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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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1 hour ago, purbeast said:

It will be very interesting to see the scene at my gym this morning since MoCo started requiring masks as of midnight on Saturday.


When I was at my gym last Thursday I counted about 25-30 people and out of them, only 4 had masks on, myself included.  


So it's either going to be more empty now or people just masking up.  Before the mask rule was lifted a while ago my gym was like 75% of the people going it has now.  I'm curious if it will stay as crowded or have less people now who don't want to wear masks while working out.

Does your gym have an AirPHX system?

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On 8/6/2021 at 3:27 PM, Cooked Crack said:



Conservatives will rather eat horse paste to treat/prevent covid than just getting the vaccine.

A week ago, I'd have thought this was just another freak show article, going out into the wilderness to weirdest **** they could find for a sensationalist article.


Last week, I met some very nice people who work at the local VDOT branch, who came by to help clean up a tree limb that fell on the road. We got to talking afterwards, and it eventually got covid being sensationalized, it's only as bad as the flu, and a friend down in North Carolina got covid but felt better after a week because he took cow de-worming medicine. Also, his brother got covid but he's hardly noticed it because he's taking cow de-worming medicine.


I try very hard to keep a blank smile for people. But I had to bite my tongue and I'm not sure I managed to keep that face. On the plus side, he said he got his first vaccination the same day we were talking to him. I'm convinced it's because he thinks our governor is going to force state employees to get the vaccine or be fired.


I hate forcing people to do things against their will, but I don't see any other way to end this madness. I am indescribably disappointed in the world.

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1 hour ago, Ball Security said:

Does your gym have an AirPHX system?

No clue what that is.


The gym was noticeably emptier today than usual.  Not sure if it's in regards to mask mandate or just happened to be a slow day (which does happen) but it was definitely like 1/4 or 1/2 the people that are there on a typical day.

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15 minutes ago, purbeast said:

No clue what that is.


The gym was noticeably emptier today than usual.  Not sure if it's in regards to mask mandate or just happened to be a slow day (which does happen) but it was definitely like 1/4 or 1/2 the people that are there on a typical day.

It’s a hospital grade system that purifies the air.  Our gym has put one in. Claims to kill >95% of viruses and bacteria.

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9 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

It’s a hospital grade system that purifies the air.  Our gym has put one in. Claims to kill >95% of viruses and bacteria.

Oooh gotcha.  Yeah I have no clue but I highly doubt it.  It's a newer LA Fitness but they have broken equipment around for months before it's fixed, and I'm talking like just needing to screw in a loose seat, so it would shock me if they did that.

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The world is nowhere near the end of the pandemic, says famed epidemiologist Larry Brilliant


The pandemic is not coming to an end soon — given that only a small proportion of the world population has been vaccinated against Covid-19, a well-known epidemiologist told CNBC.


Dr. Larry Brilliant, an epidemiologist who was part of the World Health Organization’s team that helped eradicate smallpox, said the delta variant is “maybe the most contagious virus” ever.


In recent months, the U.S., India and China, as well as other countries in Europe, Africa and Asia have been grappling with a highly transmissible delta variant of the virus.


The good news is that vaccines — particularly those using messenger RNA technology and the one by Johnson & Johnson — are holding up against the delta variant, Brilliant told CNBC’s “Street Signs” on Friday.


Still, only 15% of the world population has been vaccinated and more than 100 countries have inoculated less than 5% of their people, noted Brilliant.


“I think we’re closer to the beginning than we are to the end [of the pandemic], and that’s not because the variant that we’re looking at right now is going to last that long,” said Brilliant, who is now the founder and CEO of a pandemic response consultancy, Pandefense Advisory.


“Unless we vaccinate everyone in 200 plus countries, there will still be new variants,” he said, predicting that the coronavirus will eventually become a “forever virus” like influenza.


Click on the link for the full article

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Just gonna go out on a limb and say predicting the virus will not go away isn’t exactly… a bold prediction or something even worth noting. 

My wife made that call over a year ago…


We need to spend less time worrying about the unvaccinated and put all of our efforts into protecting the vaccinated *

it’s going to be hard enough protecting the vaccinated through the long term of this virus. We don’t need to waste anymore time, energy, or resources on the ones choosing to put themselves and everyone around them at a much higher risk. They will either change their minds or they won’t and I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it. 

hell, not playing their stupid game with their my rights argument and just saying fine **** you we aren’t spending another second on you, might actually work on some of them in a pathetic reverse psychology type of way. 

life is moving on from the willfully unvaccinated. Time to accept it and just move forward without them 


* I do not consider anyone who cannot get the vaccine because if age or other reasons in this group. I’m talking about the ones choosing to not get it despite medical advice to get it. 

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1 minute ago, tshile said:

Just gonna go out on a limb and say predicting the virus will not go away isn’t exactly… a bold prediction or something even worth noting. 

My wife made that call over a year ago…


We need to spend less time worrying about the unvaccinated and put all of our efforts into protecting the vaccinated *

it’s going to be hard enough protecting the vaccinated through the long term of this virus. We don’t need to waste anymore time, energy, or resources on the ones choosing to put themselves and everyone around them at a much higher risk. They will either change their minds or they won’t and I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it. 

hell, not playing their stupid game with their my rights argument and just saying fine **** you we aren’t spending another second on you, might actually work on some of them in a pathetic reverse psychology type of way. 

life is moving on from the willfully unvaccinated. Time to accept it and just move forward without them 


* I do not consider anyone who cannot get the vaccine because if age or other reasons in this group. I’m talking about the ones choosing to not get it despite medical advice to get it. 


I would generally agree with this except for the last group of people you mention. The people who cannot get the vaccine for various medical reasons are at the mercy of the rest of us to do the right thing. 


Having said that, while I agree mandates will not work, you can make life ****ing hell if you are not vaccinated for no other reasons than you don't want to. Put in all kinds of consequences of not getting the vaccine so yes, in effect you are being forced. But if not, then it should cost you, alot. I have a lot of ideas. Many may seem and probably are somewhat draconian. But like you said, I am done wasting my time on these pieces of ****. 


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2 hours ago, goskins10 said:

I would generally agree with this except for the last group of people you mention. The people who cannot get the vaccine for various medical reasons are at the mercy of the rest of us to do the right thing. 

yeah but what can we do about them? They aren’t a drain on us. They’re an unfortunate group of people. And hopefully soon age will no longer matter and it’s an incredibly small group of people that need to take extra precautions. But there’s nothing we can do. 

I just wish, for the willfully unvaccinated, we’d just ignore them. They obviously do not want honest discussion. They are not trying to sift through it all to arrive at a well reasoned solution.  

they’re petulant kids. They’re internet trolls. They appear to be waaaaaaaay more interested in just arguing over whether  certain things should happen to them, than discussing the vaccine in an effort to be more informed; or comfortable with it. 

They need to stop occupying space in our heads. Cause I think that’s their primary motive. 

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we all just ignored them and quit talking about them, if a sizable portion would simply go “oh well funs over, guess I go get that vaccine now”


this is like a perpetual 10 minutes of fame for them every time it gets brought up. 

(also while I’m on the thought of ways to deal with them I’d love if hospitals started isolation them and having their priority level adjusted as appropriate (oh we got a surge of patients? The willfully unvaccinated will be last to get anything))


they get by because we care. I think we should stop caring. Let those dominos falls as they will. 

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9 minutes ago, tshile said:

yeah but what can we do about them? They aren’t a drain on us. They’re an unfortunate group of people. And hopefully soon age will no longer matter and it’s an incredibly small group of people that need to take extra precautions. But there’s nothing we can do. 

I just wish, for the willfully unvaccinated, we’d just ignore them. They obviously do not want honest discussion. They are not trying to sift through it all to arrive at a well reasoned solution.  

they’re petulant kids. They’re internet trolls. They appear to be waaaaaaaay more interested in just arguing over whether  certain things should happen to them, than discussing the vaccine in an effort to be more informed; or comfortable with it. 

They need to stop occupying space in our heads. Cause I think that’s their primary motive. 

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we all just ignored them and quit talking about them, if a sizable portion would simply go “oh well funs over, guess I go get that vaccine now”


this is like a perpetual 10 minutes of fame for them every time it gets brought up. 

(also while I’m on the thought of ways to deal with them I’d love if hospitals started isolation them and having their priority level adjusted as appropriate (oh we got a surge of patients? The willfully unvaccinated will be last to get anything))


they get by because we care. I think we should stop caring. Let those dominos falls as they will. 



We will have to agree to disagree. I honestly don't care about those that will not get vaccinated. But small group or not, I cannot stop caring about those that cannot get vaccinated. This means I will still keep fighting to get the idiots who are not vaccinated to get the ****ing shot. 


I do agree making it exponentially more difficult to function in society if you don't get the vaccine. 

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37 minutes ago, Califan007 said:


Thus guaranteeing that the ones who've done so can't back down now. 

really hope at least one of just flips out, and dares him to do so. And states that unlike the governor, he cares more about people's lives, that he cares about his ranking within the death cult. 

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24 minutes ago, COWBOY-KILLA- said:

The school board in Florida needs to grow a pair and FIGHT IT in COURT. They will win. Take a ****ing stand against this effin dimwit. 


I see no evidence that he's a dimwit.  


He's Satanic-level evil.  


Granted, I'm trying to read somebody's mind, here.  But, . . . . 


The guy is literally looking at the political landscape. Coming to the conclusion that winning approval in today's GOP will cause the deaths of around 50 people a day*. (And the number has roughly tripled, in the last month.  And winter is coming.)  And making the value judgement that maybe 10,000 dead Floridians is a price that he is willing to pay, if it moves him up the ladder in the Republican Party.  


(The fact that killing 10,000 Floridians moves him up the ladder says something about the Party, too.  So does the fact that right now, DeSantis is polling in second place among Republicans, behind Don, Junior.  DeSantis is literally, knowingly, killing people, so that he can pursue a prize for which Don Junior is in the running.)  


* (I'm assuming that his policies are responsible for half of the deaths.  Obviously, some of them would be happening, no matter what he did.)  

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1 hour ago, Larry said:


I see no evidence that he's a dimwit.  


He's Satanic-level evil.  


Granted, I'm trying to read somebody's mind, here.  But, . . . . 


The guy is literally looking at the political landscape. Coming to the conclusion that winning approval in today's GOP will cause the deaths of around 50 people a day*. (And the number has roughly tripled, in the last month.  And winter is coming.)  And making the value judgement that maybe 10,000 dead Floridians is a price that he is willing to pay, if it moves him up the ladder in the Republican Party.  


(The fact that killing 10,000 Floridians moves him up the ladder says something about the Party, too.  So does the fact that right now, DeSantis is polling in second place among Republicans, behind Don, Junior.  DeSantis is literally, knowingly, killing people, so that he can pursue a prize for which Don Junior is in the running.)  


* (I'm assuming that his policies are responsible for half of the deaths.  Obviously, some of them would be happening, no matter what he did.)  

He’s a dimwit imo because he can take a stand and make a difference on the vaccine in his state. Following the herd of the GOP is lazy and doesn’t make him smart imo or politically astute. He has an opportunity to stand out and grab more of the middle, if he was really smart ensuring his victory in his upcoming election. Oh he’s evil too. Ef that guy x 1000. 

Thats why the teachers should stand firm and make him look like the jackass hack he is. 

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Desantis seems to be the favorite of the pseudo-former-trump-voter

(pseudo because they act like they won’t vote for trump and have moved on but if his names on the list they’ll select it)


((they also think they’re actually fooling people on that topic))

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5 minutes ago, tshile said:

Desantis seems to be the favorite of the pseudo-former-trump-voter

(pseudo because they act like they won’t vote for trump and have moved on but if his names on the list they’ll select it)


((they also think they’re actually fooling people on that topic))

There is no doubt in my mind if Trump doesn’t run Deathsantis will be the front runner. He’s a great candidate, but I think he will get exposed once the spotlight of a presidential campaign shines on him. He tries to ride the line of being sane and competent, but he’s really just following the herd.  He’s spineless and overt in his jackbootedness. I believe he’s had real opportunities to stand out from mass of stupid on that side with some real common sense policy and he’s failed. 

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Abbott Requests Help From Hospitals, Out-of-State Healthcare Workers as Virus Surges


Texas will ask healthcare workers from other states to assist with its surge in COVID-19 cases and request hospitals voluntarily postpone elective surgeries to create more space for coronavirus patients, Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said Monday.


Additionally, the Texas Department of Emergency Management and the Texas Department of State Health Services will open more COVID-19 antibody transfusion centers in the state. There, patients who test positive for the coronavirus but do not need hospitalization can be treated with therapeutic drugs.


Abbott waited until the third paragraph of his order to encourage Texans to get vaccinated, and never mentioned the use of face masks to slow the spread of the coronavirus and its variants.


Click on the link for the full article

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