I'm beyond sick of it.

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This article is UNBELIEVABLE! If this doesn't force the NFL to force a change, I cannot continue rooting for a team run by this UTTERLY DISGUSTING group of people. I just can't. This is an embarrassment to EVERYONE who's ever loved this team. Absolutely disgusting. Read this full article. And I'm sure this isn't even the end of this. 

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You know when you act improperly for years you think you will always get away with stuff but now the walls are crumbling around the Danny.  The Post is on a mission

to make sure he is held accountable some how.  Now what will the NFL do about it?   The hiring of an outside attorney by the Redskins to investigate impropriety will not

work now for sure.   Clearly it is up to the NFL Commissioner to sort through all these allegations and to talk to the other owners.   Being arrogant even if you are a wealthy

owner it never works out over time.   Some of this stuff could not have been made up.  Clearly Julie Donaldson should get out now if she values her future job prospects.

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People should go to jail for this. There has to be something illegal about it all. Charge them all with sex crimes too so they have to register the rest of their lives. 

This has to be enough to kick snyder out. The NfL has to care about this to that level. 

the original cheerleader scandal was bad enough and the response was pathetically underwhelming. 

this has to be taken seriously 

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Ugh.  Truly, truly disgusting.  What a horrid environment for any woman to go through.


If the NFL doesn't step in w/ this just being the latest thing - compounding on everything else, then they'll never step in.  Snyder is directly mentioned in this piece, maybe this will ultimately lead to his Jerry Richardson moment and be forced out.

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17 minutes ago, Dissident2 said:

I cannot continue rooting for a team run by this UTTERLY DISGUSTING group of people. I just can't.

I’ve flippantly made comments like this before. Around the team name, and mostly around the ridiculous crap this team constantly gets caught doing. 

I usually wind up getting over it


this... this is different. this is egregious. 

And it’s hard to ignore that usually you never get the full story anyways. Usually there’s more that just doesn’t have enough evidence for someone to run with publicly, but it still happened. 

so if they’re secretly recording cheerleaders naked and distributing it, what else is going on that we just haven’t found out about yet and may never find out about


(I honestly think this article deserves its own thread)

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10 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I think that article hits harder than the first one.  Still, it doesn't contain anything that can get Danny to sell.


I think there is a fighting chance with that article.  Between the cheerleader story, the sexual harassment one and Dan now directly implicated in some of these stories -- then you pile onto it that most of the owners supposedly don't like him (and they can vote him out) and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that his ownership has not been healthy in the DMV -- there might be enough in the soup.  And as Galdi pointed out, this might not be the end of it.  Investigative reporting often comes in multiple layers. 

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What the cheerleaders didn’t know was that another video, intended strictly for private use, would be produced using footage from that same shoot. Set to classic rock, the 10-minute unofficial video featured moments when nipples were inadvertently exposed as the women shifted positions or adjusted props.


This is so sleazy and absolutely believable. Snyder and his minions get no benefit of the doub t from me.




The lewd outtakes were what Larry Michael, then the team’s lead broadcaster and a senior vice president, referred to as “the good bits” or “the good parts,” according to Brad Baker, a former member of Michael’s staff. Baker said in an interview that he was present when Michael told staffers to make the video for team owner Daniel Snyder.



Although Baker's statement that he was told the video was for Snyder is clearly hearsay this is not a court of law. This is all about public perception and if the public outcry against Snyder is loud enough and sustained long enough for the good of the shield the NFL will be forced to remove him as owner.


The fact that Snyder and his attorneys have known that the Post was working on this since at least Aug. 18th and have declined to comment puts in perspective Snyder's true reason for creating a twitter account that will only have specially approved followers. Prepare for an onslaught of "alternative facts" and "fake news" declarations-- I'm not buying anything he says.


It is time to end this reign of tyranny once and for all.

Edited by TrancesWithWolves
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31 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I think that article hits harder than the first one.  Still, it doesn't contain anything that can get Danny to sell.


I couldn't disagree more. Number one, If it's true he asked for the video of the cheerleaders nude, that in and of itself should be enough to get him to sell. That would get any CEO fired. Then all the other things in this story (asking a woman to join his friend in his hotel room), COMBINED with everything in the past and who the hell knows what's to come .... ? The NFL already looks bad for doing basically nothing about the cheerleader scandal from a few years ago. If they don't act now, with all this ... it's just incomprehensible. A man everyone hates. A man who consistently makes the NFL look bad. A man who has single-handedly turned a once proud franchise into a DEBASED culture now ... not even a "laughing stock" anymore .... how this can not get the NFL to act would be utterly beyond me. I don't know if I can continue to even support the sport if they don't at this point. 

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