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General Mass Shooting Thread (originally Las Vegas Strip)

The Sisko

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The NRA and the people who they lobby for have gotten filthy rich by spreading bull**** paranoia and Citizens United has made it almost impossible for us to hold politicians blocking the gun control debate accountable. 


At some point, there needs to be a collective decision made by a majority of the people in this country that this is yet another issue where the Republicans and a lobby that supports them have endangered American lives to make a profit.


When the starting point for one party is that we need less restrictive gun laws to combat the gun violence epidemic, you know they have ZERO interest in addressing this issue. It's always "mental health blah blah blah" and yet at the same time they propose or back zero legislation that improves mental health resources, do not implement any kind of legislation that would be enforce tougher mental health screenings for gun ownership and actively work against promoting government sponsored mental health programs.

Edited by No Excuses
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9 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Are we ready to have our insular, semantics-based discussion on assault weapons?


Or do we need a little more time for thoughts and prayers first?


Some part of me thinks a mass shooting in the halls of Congress is what it would take to break through the chains the NRA has around certain parts of the government. Obviously, I hope that never happens, but I feel that unless gun violence deeply and personally affects those stonewalling the country from real firearms reform, nothing will ever get done.

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What's crazy is I was only 9 when Columbine happened and I remember how massive it was. We had people coming into our elementary school classes to talk to us about it and my brother was in high school at the time. IIRC that news cycle went on for like a year almost.


We're not even shocked anymore, it's just lather, rinse, repeat and a bunch of stupid tweets. The people who are vehemently against any sort of problem-solving are as paranoid and delusional as those who think we never landed on the moon. Basically.

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Yea if your argument is that we need less gun laws so that we have more good guys with guns not only is your soul black and dead but these children's deaths should be added to some kind of public record for all to see. 


But money rules all and these people are so paid by the NRA they don't care about any of that. At all. And the dummies voting for them don't even have the balls to admit they were wrong. 

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32 minutes ago, ExoDus84 said:


Some part of me thinks a mass shooting in the halls of Congress is what it would take to break through the chains the NRA has around certain parts of the government. Obviously, I hope that never happens, but I feel that unless gun violence deeply and personally affects those stonewalling the country from real firearms reform, nothing will ever get done.


A Congressman was shot less than a year ago and he’s as pro-gun as ever. All that would happen would be a push to let lawmakers carry guns while in session.

1 minute ago, TryTheBeal! said:

One more thing.


The NRA is a death cult.


Wayne LaPierre is going to hell when his judgment day comes. I really hope the investigation into Russia funneling money through the NRA turns out to be true because that organization leadership desperately needs to deep cleaning with some serious soul-searching. 

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16 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

We need to see graphic images of dead bodies, especially the kids.

See, you’re being semi-rational in your thinking. This would gain sympathy, but only from the people who already believe in sensible gun control methods. The NRA and the Republic party will just hide behind mental health issues, false flag operation foolishness and a host of other things that all amount to wash, rinse repeat on the next mass shooting. I’m more often ashamed to be from this country than not nowadays. 

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Student says shooting suspect always carried guns: "Everyone predicted it"

A student told CNN affiliate WFOR the shooting suspect often carried guns and even showed him guns.

"Everyone predicted it," he said. "That's crazy."




Everyone predicted it, yet no one said "Hey, this kid is ****ed up, someone should watch out for him..." or "Hey, I'm gonna alert authorities that this guy is a threat..."



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