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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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laura jarrett doing reporting after a deep dive on strozk/orr tand whole muelller's tainted team narrative and debunking it in thorough detail, making it much more to a nothingburger than i had thought...i had given it fair weight, and still reserve some, but the details make the gopers look ever more culpable and laughable...some of the clown car r's on the house judiciary should be tuned up like an indy racer




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5 minutes ago, twa said:

but I keep hearing they didn't Do anything.

That's just something we say. We all know those two left the bloody glove on Trump's lawn. We just don't care. And do you know why? BECAUSE WE HATE AMERICA MOTHA****AAAAAAAA!!!!!!! HILLARY ****!!! HILLARY!!!!



Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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20 minutes ago, twa said:

Why were they fired/reassigned?


I'd guess Mueller was being as thorough as possible and wanted to make sure there wasn't even the potential for anything to become tainted by any sort of bias, or to have the appearance of such, even though (AFAIK) there isn't anything in any of the texts where they discuss work or trying to influence anything in their jobs. It was two people in a relationship discussing their personal political views outside of work. I'm guessing there are plenty of people in the FBI who are Trump supporters as well. Doesn't mean they let it affect their jobs. Everything I've read seems to indicate that Strzok was a top notch, professional FBI investigator who was very good at his job. 

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twa knows why they were fired.  He's not asking questions, he's pushing a narrative.  (Oooh, the fact that they got fired proves that there's something there.  Or at least, that we need to investigate the investigation by a neutral, hand-picked, all-Republican panel.  Probably should shut down the entire investigation, until the investigation investigation is over.  Oh, and throw out the things they've found, so far, too.)  

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49 minutes ago, twa said:

Why were they fired/reassigned?



don't bring that level of game to me :)


and now that you have, and it riled me,  it's been noted that lately some of the trolls that you've made were lazy and lame even for you 

fix it up :)


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Mueller is on the path to take down basically an entire criminal cabal running the government.  The margin for error is very small.  The personnel didn't really do anything bad enough to deserve firing, but that doesn't really matter, because optics still exist.

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12 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Mueller is on the path to take down basically an entire criminal cabal running the government.  The margin for error is very small.  The personnel didn't really do anything bad enough to deserve firing, but that doesn't really matter, because optics still exist.


True, if anything it could be even more proof that Mueller has some very serious **** that is going to go all the way to the top, and can't afford anything that may jeopardize it, even if it would be purely optical (which this is).

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well, dog, i agree with firing for the same obvious reasons as mueller would, tho part of the context that informs is these two agents savaged half of dc's elite on both sides of the aisle and celebrities in their texts...apparently this was a style of chatter with them...and he was no rogue agent on the Clinton stuff; was thoroughly supervised and didn't make decisions claimed in isolation etc...it's out there now


trumps' been pressuring the hell out of the doj, his allies been spinning up this "highly biased'' mueller shtick and then jumped the shark blowing up the strozk story and of course link him to hillary and get her back in there---it's like opiates---and mccabe cracked a little and threw this text reveal media party to keep trump from blowing his lid

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18 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

I’ve been noticing that too. Makes me sad. As a broken Redskins fan, I can sympathize with him.



do you ever play the (which one is) larry, moe, and curly game with me, you, and twa?


other members of the tailgate?


if you do, don't tell anyone

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getting to know slimy goper max gaetz, r from fla, this last year...he was on this morning trying to yell a bunch of lies over the interviewer while still having a couple of points close enough to the realm of reality to at least debate...but so much of it was just sickening...in the last two decades i've become quite similar in attitude to twa's long-projected contempt for congress as a whole...


i still presume there's a lot of good honest people trying to do their sincere best within their flaws, but i see so many r's and d's in front of microphones and cameras being so blatant in their various forms of dishonesty in pushing their agendas (too many of which seem to have originated from ignorance, malevolence, and seeking money/power)...it seems so in your face that they're are counting on people either being too dense or slow to see it, or too partisan for it to matter...and until recently, the results has supported those tactics


really wish we could just have our battles over ideology and polices debating philosophies, history, facts etc. on an underlying  foundation of basic honesty and integrity  in argument and not spins, lies, and subterfuge...i also wish i was young, wealthy, and in shape to wrestle in the olympics...

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Mueller will hopefully drop a collusion indictment on someone, probably Kushner, soon.  The GOP is moving to faster and faster towards firing Mueller and, at least in the House, ending their investigation.  Adam Schiff explains.



The GOP and Trump know they're toast if this goes the distance.  The Senate is the only group that even could maybe keep things going, but I am skeptical even of that if Mueller is fired.


But a collusion indictment might shake up everyone.  After all, part of the thrust of the Trumpian position of tossing the SC is that he hasn't found collusion and should put up or shut up (which is absurd and demonstrates a total lack of knowledge about how these investigations go but then again they have shown little understanding of anything of late).  If Mueller puts up and says "more to come" maybe, just maybe, the rest will shut up.

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