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AP: Trump intends to announce his Supreme Court pick on Feb. 2


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4 minutes ago, nonniey said:

The United States can survive Bannon I'm not as sure that it can survive the "RESISTANCE."


There is a 16 year old from my town sitting in a detention center. He does not know why. He may be there two months. He is a high school student.


What sort of compromise do we offer on his behalf?


We are eleven days in. Do you think this **** is going to get BETTER in time?



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10 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


There is a 16 year old from my town sitting in a detention center. He does not know why. He may be there two months. He is a high school student.


What sort of compromise do we offer on his behalf?


We are eleven days in. Do you think this **** is going to get BETTER in time?




He's been shipped to Chicago.  Think about that for a minute.


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1 minute ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


There is a 16 year old from my town sitting in a detention center. He does not know why. He may be there two months. He is a high school student.


What sort of compromise do we offer on his behalf?


We are eleven days in. Do you think this **** is going to get BETTER in time?



Bannon will be gone in the worst case in no more than 8 years. I've seen elements of the Resistance calling for the break up of the United States, military coups, eliminating parts of the Constitution etc.  and of course idiots of the alt-right welcoming some of that as well.  


I didn't say you have to compromise with Trump or the Republicans but "resistance?"  That imo is opposition that goes beyond constitutional measures.



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8 years is roughly ten percent of a person's life expectancy.


At worst case, all you have to do is spend 8 years in prison....  doesn't sound so short that way.


Steve Bannon in charge of the country over ten percent of my lifetime,,   ten percent of my son's lifetime.. ...  sounds worse.



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3 minutes ago, visionary said:

I think Gorsuch should get a vote.  

That said, he worries me a lot from some of what he was saying yesterday about looking backwards and viewing the law as people in 1787 did.

No different than Scalia (who championed that) and Thomas.

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12 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


There is a 16 year old from my town sitting in a detention center. He does not know why. He may be there two months. He is a high school student.


What sort of compromise do we offer on his behalf?


We are eleven days in. Do you think this **** is going to get BETTER in time?




People need to read more about Bannon and realize that he has the power to carry out his philosophy, and he's going to do it. 


His worldview is basically the Christian version of ISIS. 8 years...

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1 minute ago, nonniey said:

No different than Scalia (who championed that) and Thomas.

And Scalia was a pretty terrible ideologue who masqueraded as a Constitutionalist and minimalist, but threw away the Constitution every time it proved disagreeable. Reread Predicto's analysis on him. He really presented a great critique.

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9 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

Could have been worse.  Could have been Detroit.

No!! Not Detroit --- anything but that. 


Not sure if it was an intentional "Kentucky Fried Movie" reference.  I must have seen that when I was 12 and movie probably looks a lot worse 2 decades later... 

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2 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

No!! Not Detroit --- anything but that. 


Not sure if it was an intentional "Kentucky Fried Movie" reference.  I must have seen that when I was 12 and movie probably looks a lot worse 2 decades later... 

It was.  That's why I love this place.  Obscure movie references are always appropriate and appreciated

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48 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Bannon will be gone in the worst case in no more than 8 years. I've seen elements of the Resistance calling for the break up of the United States, military coups, eliminating parts of the Constitution etc.  and of course idiots of the alt-right welcoming some of that as well.  


I didn't say you have to compromise with Trump or the Republicans but "resistance?"  That imo is opposition that goes beyond constitutional measures.




So you see a few idiots and declare an entire movement dangerous.


But a real insane person, who has literally uttered the words that he wants to see a Leninist revolution in this country, and has the most influence on the current POTUS is somehow less of a threat.


Bravo, you are the embodiment of everything wrong with our current system.

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2 hours ago, Popeman38 said:



ASF, proud advocate of the "they did it FIRST" childish political stunt.  Please don't ever complain about TWA again. This is political hackish ****.


This nominee had no problem being confirmed for the federal bench. I thought the general consensus was that if they can breeze through that confirmation process then getting confirmed for SCOTUS was a foregone conclusion? Or is that just the standard when the Dems nominate someone?


EDIT: "nominates another like him then deny that one too" means what? Deny any judge that isn't a Dem nominee? WTF man?

Retribution and balance for theft can ONLY be made when that which was stolen is returned.

1 hour ago, nonniey said:

The United States can survive Bannon I'm not as sure that it can survive the "RESISTANCE."

Exactly...after all we survived slavery...nevermind all of those who didn't. #ResistanceIsNecessary


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2 hours ago, nonniey said:

Asbury temper tantrums aside, right now they do not have the power to stop his nomination (ie they have no shot to send a message to Agent Marmalade). 

You fire the weapon you have in your hand. 

I will not be appeased with diplomacy anymore. Trump and the GOP have shown that DC is not a place for rational diplomacy and compromise. Only absolutes reign. Absolutes win. They wanted to burn it down...so light the match.

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I'm just seriously pissed off.

It gets worse daily, and then people say I should just accept it. 

Nope, not gonna happen.

This is how generational division starts, years from now I'll remember that it was the GOP who decided to steal a Supreme Court seat. I'll also remember that there were those who insisted that it was ok. Why should the opposition play fair when it's obvious that the other side is more than willing to cheat, lie, and disenfranchise?


I have zero respect for GOP elected officials...none. They are personae non gratae.

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38 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

It was.  That's why I love this place.  Obscure movie references are always appropriate and appreciated


Usually I would agree with you.  But this is a confused and scared 16 year old kid who has been detained and transported 1,000 miles from his home and who, according to the Chicago Tribune account, has been unable to communicate with his family.


And here's something I would have thought unthinkable not so very long ago... if the publicity on this specific fiasco grows too large, I would not put it past this administration to trump up some lie about this kid's background or activities as an excuse to justify the injustice he's going through.  Read all about it on the pages of White House-credentialed InfoWars.

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Again, I am not a conspiracy nut. Christ, I supported Hillary over Bernie during the Democratic Primary primarily for POLICY reasons. My roots in the Democratic party are economic-based more than anything else.


I went to an elite university where most graduates primary objective is to make as much money as humanly possible and then send their children to similar elite universities where maybe by the third generation, they will run the family's charitable foundation.


I went to a pretty conservative Catholic law school. Graduates primarily have the goal of becoming partner in a firm in Downtown Pittsburgh and own a beach house on the Outer Banks, where they can hang a Terrible Towel from the flagpole.


My friends, family, and associates are not radicals.


I've spent the last week seriously altering my family budget to make sure that important charities and legal foundations are being funded. (Not the ACLU; they are seeing a windfall from this). I joined two local political organizations. I am talking to an immigration attorney friend who is seriously in the process of building some kind of underground railroad for refugees. We were discussing how many cots one can fit in a basement. I have literally dozens of friends who spend the weekend at airports, most of who didn't know what a writ of habeas corpus even looked like before Friday night. I've talked to a former classmate who is in Congress and was nearly crying about what he could personally do. (We used to discuss gangster rap in a dorm room). I've talked to a formerly apolitical friend who just formed a Young Women's Democrat Club in southern WV.


I also coached an 8-year-old boys basketball team and had a dinner party.


None of us were dressed as vaginas. (That's an entirely different group of friends, and I could kick myself for not going to Austin two weeks ago).


This is real. Lives, in a very real sense, are at stake here. The character of our country, in a very real sense, is at stake.


Even during the worst of the Iraq War nonsense, I largely kept a "This too shall pass" attitude. I mean, I was violently opposed to W's policy, but I ultimately saw it as bad policy.


Trump is seeking to change our national creed. I'm not sure you can come back from that so easily.

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6 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

This is real. Lives, in a very real sense, are at stake here. The character of our country, in a very real sense, is at stake.


Even during the worst of the Iraq War nonsense, I largely kept a "This too shall pass" attitude. I mean, I was violently opposed to W's policy, but I ultimately saw it as bad policy.


Trump is seeking to change our national creed. I'm not sure you can come back from that so easily.


Yup. Not gonna sit back and pretend that everything will be alright. There is a radical transformation taking place in this country that is neither liberal nor conservative. 


I think we are seeing our institutions fail right in front of us.


The level of alarm in the sciences is nothing like I've ever seen before. Recently I was in a conversation with people who work as editors and reviewers for journals and they were discussing the possibility of allowing scientists to publish their work anonymously to avoid government backlash. This is not a joke.

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I obviously wasn't a 40something professional in the 60s. That was a cultural backlash that seemed driven by below. I know there were attorneys and such on the side of youth movement, but hundreds if not thousands of attorneys dropped their lives on a moment's notice on a Friday night to sit in airports last week. 1000 State Department employees are openly criticizing policy. Scientists are marching. Journalists are talking about how to go underground.


I know people in all these fields. These are not the bearded kooks who memorize Robert's Rules of Orders and interrupt local city council meetings. These are 40 year old PhDs with three kids and a mortgage.

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10 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


Yup. Not gonna sit back and pretend that everything will be alright. There is a radical transformation taking place in this country that is neither liberal nor conservative. 


I think we are seeing our institutions fail right in front of us.


The level of alarm in the sciences is nothing like I've ever seen before. Recently I was in a conversation with people who work as editors and reviewers for journals and they were discussing the possibility of allowing scientists to publish their work anonymously to avoid government backlash. This is not a joke.

If this goes the way it seems so far, it is not just science that will be threatened. The Bill of Rights will be gutted and believe it or not, it will affect religion as well.

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