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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Alarming 94K surge in COVID-19 cases among kids, hospitals overwhelmed


Public health experts and state officials are raising alarms about a surge in COVID hospitalizations among children -- now at their steepest and seeing the most significant increase since the onset of the pandemic.


After declining in the early summer, child COVID-19 cases have steadily increased again in recent weeks -- just as many kids head back to the classroom.


In a newly released weekly report, which compiles state-by-state data on COVID-19 cases among children, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Children's Hospital Association (CHA) found that nearly 94,000 new child COVID-19 cases were reported last week, a continued "substantial" increase.


Some of the worst numbers are in Louisiana and Florida but could get worse elsewhere fast as public health officials express concerns with the highly contagious delta variant amid continued vaccine hesitancy.


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Hundreds of Tennesseans being placed on ventilators, hundreds more in ICU


Hundreds of Tennesseans are being placed on ventilators while hundreds more are in the ICU or checking into hospitals.


As of Sunday, August 8, the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) 1,702 hospitalizations with 501 cases in the ICU and 247 on ventilators. It is a concerning trend given based on the data, there were 101 vent cases and 227 ICU cases just two weeks ago on July 25.


The continued surge takes place as health officials warn of the increased transmissibility of the Delta variant sweeping the country. TDH Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey stated last week Delta is 2-3 times more contagious than the previous variants.


With previous variants, for every person infected, they would infect 1-2 others. With Delta, Dr. Piercey says for every person sick, they are spreading it to 5 others.


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Long and depressing, but probably similar stories happening all around the country...


Covid killed her husband. Now it’s taking the only home her kids have ever known.


Lisa Grim braced herself as she turned the key to her family’s new apartment.


It had taken more than a month to find a landlord willing to accept her — a newly widowed 33-year-old raising two kids, barely making $20,000 a year. None of the other 20 apartments had returned her calls and emails. This unit, which she had rented sight unseen, was the only one that approved her application.


“I’m not expecting anything fancy. As long as it’s clean and doesn’t smell,” she said as she opened the door on the first day of July, trailed by her 10-year-old son, Ralphie. She’d left her 4-year-old, Walker, crying that morning at the new day care he hated.


Nine months had passed since her husband Alan, 37, died of covid-19 in a rural Missouri ICU once again filling with coronavirus patients. Nine months since Lisa realized that without Alan’s salary, they could no longer afford their mortgage, forcing her to put the family’s house on the market and move to this apartment an hour away from everything her boys had known.


Alan’s death had not only devastated their family emotionally, it had broken them financially. Even as they grieved, the Grims — like tens of thousands of other families shattered by the pandemic — were now facing a cascade of secondary losses: income, home, school friends, long-held plans for the future.


Grieving families asked Congress to recognize covid’s victims. It didn’t go well.


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Exclusive: 14-Year-Old Orange County Boy Hospitalized For COVID-19 Psychosis


After 15 members of one Orange County family came down with COVID-19 in mid-June — contracted they believe at an indoor birthday party — the youngest of the group is still suffering aftereffects, even after recovering from the virus itself.


14-year-old Daniel Salinas developed COVID-19 psychosis, his family told CBSLA Sunday. It is a condition that can cause psychiatric symptoms, including hallucinations, in some COVID-19 patients after other symptoms have abated.


Salinas’ mother, Wilma Singh, said shortly after her son recovered from COVID-19, she began to notice his behavior change. On Aug. 1, her son came down with a migraine headache.


“I felt like he had that severe migraine, slept and woke up a different person, someone who is more agitated, angry, anxious,” Singh said. “That’s the total opposite of my son.”


The day after the migraine, Daniel’s younger brother called her in a panic.


“He goes, ‘Mommy, something’s wrong with Daniel,” Singh said. “‘He’s acting crazy. He’s talking to himself.'”


Singh rushed her son to University of California, Irvine Medical Center in the city of Orange. Eventually, Daniel was transferred to Children’s Hospital of Orange County, where doctors ran several tests to understand the drastic change in his behavior.


“You thought you survived COVID, but you’re not thinking about the aftereffects of COVID,” Singh told CBSLA.


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9 hours ago, Larry said:

Thus guaranteeing that the ones who've done so can't back down now. 

really hope at least one of just flips out, and dares him to do so. And states that unlike the governor, he cares more about people's lives, that he cares about his ranking within the death cult. 


I think I just posted a tweet of someone doing just that lol...

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13 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Here’s the kind of “statistical analysis” Maga Twitter is handing out these days.

Look at the idiots on Twitter defending it though. That’s why we are ****ed. It’s obvious to anyone with a third of a brain what is happening. It’s not even difficult math lol. But they fall right in line. 

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Houston's COVID wastewater level up 320% from a year ago


For more than a year, the city of Houston's health department has been testing wastewater to get a better idea of how fast the virus is spreading and what is to come.


Now, the Chief Medical Officer for the City of Houston Dr. David E. Persse said the levels of the virus have more than tripled the benchmark taken more than a year ago.


During a news briefing Wednesday, Persse explained the use of wastewater has helped predict what the situation would be like at least two weeks ahead.


"The wastewater predicts what's about to happen two to four weeks ahead of time," Persse said. "We saw the value of the wastewater dropping, before we saw the positivity rate dropping, before we saw the hospitalizations drop."


It's a method Persse said is "extremely reliable."


So with delta now showing to be the dominant variant, what do the current wastewater levels look like?


In June of this year, without peak, the levels were at 250%. Two weeks ago, levels were at 231% and last week, the levels were at 370%, according to Persse.


According to a tweet from the health department, a graphic also showed that the current wastewater is 320% more than the benchmark level of July 6, 2020.


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19 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


I suspect theat neither the time frame nor the actual raw numbers being provided are the joke.


Yeah, if the numbers are simply being pulled out of their ass, then I can certainly believe it.  Just didn't know if that was the case.  


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32 minutes ago, Larry said:

Either of you feel like letting others in on the joke?  


1 to 2 is a 100% increase 

1000 to 1500 is a 50% increase


So its reeeeeeally easy to say Vermont, who went from something like 50 cases to ~200ish cases a day is doing bad when compared to Florida who went from like 18k to 23k. Its the worst kind of lie cause its easily disproven and it wont matter one bit. Which is why the guy posted it. He knew it wouldnt matter to the dummies who want to believe it. 

2 minutes ago, Larry said:


Yeah, if the numbers are simply being pulled out of their ass, then I can certainly believe it.  Just didn't know if that was the case.  



They are not really fake numbers, just heavily manipulated to fool dumb people into believing something thats not at all true. 

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19 minutes ago, Larry said:


Yeah, if the numbers are simply being pulled out of their ass, then I can certainly believe it.  Just didn't know if that was the case.  



Not sure where they got the numbers - your initial theory is probably pretty close to accurate. But they do have a point abotu % vs numbers. WI was highest in terms of % increase based on Healthyline.com : https://www.healthline.com/health-news/here-are-the-states-where-covid-19-is-increasing-2


However the % increase is greatly exaggerated unless there is major time difference. The Healthline data does not have a date stamp on it. Just says updated regularly. So depending on what they mean by regularly it could be a week or maybe more old. But they have a point in that when they talk about FL they move away from % to numbers. Not sying they are right but the data should be reported consistently. Clearly WI 5,121 new cases, even though it's a 127% increase pales in comparison to FL 123,400. But they should show FL % increase to be able to make both comparisons. 


Here is a more complete picture with both # increased and %. FL while very high in new cases is pretty low in % increase - now part of that is they were so ****ing high already it's hard to get much worse. But the complete data should always be referenced IMO.  https://graphics.reuters.com/HEALTH-CORONAVIRUS/USA-TRENDS/dgkvlgkrkpb/  So pic below. 




State numbers

For the week that ended on Sunday, all 50 states reported increases in COVID-19 cases. The lowest was Arkansas, with a 2 percent spike.

Wisconsin had the highest increase, with a 127 percent jump to 5,121 cases. That was followed by New Hampshire with a 106 percent jump to 505 cases and South Carolina with a 105 percent jump to 10,315 cases. North Dakota had a 104 percent increase to 447 cases, while Montana recorded 1,111 new cases, an 87 percent hike.

In overall numbers, the CDC reports that Florida had the most new cases in the past 7 days with 123,400. That’s almost 50,000 more than the previous week and 100,000 more than 2 weeks ago. Texas is now second with 64,753 new cases this past week, almost 30,000 more than the previous week. California is in third place with 52,984 new cases, about 15,000 more than the previous week. Louisiana is in fourth place with 32,352 new cases, about 12,000 more than the previous week. Georgia is now in fifth place with 21,776 new cases.

Florida and Texas accounted for one-third of all the new COVID-19 cases in the country this past week, leading to some criticism of the way the pandemic has been handled in those states.


Sorry I had to take 2 pics to get all the states. 



Edited by goskins10
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This is not news to any of us but it's interesting seeing it in print. 


Davey Alba
Tue, August 10, 2021, 8:02 AM

In late July, Andrew Torba, CEO of the alternative social network Gab, claimed without evidence that members of the U.S. military who refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus would face a court-martial. His post on Gab amassed 10,000 likes and shares.

Two weeks earlier, the unfounded claim that at least 45,000 deaths had resulted from COVID-19 vaccines circulated online. Posts with the claim collected nearly 17,000 views on ****ute, an alternative video platform, and at least 120,000 views on the encrypted chat app Telegram, where it was shared mostly in Spanish.

Around the same time, Britain’s chief scientific adviser misstated that 60% of hospitalized patients had been double-vaccinated. He quickly corrected the statement, saying the 60% had been unvaccinated. But anti-vaccine groups online seized on his mistake, translating the quote into French and Italian and sharing it on Facebook, where it collected 142,000 likes and shares.

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Coronavirus misinformation has spiked online in recent weeks, misinformation experts say, as people who peddle in falsehoods have seized on the surge of cases from the delta variant to spread new and recycled unsubstantiated narratives.

Mentions of some phrases prone to vaccine misinformation in July jumped as much as five times the June rate, according to Zignal Labs, which tracks mentions on social media, on cable television and in print and online outlets. Some of the most prevalent falsehoods are that vaccines don’t work (up 437%), that they contain microchips (up 156%), that people should rely on their “natural immunity” instead of getting vaccinated (up 111%) and that the vaccines cause miscarriages (up 75%).

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2 minutes ago, bearrock said:


How is DeSantis still in office? 


Damn, just checked and his approval rating dropped but is still at 43%.  WTF Florida?  Seriously?

He's currently polling in second place to challenge Biden. 

Behind Don Junior. 

Says a lot about both him, and the Party. 

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