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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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I hate that this came out even though I don't blame these minority owners who want to sell.


It puts Ron and the team in a tough situation going into the season.





Edited by JSSkinz
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Crazy idea, what if selling the team is why Snyder hired Rivera?  At the end of last season he gets fed up with the disaster of a franchise, with Bruce Allen, and with low attendance and how much the fans hate him.  He decides maybe its time to sell.  But Option A is you sell the team with the current leadership of either dead rubber(Allen/Gruden) or nobody, a stadium that cant get built due to the name, a horrible past few seasons, and a name/political pressure that will keep many buyers away.  Sure, maybe you sell, but you dont get nearly as much as you think you should. 


Option B is what he went with, you secretly have a plan to change the name just for the new owners to give them a fresh slate, removing stadium objections, and put in a respected stable guy to be the face of the franchise and its head coach, meaning you can sell the franchise as turn-key, the solid pieces all in place and just needing a new ownership to step in and learn for a couple of years.


Most on here said a while back they wouldnt support a name change in most circumstances, but they would to get Snyder out of ownership.  What if thats finally the case?  I doubt it, but I enjoyed the thought and I hope you do to.

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1 hour ago, Riggo#44 said:

God, please pressure him to sell. Please. Please. Please.

Hail yes!!!...allen gone one year the weasel the next...get this douche bag out of here...BANG...we need a cartoon please

7 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

I hate that this came out even though I don't blame these minority owners who want to sell.


It puts Ron and the team in a tough situation going into the season.





Very well said...couldn't agree more...with everything going on its gonna be very interesting with what transpires.

1 hour ago, 86 Snyder said:

Jeff Bezos, come on down....


The name change took place in the blink of an eye.  Maybe an ownership change will too?

This is who I'm betting on buys the team..the Amazon dude right?...any one but snyder would be refreshing 

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Interesting development regarding the ownership group. Particularly the part about FEDEX calling for the name change. The FEDEX president and CEO has been part owner of the team for the past 2 decades. So what is that saying after all this time? Did Frederick Smith have an issue with the name for the past couple decades but didn't have the votes to make it happen?  Or is he just now having a come to jesus moment? Either way, it looks like him and the other two minority owners are bouncing (selling their stakes in the franchise). So what does that say? Is it saying that Dan actually is for keeping the name and maybe even wanted the statue of George Marshall to remain? Who knows. But it looks like the ones that are for change are leaving siting they are not happy being partners with Dan. Not trying to open up a discussion about the name change or the current events. But it does make me want to say, Hmm?

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I'll say this much...


At the end of 2018, I thought there was a zero percent chance I'd see Snyder sell before he dies.  Lifetime owner.


By the end of last year, I had moved from 0% to 5% that he'd sell at *some point*, with the highest percentage chance connected to the end of the lease at FedEx.


The news today is frankly stunning, and i don't think its getting appropriate due.  The fact that his three biggest minority owners want to sell is  HUGE.  The fact they have tried and failed to find a buyer under Snyders majority leadership is ASTRONOMICALLY HUGE.  Imagine how much pressure they must be applying.


Just think about that for sec...three power guys whom I assume to be billionaires want out and can't get out.  Theyve wanted out for awhile it appears.  Now they're turning on him publicly.  The freaking name is changing.  The league is facing unprecedented disruption due to a worldwide pandemic.  Snyder has nobody left who he's tight with in the org.  And in the midst of all this, there's a story that hes more disconnected than ever and just sailing around the world on his stupid yacht?


I'm trying to keep my wildest dreams in check but if I had to put a percentage on it...maybe 25% he sells within the next few years?  And maybe 5% that it happens like, super duper soon?  Those are still low numbers but man, thats a seismic shift from what I believed 6-18 months ago.


We need to fire up that #SellTheTeam joint on Twitter like we did with Bruce.  The fights not over!

Edited by 86 Snyder
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1 hour ago, spjunkies said:

Why must we always have craziness surrounding this team? No other fans have to deal with this crap :(


Also, no other fans have to deal with an ignoramus and an irrational, petulant child as team owner.

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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6 hours ago, spjunkies said:

Why must we always have craziness surrounding this team? No other fans have to deal with this crap :(

It’s not the worst timing for all of this to kick off.

For me, this season is in the can already. It’s gonna be a mess. So simply drop all expectations on the field for 2020. Only thing of interest is to see if we have a QB worth keeping. If we tank, we’ll be well set in the draft for 2021. In pretty good hands with K.Smith and Rivera. Draft picks a plenty. Lots of younger talent, some unproven but talent all the same. And in great salary cap shape, especially if the cap takes a hit over COVID-19. So that’s all in good shape IMO.


Write the 2020 season off in your head. Take what it gives us.


And hit all the major off field crap head on. Team name, branding/marketing, stadium plans, even ownership. 

Edited by UK SKINS FAN 74
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10 minutes ago, UK SKINS FAN 74 said:

It’s not the worst timing for all of this to kick off.

For me, this season is in the can already. It’s gonna be a mess. So simply drop all expectations on the field for 2020. Only thing of interest is to see if we have a QB worth keeping. If we tank, we’ll be well set in the draft for 2021. In pretty good hands with K.Smith and Rivera. Draft picks a plenty. Lots of younger talent, some unproven but talent all the same. And in great salary cap shape, especially if the cap takes a hit over COVID-19. So that’s all in good shape IMO.


Write the 2020 season off in your head. Take what it gives us.


And hit all the major off field crap head on. Team name, branding/marketing, stadium plans, even ownership. 

You can throw in the flag but I'm not...until they tell me there's no season I'm not giving up on the Washington ___________.

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1 minute ago, bakedtater1 said:

You can throw in the flag but I'm not...until they tell me there's no season I'm not giving up on the Washington ___________.

I don’t think I’m throwing in the flag. Just stepping back from the cliff edge for a short while.

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This development on ownership is interesting. If you look at the articles from ten years ago (when Snyder was talking to the media), Schar was positioned as being one of Snyder’s mentors and best friends. Fred Smith is another longtime mentor of his. I’d imagine these guys hated Bruce and were pissed it took so long for Dan to get rid of him

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50 minutes ago, UK SKINS FAN 74 said:

I don’t think I’m throwing in the flag. Just stepping back from the cliff edge for a short while.

Already in the can?..idk man sounds like...a challenge flag?..lol..I'll throw in the challenge flag...I'm challenging the players that can play to step up to the plate and take back this division once and for all!...for what's going on I think we have the perfect coach.

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11 hours ago, Peregrine said:

Option B is what he went with, you secretly have a plan to change the name just for the new owners to give them a fresh slate, removing stadium objections, and put in a respected stable guy to be the face of the franchise and its head coach, meaning you can sell the franchise as turn-key, the solid pieces all in place and just needing a new ownership to step in and learn for a couple of years.

wouldn't it make more sense to sell the team as is and allow the new owners to pick the name, coach ,management, colors, etc etc.


what if the new owners dont like any of that stuff?


seems to me a fresh slate is what we had at the end of last year, you're talking about selling a house that's 95 percent done and hoping the prospective buyers like the renovations.


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Doing a complete Re-brand of the team is going to have a significant impact on the immediate value of the franchise.  It's a good time for minority owners to get out before buyers realize they aren't buying the Washington Redskins.  Buyers might be getting a red/white/blue Washington Senators football team with an uncertain fan base.  Will there be a loyal fan base if the team continues to lose for another 5 years or will the team turn out to be worth Tampa $???  Time will tell.  Brands have value and Snyder isn't just a fan-boy.

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