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SCOTUS: No longer content with stacking, they're now dealing from the bottom of the deck


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Kavanaugh's testimony was 75% just about coming out and saying, "Who cares, I was a scholar, I played football, I got into Yale....judge me on that"


The ease at which he would fly off the handle should worry anyone about him sitting on the supreme court. Not sure if it was an act or not, but with his ranting & raving about "revenge" why would anyone think he could rule impartially on the court going forward.  He showed his cards more today then he ever has.


Also, I absolutely hate this BS-have it both ways-argument some GOP are giving, "I believe something happened to Ford....but it wasn't BK"  Oh really? Well she just said she is 100% sure it was him, why not investigate and talk to more witnesses to find out more info? That argument is basically a way to say, "This might have happened, but damned if it will prevent our nominee from getting on the court"

Edited by NoCalMike
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13 minutes ago, Springfield said:

@Spaceman Spiff


Its to the fact that nearly EVERYONE in this thread has probably made indiscretions and mistakes when they were younger and/or under the influence of drugs/alcohol that makes something like this completely believeable.


...yet here is Kavanaugh, the choirest of choir boys.  Not only that, he gets petulant when people call him on his bs.


I don’t want a person like that on the Supreme Court.



If he would had said something like, “In my younger years, I may have made indiscretions.  I am deeply sorry for anyone who I’ve hurt during my travels.  Please don’t let it define who I am as a person today.”  I probably wouldn’t mind confirming this guy even though I don’t agree with his politics (apparently).


Yep, we agree.  


EDIT:  I'm not surprised about him being petulant though.  I think most of them would be if their feet were held to the fire for things in their past.  These are people that have gone to top schools, have been told how brilliant they are, how smart they are and have had their asses kissed for most of their lives.  They rely on that choir boy image to get votes and make people think they're great people who've walked the line their whole life and always taken the correct path.


They don't like to be challenged because it runs the risk of pulling back the veneer and exposing who they really are.  And what Kavanaugh did today was to keep reminding people about his accomplishments and what a hell of a guy he is and how many friends he's got and how many women like him.  I don't think honesty and owning up to anything ever crossed his mind because he's in maintenance mode and trying to salvage any bit of decency that people can still see in him.  There are people out there that'll value Georgetown Prep, Yale, and whatever other accomplishments he's got and he needs to keep reminding people about what he's done that's positive.


Look over here, not over there.

Edited by Spaceman Spiff
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Here's a plausible explanation for what happened. 


Kavanaugh partied and ran in a group of High Schooler's who did party -- heck I was a nerd throughout highschool and there was a group of friends I hung out with and got drunk with... mostly senior year and even after HS as weird as it may sound.  I spent most of my time playing video games and studying.  I don't know why he doesn't want to admit this -- I don't know why he doesn't want to call for an FBI investigation; why is his nomination more important than really getting to the bottom of who raped Dr. Ford. 


I suspect that within Kavanaugh's group of friends, one of them did do what Dr. Ford is alleging... it could've been Mark Judge, it could've been someone else in that group.  I also suspect that Kavanaugh didn't do it, but most likely knows who did.   It is likely one of the group of friends did tell someone else... so people may have had 3rd hand knowledge... So he can stand up and say "I didn't do what you are accusing me of."   I also suspect that they all got together and promised that they would never admit to what happened and not having spoken about it, this incident would not appear on anyone's records. 


I don't get why the talking point of, "This accusation is ruining my life" comes from. It should be "this accusation is ruining my life, and I will spend 10, 20, 30 days putting up with it to clear my name for the next 10, 20, 30 years."


I hope the Senators that vote "NO" say, "We are NO until there is further FBI investigation into the claims, until Mark Judge and other witnesses have to be called to the stand, etc. etc." 


I don't doubt that Kavanuagh kept a dorky calendar, ran a lawn business, etc. during the summer of 1982, but he had plenty of time to also get drunk and act like a high-school-doofus just like any other high schooler would.  It's dumb to me, but his alibi is just way too covered in all bases -- and then him making this into a partisan issue....



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9 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

That's funny; I am white and received none of that.  Where can I file a grievance?


Technically it's white affluent privilege.

There are degrees and different flavors of white privilege.

A white privilege spectrum.

Edited by Fresh8686
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8 minutes ago, visionary said:


Kav's testimony was emotionally compelling at times, but most of the time he was out of control and unwilling to answer questions.  When he did answer, he was clearly lying many times. That some think such a person deserves to be a Supreme Court justice is shameful and deeply disturbing.  


Well if you think some people are shameful, I think some people are stooges incapable of actual thought.  Just vomitting the Twitter zeitgeist all over their monitor until by osmosis a thought makes its way between the ears, but never an original thought of one conceived by any type of credible cognitive process.  Just idiots letting others do their thinking


But what is even more disgusting is the complete lack of respect by some, calling people they disagree with or who have differing opinions "shameful."  This is the kind of intolerance you see from the simple minded dolts on the right and the left.  These are the same dolts preyed upon by charlatans and dictators throughout human history... People too stupid to do anything but regurgitate opinions and slam those who disagree.  (Which basically sums up 99% of political discussion from the left in the es tailgate) Ironically this is how a guy like trump gets elected to begin with.


So we both have opinions i guess. ; )

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1 minute ago, Fresh8686 said:


Technically it's white affluent privilege.

in Kavanaugh's case, but he is what we underprivileged people are talking about when we say that.


Some of us are born down 0-2 at the plate and hoping for the best, while others are already safely on first. Kavanaugh was born on 3rd but still thinks he worked as hard as the person who was born down 0-2.

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12 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

That's funny; I am white and received none of that.  Where can I file a grievance?


You've just been doing it wrong. Try this - next time you're up for a promotion or go to a job interview cry a lot and talk about how much you like beer. Definitely will get whatever you're going for. 

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Circus aside, Republicans seemed very unwilling to get to the truth.  


Besides the numerous lies he was caught in, besides the allegations, Kavanaugh did not show the temperament you’d want in a judge, and came across as highly partisan.  


Not a good look all around.  


I have to wonder if MD opens a state investigation.  

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1 minute ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

in Kavanaugh's case, but he is what we underprivileged people are talking about when we say that.


Some of us are born down 0-2 at the plate and hoping for the best, while others are already safely on first. Kavanaugh was born on 3rd but still thinks he worked as hard as the person who was born down 0-2.


No doubt, I agree. He's a bubble boy, he knows no other world, than one with a high level safety net. Thinking that just having to work hard is some huge challenge. They don't get it. They don't know what it's like to have allllll the extra **** on top of having to work your ass off and risk everything you have, because you have to. You'll straight up die if you don't and you're feeling half dead anyways because there is no help, no leverage to lighten the load. But, you just deal with it and climb, while suffering the fools who whine in their diamond fishbowls.

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