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Sun: Drunk farmer ‘starts fight with his own pig but dies after having three fingers and his privates bitten off’


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Drunk farmer ‘starts fight with his own pig but dies after having three fingers and his privates bitten off’


A FARMER has died after he brawled with a pig that bit him in the testicles and tore off three of his fingers, it has been reported.


The bizarre incident is said to have occurred in the town of San Lucas Ojitlan, in south-western Mexico.



Miguel is alleged to have returned home drunk from a party and somehow begun fighting with the pig which he kept in his home.


The animal managed to bite his testicles and sever three fingers of his right hand, the paper claimed, and he was rushed to hospital.


El Debate reported that farmer Miguel Anaya Pablo, 60, died from an infection caused by the wounds he suffered during the brawl.



What a testicle-eating pig may look like


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Some GACOLB family drama: My mother and stepfather, in their ongoing mid-life crisis, recently bought a baby pig. Major point of contention within the family. And by "within the family" I mean me. I'm firmly on the anti-pig side. It's all just getting embarrassing now. This whole DMV white trash hipster yuppie new age experiment (started with bees, then chickens, now a pig and includes living in the woods) isn't making them happy, actually doing just the opposite and yet they just keep digging that hole. And when I'm the level headed one in a situation you know it's bad. Extremely frustrating. It's time to get the **** over it, eat the chickens, eat the pig and move to Arlington or something. I mean he works downtown. How does living in the woods make any kind of sense to begin with? So yes, because of that,  I hope this happens with their stupid pig. Just a toe or two, not anyones balls (coughcoughnot like he has them anymore anywaycoughcough). Hopefully that would finally snap them up.


And as far as I can tell with pigs, for all their supposed intelligence, I don't see when they stop looking to eat long enough to actually use it. But my exposure has been limited so what do I know. 


Anyway, thanks for the platform. That was therapeutic. Screw my brother for leaving me to deal with all of this. 

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7 hours ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

Some GACOLB family drama: My mother and stepfather, in their ongoing mid-life crisis, recently bought a baby pig. Major point of contention within the family. And by "within the family" I mean me. I'm firmly on the anti-pig side. It's all just getting embarrassing now. This whole DMV white trash hipster yuppie new age experiment (started with bees, then chickens, now a pig and includes living in the woods) isn't making them happy, actually doing just the opposite and yet they just keep digging that hole. And when I'm the level headed one in a situation you know it's bad. Extremely frustrating. It's time to get the **** over it, eat the chickens, eat the pig and move to Arlington or something. I mean he works downtown. How does living in the woods make any kind of sense to begin with? So yes, because of that,  I hope this happens with their stupid pig. Just a toe or two, not anyones balls (coughcoughnot like he has them anymore anywaycoughcough). Hopefully that would finally snap them up.


And as far as I can tell with pigs, for all their supposed intelligence, I don't see when they stop looking to eat long enough to actually use it. But my exposure has been limited so what do I know. 


Anyway, thanks for the platform. That was therapeutic. Screw my brother for leaving me to deal with all of this. 

I am so with you.  I believe we're from the same part of the hills...Dad did the same, drove into "WARshington".:ols:

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