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SCOTUS: No longer content with stacking, they're now dealing from the bottom of the deck


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10 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

****ing pieces of **** coddling and sympathizing with a serial sexual assaulter.  Trash party full of trash people.



no. that's not fair or right or correct.  not quite yet. 


and scientifically it would  be all people are trash people.

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8 minutes ago, mistertim said:


No, that's almost literally the disgusted face I made as I read your post about how intended sexual assault is not sexual assault. 

dude im just talking factual...im not trying to defend anyone. Thinking something ****ed up isn't the same as doing it. If dude was drunk and did what he did when he was 17 maybe hes not fit to be a supreme court justice.

Im just saying I could've been thrown in jail countless times growing up if Id have gotten caught....Im no angel. Not for rape or anything like that though ? Im sure majority of folks here aren't angels either



Edited by Gibbit
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21 minutes ago, Gibbit said:

no im not. intended sexual assault is not sexual assault...so this is basically a question about his character


which I can understand....but don't lock him up for rape


What Kavanaugh allegedly did to Dr. Ford qualifies as attempted first degree rape, per Maryland criminal code. The especially salient factors are the choking/smothering of her mouth to the point she feared death and the reasonable assumption that there was intent for penetrative vaginal intercourse, drawn from the alleged action of trying to take off her bathing suit. I posted the Maryland criminal code sections specifically laying out the criteria quite a few pages back.

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22 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Ah ok I thought you were talking about in the room. My bad


Nah, I should have been more specific.  


Today was just a prime example of people playing partisan politics.  People that were anti-Ford already had their mind made up about her before her first minute of testimony.  Anti-Kav people already knew what they thought about him before he came into the room.  Everyone just wants to stick to their agendas.


Personally, I think she's telling the truth and he's lying, at least she's more credible than he is.  If he's not lying, he doesn't remember it cause he was drunk and/or it was a long time ago.  I can remember hookups in college ('99, onward) where I was sober and can't remember their names, can't remember exactly what they looked like outside of generalities.  There's no doubt he drank a lot, more than he wants to admit.  He definitely dodged, ducked, dipped, dived and dodged some questions today and didn't look credible at times.  He's still trying to save face and for what specifically I am not sure.  The cat is outta the bag.  Dude drank and partied a lot in high school.


If this isn't a lesson for owning up to shortcomings and wrongdoings, I don't know what is.  Assume for a second that it comes to light that he didn't assault Ford, he still doesn't come across as a truthful guy after all of this.  All he needs to say is "Yeah, I drank a lot of alcohol and at times blacked out.  However that was youthful indiscretions back when I was in high school and college and doesn't define who I am today."  I think anyone could relate to that, everyone knows people make mistakes when they're growing up and decision making skills aren't great.  




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@Spaceman Spiff


Its to the fact that nearly EVERYONE in this thread has probably made indiscretions and mistakes when they were younger and/or under the influence of drugs/alcohol that makes something like this completely believeable.


...yet here is Kavanaugh, the choirest of choir boys.  Not only that, he gets petulant when people call him on his bs.


I don’t want a person like that on the Supreme Court.



If he would had said something like, “In my younger years, I may have made indiscretions.  I am deeply sorry for anyone who I’ve hurt during my travels.  Please don’t let it define who I am as a person today.”  I probably wouldn’t mind confirming this guy even though I don’t agree with his politics (apparently).

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Kavanaugh's testimony seemed 100% coached almost to be a pep talk to the GOP opposed to actually doing anything to plant doubt about Ford's claims.  The Faux-tough guy act was hilarious, and if anything only kind of furthered painting a picture of a mean belligerent drunk. 


He basically started his testimony with a Sean Hannity-Tucker Carlson impersonation blaming the media, the Clintons, and whoever else he could


Most of his answers were to questions he wasn't even being asked.  I'm sorry but your scholarly achievements have little to nothing to do with the issue at hand, as if only high school dropouts commit sexual assault or something. 


In the end though, regardless of who we believe, the GOP got exactly what they wanted, two witnesses that were going to testify that they were 100% confident in what they are saying and it would be he said vs. she said.  Everyone will go to their side, some out of genuine belief in what they heard, others for purely political reasons.


I think at the least, between Ford's testimony and Kavanaugh's refusal to answer questions or totally side step others, you have to at least say this accusation needs to be looked into more.  There are people out there that can add more insight to this.  Will the FBI spoon fed an answer to the Senators? No, but they will be able to research and gather a lot more information in order to try and connect more dots which would equip the GOP with a more educated and thorough basis for their ultimate decision.


However, my guess is that every single GOP member falls in line, and he is confirmed tomorrow morning.

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3 minutes ago, zoony said:

This is 100% my position too




Kav's testimony was emotionally compelling at times, but most of the time he was out of control and unwilling to answer questions.  When he did answer, he was clearly lying many times. That some think such a person deserves to be a Supreme Court justice is shameful and deeply disturbing.  

Edited by visionary
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Someone is making an ass of themselves I this thread..... "attempted sexual assault is not sexual assault"..... 


Your honor I almost raped her, almost got her panties or bathing suit off, but she got away.. So there can be no sexual assault.... Since the attempt failed........ Some people are just dumb asses... 

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