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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Can we bribe one of these talking heads to lie to their followers and tell them that if you go the pharmacy and wink four times before asking for the vaccine, they will give you a special insider only horse paste in injectable form that is 1000 times more effective?  

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"Baby girl with Covid-19 airlifted 150 miles because of Houston hospital bed shortage"


Specifically pediatric beds.  Consistent with the idea that the delta variant is hitting kids harder.  It sounds like from the story, she's going to be fine so at least for now, they are looking at a complete recovery.

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For the first time since the winter surge, the US is averaging 100,000 new COVID-19 infections a day


The US is now averaging 100,000 new COVID-19 infections a day, returning to levels not seen since the winter surge, the Associated Press reports.


During the peak of the winter surge, the US averaged nearly 250,000 new COVID-19 infections a day.

Additionally, the seven-day average for daily new deaths increased from about 270 deaths per day to nearly 500 a day as of Friday, AP reported. As of Aug. 5, more than 615,000 individuals have died from COVID-19 in the US, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.


Click on the link for the full article

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Time for round 2, gotta see if they can increase those numbers from last year:


South Dakota's Sturgis Motorcycle Rally: A 'cautionary tale' in the age of Covid-19


Duston Van Balen took a road trip with his family and a wooden urn containing the ashes of a man he considered a brother, with stops at the Grand Canyon in Arizona and Zion National Park in southwest Utah.


It's been nearly a year since Albert Aguirre, 40, was found dead at his home in Vermillion, South Dakota, and Van Balen's long excursion this week was a celebration of his longtime friend's free spirit and love for the outdoors.

But Van Balen will not be stopping at South Dakota's annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which Aguirre attended about a month before his September 10 death from what authorities listed as Covid-19.

"Too much of a risk," Van Balen, 42, said of the rally, which was attended by 460,000 people in 2020 in what infectious disease experts likened to "a superspreading event."

An even larger crowd from around the country is expected for this year's 10-day event -- which started Friday -- as concerns mount over the highly contagious Delta variant.


"It's definitely a cautionary tale," Van Balen said of his friend's death.

In South Dakota, where 59% of the population has received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, the health department reported 52 cases per day in the past week -- a 68% spike from the 31 cases per day the previous week.


Steve Sample, a 67-year-old land surveyor from Arizona, will be attending the 81st annual Sturgis rally. It's his fifth straight year, and he will be there with his wife, who is vaccinated against Covid-19, he said. He is not.

"I'm going to go every year until I die, whether Covid kills me or a head-on collision," he said. "That's the way I am."

A report by infectious disease experts from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and South Dakota health officials traced 649 Covid-19 cases around the country and at least one death to the 2020 rally. The report said the "true national impact" of the rally on the pandemic is likely underestimated.


Another CDC report linked the rally to a Covid-19 outbreak in Minnesota, where at least 51 residents who attended the event became sick, and another 35 people were infected after coming into contact with a person who went to the rally. Those 35 people were household, social and workplace contacts, it said.

Of those 86 cases, four people were hospitalized, and one died, according to the report.

In early September, Minnesota's health department identified the Covid-19 death from the rally. A spokesman for the department said the person was in their 60s, had been hospitalized in the ICU and had underlying health conditions.

"I didn't see one mask on anybody and I was there for 10 days," Sample said. "Everybody wants to be free."


Click on the link for the full article

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Pretty wild experience at our shop today.  Carytown Waternelon Fest in RVA today after a year off, and it was BUSY.  I talked to/bumped fists/shook hands with 400-500 people today.  Made a ton of money, but…I put myself out there. 

Stayed masked like 50% of the time.



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2 hours ago, visionary said:




Wait what? Children are being harmed physical and emotionally by staying home and using zoom classes?

Would love to have my 14 year old tell this buffoon that she got straight A's as a freshmen in high school without physically going to a school. My kids rather not physically go back to school. All of my 3 kids are smart and would rather stay home and be safer instead, even the two who are in college. 


By the way, what the hell is this guy talking about? Are parents abusing their kids because they are now home more? If that is the case then the parent needs to be locked up. Don't blame covid-19 for bad parenting. 




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It will be very interesting to see the scene at my gym this morning since MoCo started requiring masks as of midnight on Saturday.


When I was at my gym last Thursday I counted about 25-30 people and out of them, only 4 had masks on, myself included.  


So it's either going to be more empty now or people just masking up.  Before the mask rule was lifted a while ago my gym was like 75% of the people going it has now.  I'm curious if it will stay as crowded or have less people now who don't want to wear masks while working out.

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7 hours ago, zskins said:


Wait what? Children are being harmed physical and emotionally by staying home and using zoom classes?

Would love to have my 14 year old tell this buffoon that she got straight A's as a freshmen in high school without physically going to a school. My kids rather not physically go back to school. All of my 3 kids are smart and would rather stay home and be safer instead, even the two who are in college. 


By the way, what the hell is this guy talking about? Are parents abusing their kids because they are now home more? If that is the case then the parent needs to be locked up. Don't blame covid-19 for bad parenting. 




I hear you and I agree somewhat, I definitely don't want to listen to what that buffoon had to say, but your experience with zoom class isn't the same for everyone. My daughter struggled a lot and eventually halfway through the school year it was clear the teachers had thrown in the towel and were just showing the same videos every day. She was in Kindergarten btw. I know its not the most important grade but she definitely had a hard time and so did we as parents.


The others thing that I saw first hand was kids whose home situations are not good. For a lot of children in America school is the safest place for them and it's the only place they get food. I watched one of my daughter's classmates go the whole year without textbooks or any materials. She sat at a coffee table in pajamas every day and clearly there was someone in the background loudly watching action movies throughout the year, it wasn't her.

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31 minutes ago, Florgon79 said:

I hear you and I agree somewhat, I definitely don't want to listen to what that buffoon had to say, but your experience with zoom class isn't the same for everyone. My daughter struggled a lot and eventually halfway through the school year it was clear the teachers had thrown in the towel and were just showing the same videos every day. She was in Kindergarten btw. I know its not the most important grade but she definitely had a hard time and so did we as parents.


The others thing that I saw first hand was kids whose home situations are not good. For a lot of children in America school is the safest place for them and it's the only place they get food. I watched one of my daughter's classmates go the whole year without textbooks or any materials. She sat at a coffee table in pajamas every day and clearly there was someone in the background loudly watching action movies throughout the year, it wasn't her.

Agreed on all fronts.


Virtual school isn't really equal across the board for a variety of reasons.  Some teachers give it their all, others don't, some don't know how to connect, some don't try.  Kids have varying degrees of accountability and responsibility, some have parents home to watch over them others don't.  The list goes on.  Definitely not one size fits all, and as annoying as it is to hear it from quacks like Paul, there is some truth in there.  

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