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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:

I'm pretty sure that's because large corporations are too woke for Republicans. Not anything else.



We have a winner.  


And note - This is how Republican voters feel about big corporations.  Not about how the party's legislation feels.  


1 hour ago, dfitzo53 said:

I'm very surprised to see rising Dem support for churches, to be honest.


Theory:  Maybe there's been some Republicans who actually are morally religious, who left the Party over Trumpism?  Maybe it's not a case of individual Dems changing their opinions, but maybe the Dem pool now includes some former R's?  

Edited by Larry
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I used to wait tables, its honestly the only job I've had where you couldn't call out sick. I've gone to work looking like death, management didn't care. Customers were complaining to management that I was sick, management would tell the customers I'm on a short night and I would be able to leave early...lies!.

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4 hours ago, dfitzo53 said:

Also way to throw the employee under the bus and say her actions were disappointing as though we aren't in a system where wage workers already have the deck stacked against them.



im not laughing at you I’m just laughing at the situation the owners are in. 
- their stance is basically anti-trumpers so now they’re being attacked for caring about basic hygeine

- what you just said puts them on the wrong side for people on the left 

- they were already in trouble with anyone who thinks not going to work sick right now is kind of a thing you should be doing - regardless of political ideology 


Like **** there’s no real way out of this one. 

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AP urges DeSantis to end bullying aimed at reporter


Twitter suspended the account of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary for violating rules on “abusive behavior” after The Associated Press said her conduct led to a reporter receiving threats and other online abuse.


The DeSantis aide, Christina Pushaw, saw her account locked for 12 hours, a Twitter spokeswoman said. She won’t be able to tweet, although others can retweet or “like” her messages.

Earlier Friday, incoming AP CEO Daisy Veerasingham wrote to DeSantis, asking him to end Pushaw’s “harassing behavior.” AP is seeking to fight online bullying against journalists, a growing trend that is often triggered by public figures.


“You will ban the press secretary of a democratically-elected official while allowing the Taliban to live tweet their conquest of Afghanistan?” Pushaw said. She said those who “challenge false narratives are often silenced by corporate media and Big Tech collusion.”


Pushaw denied trying to direct the governor’s followers to target AP’s reporter despite retweeting his article and writing “drag them” in a now-deleted post.


She had objected to Tuesday’s story by AP’s Tallahassee, Florida-based reporter Brendan Farrington, which pointed out that one of DeSantis’ multimillion-dollar donors invests in a company making the COVID-19 treatment drug Regeneron. DeSantis has been touting the monoclonal antibody treatment throughout the state.


In another tweet, she wrote that if Farrington didn’t change the story, she would “put you on blast.” She also retweeted a message that said “Light. Them. Up.” in reference to the AP.


Early Wednesday, Farrington tweeted that he had received online threats and hate messages about the story. “For your sake, I hope government doesn’t threaten your safety. I’ll be fine, I hope. Freedom. Just please don’t kill me.”


Click on the link for the full article

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‘Locate Us A Ring, Or A Dojo’: GOP Rep. Demands A Fistfight With A Rude Guy On Facebook


Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) is ready to go Rocky Balboa on some guy on the internet.


A man from Alaska named Joel Dolphin roasted Higgins in the comment section of one of the congressman’s posts on Tuesday, saying that “Higgins and his ilk have made it abundantly clear they are domestic enemies to our Constitution” and that “sycophantic fools like Traitor Higgins happily amplified” ex-President Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election.

Higgins exploded.


“Joel Dolphin, you be the messenger son. You. I’m easy to find,” he wrote. “Higgins out.”


Dolphin said he would “happily take the time to repeat myself to your face” if Higgins ever visited Anchorage.


The Republican told his internet detractor that he’ll be visiting the state with Rep. Don Young (R-AK) next year.


“Locate us a ring, or a dojo,” Higgins wrote. “I’ll give you a few rounds to make your point. Be seeing you. Higgins out.”


Click on the link for the full article

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51 minutes ago, China said:

Guy involved is training. Internet needs to make this happen.


EDIT 3: Here’s a quick update: I have had a couple of PR folks and trainers reach out to me and we will see where all of this goes. Realistically, I suspect Clay will continue to ignore all this as numerous people mentioned that is his MO and apparently this isn’t his first time challenging people to a fight on social media. But I will train anyway as it’ll be fun and good for me.


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