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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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12 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


The rules as they are now, based on my understanding, is that everybody has to vote for who they pledged to the first cycle.  After that, all bets are off.  Amy and Pete can ask their delegates to vote for Biden, but there is nothing binding.

I think you are right.  Round 1, you have to vote the way you are pledge to.  It's Rounds 2 where all bets are off.

Thing is, why should we have to settle for Bernie or Joe if it gets to a round 2.  Why can't someone else get the nod.

It won't be pretty but it has happened before in U.S. history.

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3 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

This I know to be true because this is how you get the contested convention and all that nonesense.


God, this is such a mess.  

Well, you get a contested convention because no one wins a majority of delegates. 


It seems every four years we hear about the upcoming brokered convention and then it never happens, so I'm not going to fret about it. And even if it happens, it's probably not going to be the big deal everyone is assuming. 

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Just now, Rufus T Firefly said:

Well, you get a contested convention because no one wins a majority of delegates. 


It seems every four years we hear about the upcoming brokered convention and then it never happens, so I'm not going to fret about it. And even if it happens, it's probably not going to be the big deal everyone is assuming. 

Anybody who has lived through the last 4 years should just assume the most chaotic outcome is going to be the one we get. 


The real issue is that this whole process hurts the end goal of evicting Trump from 1600 Penn.  I have a number of Bernie supporters who basically have the opinion if it's not Bernie, they don't care if it's Trump or Biden.  So they're just going to sit it out.  And Bernie isn't going to tell them not to, because I am damn sure Bernie doesn't care about whether it's Trump or Biden.  


The only way to beat Trump is to get enough voters in Florida, Pennsylvania and Michigan to flip the states blue.  If you do that, along with the "normal" blue states, the Dem wins.


Specifically in Florida, if the Bernie voters decide they just can't live with Biden, the election is already lost.  


The longer and more contentious this goes, the greater the chance that the Bernie folks either sit the election out or vote third party.  Especially if they feel like they were screwed by the system, and specifically by Biden.  


Of course, unless Bernie actually ends up winning the nomination.  In which case he probably loses 40 states, and the house and the senate stays GOP.  The side benefit to that would be it would clearly illustrate where the Bernie movement actually stands. 


Counter to that, there are a ton of moderate to left-leaning dems who just can't vote for Bernie either.  


The whole thing is a debacle.  And we're going to end up with 4 more years of Trump.  

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Because it's election day and voter suppression is real, especially here in Texas. 


from the article.


Last year, Texas led the US south in an unenviable statistic: closing down the most polling stations, making it more difficult for people to vote and arguably benefiting Republicans.


A report by civil rights group The Leadership Conference Education Fund found that 750 polls had been closed statewide since 2012.





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8 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Yes, much better to root for alienating a huge section of your voting block by "stealing it"


But they are not the voting block if they don't vote for the actual nominee. Most of the bros wont if it isn't Bernie, right?


Edit..I'd also say huge section is very debatable.  



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8 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


But they are not the voting block if they don't vote for the actual nominee. Most of the bros wont if it isn't Bernie, right?


Edit..I'd also say huge section is very debatable.  




In all seriousness, if the DNC truly steal the nomination from Sanders (however one chooses to define that), Bernie Bros wont be the only ones washing their hands of the party.  Not everything can be justified by "But it's better than Trump".

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6 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

But they are not the voting block if they don't vote for the actual nominee. Most of the bros wont if it isn't Bernie, right?


Edit..I'd also say huge section is very debatable.  


I think most of them still would as long as Bernie doesn't go into the convention with a plurality and walk out without the nomination, or have it stolen as you said. You wishing for that outcome just to laugh at them is insane to me, since the point of my post was that you will still need them in the general

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24 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

The most distressing thing, going all the way back to Iowa really, is how the Bernie base goes into full-scale, absolute panic at even the slightest hint of adversity.  The sense of entitlement and self-righteousness is sad and pathetic.


The remarks deriding black voters who iverwhelmingly preferred Biden in SC (and probably everywhere) didn't help.


25 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


I think most of them still would as long as Bernie doesn't go into the convention with a plurality and walk out without the nomination, or have it stolen as you said. You wishing for that outcome just to laugh at them is insane to me, since the point of my post was that you will still need them in the general


I should have added a laughing smile to the original post. The humor to me was that to this day many bros still feel 2016 was stolen from them. 🙄


2020 is shaping up as a actual nut punch.


Also...wasn't it Bernie who basically said in 2016 that a plurality of the delegates didn't mean anything?

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I've been seeing a lot of panic by Bernie supporters today begging people to vote for him to save the country and enact change.  I wonder where we would be right now if Bernie had just backed Warren (as a lot of folks on the left were hoping before he got in) and campaigned for her instead of running again....

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11 minutes ago, visionary said:

I've been seeing a lot of panic by Bernie supporters today begging people to vote for him to save the country and enact change.  I wonder where we would be right now if Bernie had just backed Warren (as a lot of folks on the left were hoping before he got in) and campaigned for her instead of running again....

I can't help but feel like a Warren/Sanders ticket would show really well in the general, and I'd like to think Bernie should have been smart enough to see that the best good he could do would be to champion his ideas above himself. 

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2 hours ago, PeterMP said:

And let me add @Llevron and let me add that psychology has pretty much shown that if you want to convince somebody to change, about the worse thing you can do is show up and announce they are wrong and that you aren't going to work with them or talk to them.


Given there's no actual legislation at stake yet, Biden is actually doing the best thing you can do.  What Bernie does is great at exciting people that agree with him, but on the people that don't agree with him, it has just the opposite effect.


I understand where you are coming from. 


Im not personally willing to work with Republicans at all on anything. And I want someone who thinks the same calling the shots. I think playing the political game with them lead us to exactly where we are now and I am not excited about the idea of watching them get away with it for atleast another 4 years. But we will get to see what happens. 

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1 hour ago, TryTheBeal! said:

The most distressing thing, going all the way back to Iowa really, is how the Bernie base goes into full-scale, absolute panic at even the slightest hint of adversity.  The sense of entitlement and self-righteousness is sad and pathetic.


Bernie's Base or Bernie Bros?


I'm concerned the distinction is becoming less and less clear.  I'm chillin, cant speak for anyone else.

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8 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I understand where you are coming from. 


Im not personally willing to work with Republicans at all on anything. And I want someone who thinks the same calling the shots.

This is such an infuriatingly shortsighted thing to say.....  Republicans and former and current Republican voters aren't going to magically disappear.  Little will get done with out reaching out and working with others.  That doesn't mean bending over for Mitch, but reality is what it is. 

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9 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I understand where you are coming from. 


Im not personally willing to work with Republicans at all on anything. And I want someone who thinks the same calling the shots. I think playing the political game with them lead us to exactly where we are now and I am not excited about the idea of watching them get away with it for atleast another 4 years. But we will get to see what happens. 


Cool.  Are you in public office somewhere?  If so, that means a lot of someones taxpayers dollars are spent screwing around on ES.  

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Just now, visionary said:

This is such an infuriatingly shortsighted thing to say.....


It's one thing if they insist on taking their ball and going home on specific issues, but half the country is still conservative. I dont think acting like they dont exist is even possible, let alone a good idea.

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