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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

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3 minutes ago, Destino said:



Maybe you can tell me who the nazi sympathizers are then?  I've been reading through the thread on a righteous mission to root them out and I can't come up with any.  This place isn't reddit, we don't tolerate no nazi fanboys here.  I take offense to the notion that there are many here that have escaped my notice.


The only recent attempt to discuss the motives of the hate riot in Charlottesville was that poor misguided soul that wanted to talk about well treated slaves.  Good grief.


They can't hide forever!


There may not be any actual nazi sympathizers in this thread or in your neighborhood.  


But I guarantee there are plenty of "It's Heritage Not Hate" types, and plenty of "the North wasn't perfect and I think there are more racists in Boston" deflectors, and "complaining about racism makes it worse" knuckleheads, and "BLM is just as bad and racist, condemn both sides equally" equivocation spinners.   


My patience for all of them is at an extremely low ebb right now.  If they were smart they would shut up for a while, because at times like these, most people can see right through their nonsense as the sophistry that it really is.  

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2 minutes ago, killerbee99 said:

No issues with putting the statues in museum..... They ARE part of our history, however they do represent the dark side of this country and should be put in places of honor like parks or streets in my opinion



We could have the statues but have "Racist ****wad Traitor"  as the engraved designation.

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7 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Without trying to be an ass..well a bigger ass than normal, I'd say anyone who tries to compare the white nationalists/neo Nazis goobers with the BLM people are guilty if it.


They aren't equivalent.

Tbf, they aren't equivalent.  Nazis/white supremacists are beyond dangerous and despicable.  


But saying blm = nazis doesn't make that person a nazi. It just makes them wrong. I echo @Destino, I haven't seen a single pro nazi comment.  

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Just now, Predicto said:

There may not be any actual nazi sympathizers in this thread or in your neighborhood.

You'll never convince me there aren't racists lurking around Northern VA.  I've seen them too many times.


Just now, Predicto said:

But I guarantee there are plenty of "It's Heritage Not Hate" types, and plenty of "the North wasn't perfect and I think there are more racists in Boston" deflectors, and "complaining about racism makes it worse" knuckleheads, and "BLM is just as bad and racist, condemn both sides equally" equivocation spinners.   


My patience for all of them is at an extremely low ebb right now.  If they were smart they would shut up for a while, because at times like these, most people can see right through their nonsense as the sophistry that it really is.


Agreed completely. 


And glad to see you posting again.  You're the Warriors fan that isn't annoying.  We need you in the NBA thread.   


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21 minutes ago, tshile said:

More than that, I also feel sad. A lot of people had to look at/walk past/attend statues/buildings/schools/roads that were obviously named to intimidate them (at the very least)





I used to drive by this statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest surrounded by Confederate flags from time to time in TN. Being from MD never really had to experience that in your face Confederate pride. (I'm sure it's here too but I never go to those areas) Everytime I would shake my head knowing really why it was there. Did not even know it was Forrest till I looked it up. Just knew there was a message being sent. And it's ugly as hell too! Would love if this was taken down but it's private property. I wish TN would block it's view at least.



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7 minutes ago, Destino said:



And glad to see you posting again.  You're the Warriors fan that isn't annoying.  We need you in the NBA thread.   



72 and 0 this year baybee!  Durant did nothing wrong!  We sign Lebron nao!   Light years ahead!   WHoooooooo

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20 minutes ago, Predicto said:



Don't be embarrassed.   I did the same thing for years.  It was something that was taught to me from a very young age growing up in Virginia.  I did the Heritage not Hate thing, and the whatabboutism, and the "don't we have better things to worry about" deflections, and all the rest.  It was something that I needed to be educated about before I could wake up and move away from it.   It rarely just happens that we just figure it out on our own that our feelings and cultural allegiances have been manipulated.  


I would love for you and @tshile @TryTheBeal! to tell us what helped you guys understand what you do now that you previously couldn't or wouldn't. Maybe in a different thread but I have been trying SO HARD to explain and help people see the light but it's hasn't been as easy as I hoped. I want to be able to help people ya know? 

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7 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

I hope some of you people appreciate what a difficult position it puts internet forum moderators in to not step up and defend the nazis.




My earlier posts came to mind with your mention of moral ambiguity. I'm honestly surprised @s0crates was the only one who took me task in any way on it. I don't know if @FanboyOf91 's subtle horseshoe theory counts.


I've found my morals an perspective on what is/isn't important, what is and isn't valuable, etc... shifting a lot over the last few years. So, I said my piece, explained it a tiny bit, and then left it alone. No reason to harp on it, I'm not a blood thirst monster. Just... I have a different outlook these days.

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4 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I would love for you and @tshile @TryTheBeal! to tell us what helped you guys understand what you do now that you previously couldn't or wouldn't.


I saw confederate symbolism and natzi symbolism marching side by side an hour south of me.


The feeling of disgust when I realized how naive, wrong, insensitive... and whatever the hell else I have been... felt like someone ripped my guts out. I have felt like it since then.


I'm sure it's been done before, I'm sure I've seen it before. I don't know why it was different this time. It just was.

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8 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I would love for you and @tshile @TryTheBeal! to tell us what helped you guys understand what you do now that you previously couldn't or wouldn't. Maybe in a different thread but I have been trying SO HARD to explain and help people see the light but it's hasn't been as easy as I hoped. I want to be able to help people ya know? 


I had a confederate battle flag hanging over my bed in my dorm room in college.  Just my heritage, ya know.  


I also had a friend who was a black guy from Selma Alabama.  


One day, he dropped by, and saw it.  To his credit, instead of yelling at me, he explained exactly what that flag meant to him and to people like him.  


It still took me more time to fully accept reality, but that started it.  

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1 minute ago, Predicto said:


I had a confederate battle flag hanging over my bed in my dorm room in college.  Just my heritage, ya know.  


I also had a friend who was a black guy from Selma Alabama.  


One day, he dropped by, and saw it.  To his credit, instead of yelling at me, he explained exactly what that flag meant to him and to people like him.  


It still took me more time to fully accept reality, but that started it.  


I bet it attracted the best girls. The Ann Coulter's of the world. Amiright?


Count me in as being an apologist too for that flag at one time or another. Now I'm mature enough to regret how big of a dick having that viewpoint is.

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11 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I would love for you and @tshile @TryTheBeal! to tell us what helped you guys understand what you do now that you previously couldn't or wouldn't. Maybe in a different thread but I have been trying SO HARD to explain and help people see the light but it's hasn't been as easy as I hoped. I want to be able to help people ya know? 


Just a process of growth and maturity.  Coming up in central VA in the late 70s/80s, you are definitely taught a very glossy version of "The War Between The States".  As as adult, if you're fortunate enough to be exposed to people and knowledge from varied backgrounds, you naturally shift into a more informed and refined position.


Thats what supposed to happen, anyway.  Some folks lack the depth to pull it off, I imagine.

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40 minutes ago, Destino said:



Maybe you can tell me who the nazi sympathizers are then?  I've been reading through the thread on a righteous mission to root them out and I can't come up with any.  This place isn't reddit, we don't tolerate no nazi fanboys here.  I take offense to the notion that there are many here that have escaped my notice.


My 'right v wrong' comments are not specifically about this thread. I made them in the Conservatives thread as well. They weren't specifically about that thread either.


In fact they are not about ES and posters on here as such (although some sail close to the wind and it would be naive to think we don't have members who have sympathies with those right wing extremists who marched). Its much more general than that. I think thats how Burgold meant his comment - but he does not need me to speak for him.


We don't tolerate extreme views here on ES but some of the opinions and stuff I see on Twitter and other social media makes it clear just how far we have to go as a nation (and not just the US you could apply this to the UK or most Western Democracies). There are people out there with these views just barley under the surface and it does not take too much scratching until it comes to the top. Some of them seem to be in or close to the White House.

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