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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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20 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:


Leaders don’t need to lead?


We all know exactly why Obama didn’t do anything.  He didn’t want to damage Hillary.  And it would have.  The GOP would have taken that opportunity to claim she stole the election etc. 


too bad.  


His is job as potus is more than just another shill for his party. 



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1 minute ago, Kilmer17 said:

Leaders don’t need to lead?


We all know exactly why Obama didn’t do anything.  He didn’t want to damage Hillary.  And it would have.  The GOP would have taken that opportunity to claim she stole the election etc. 


too bad.  


His is job as potus is more than just another shill for his party. 





Two sides of this event:


1.  Obama:  Tried to protect our democracy from interference from a foreign adversary, attempted to do so in a minimally-destabilizing way, and ultimately failed.


2.  McConnell - Knew about foreign interference and resisted any attempts at security for our election democracy in order to protect his own narrow craven political interests and to protect the campaign of a serial liar, abuser, and fraud.  He succeeded.  


And Obama's the bad guy?  I just don't get it.  

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He did was he thought was best based on a belief that there was no way enough idiots existed to elect a Donald Trump. His mistake was underestimating how much rot had already taken hold in the GoP base. We all gave them too much credit.

This argument is ridiculous. Just like the entire ‘Republican’ Party nowadays. Nothing ****ing matters to these dopes except the letter after your last night. The mental gymnastics you guys will do to completely miss who is obviously doing intentional damage to our country and their motivation for doing it is so absurdly bizarre.

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24 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

All of the bull**** this evil dirtbag has inflicted and the best that the Junior Minister csn muster is to scold him on his “manners”?!




This was a Scottish Newspaper (The Scotsman) yesterday



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1 hour ago, twa said:

what security was McConnel in charge of?


last I checked POTUS holds that ,but like Benghazi **** just happens



I'm pretty sure that McConnell took a pledge to defend the US Constitution.  That would seem to give him a big roll in the security of the Constitution.






"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."


If you have knowledge that a foreign power is trying to undermine our election, warning that is the case would seem to me to be consistent with keeping of that oath.

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9 minutes ago, twa said:

are you saying the Constitution was threatened  since Obama didn't act or McConnell?




Guess which one is entrusted with the tools


I think the Constitution has been threatened.  I think Obama should have done more.  But to say that McConnell has no tools is false.  The Senate can carry out an actual investigation of Russian involvement in the election.  McConnell could have joined on the joint statement Obama put out.


Forget that, he could put out his own statement any time he wants.  He could go on every Sunday morning news program this weekend and talk about the Russian efforts to distort our election process.


There are lot of things that McConnell could and can do.  To try and paint a picture of him being helpless is not accurate.


McConnell has a job to defend to the Constitution, and he has not acted to do so.  Obama probably did too little, but it was still more than the absolute 0 that McConnell has done.


(I will also say, I think even Obama was not aware of the degree of Russian involvement.  It seems that post-election even more information has come out on the depth of Russian actions in social media, but also in terms of hacking our actual election system (to the point that it now seems to be an open question if Russia changed actual voter rolls.  Just from the way it is being reported, that seems like something was discovered after the election.)


Obama with less knowledge/information on what the Russians had actually done still did more than McConnell has.

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52 minutes ago, PeterMP said:



Obama with less knowledge/information on what the Russians had actually done still did more than McConnell has.


Strange you say that since the agencies that would know report to him.


Or are you saying the Russians did all that and we didn't know?

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29 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:

Not racist though

Classic xenophobia, pure unadulterated racism.

But the Right will defend him as they work for change within the GOP from the inside.

Oh, the ones who fancy themselves as very clever will never defend him outright, because they know he's indefensible, what they will do in service to the tangerine is muddy the waters and habitually exercise their favorite whataboutisms, all while trying to deflect direct criticisms against Trump that they know to be true, but have to turn a blind eye on because they want their Rightwing oligarchical white Evangelical agenda passed.

They seriously would have been better off electing a placeholder that just rubber stamped their 1950's era fantasies.

Instead they inflicted Trump upon the world.

They know he's a ****ing moron, but hey, what the hell, he's their ****ing moron.

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43 minutes ago, twa said:


Strange you say that since the agencies that would know report to him.


Or are you saying the Russians did all that and we didn't know?

Are you saying McConnell has no power at his disposal? That he couldn’t, at the very least, propose a bill that increases funding for election cyber security? He has a range of tools and powers both direct and indirect. 


Equally to the point, what has he done since the election to strengthen or secure us from cyber attack. I am aware of several efforts to defund intelligence. I am aware that government election watch dog agencies have been disbanded. 


Has anything been done to make our elections more secure or has Trump and Congress only conspired to weaken our national security?

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3 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

Leaders don’t need to lead?


We all know exactly why Obama didn’t do anything.  He didn’t want to damage Hillary.  And it would have.  The GOP would have taken that opportunity to claim she stole the election etc. 




Yeah. That's it. Obama revealing that the Russian government is actively trying to elect Trump would have damaged Hillary. 


We all know it. 

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3 minutes ago, Larry said:


Yeah. That's it. Obama revealing that the Russian government is actively trying to elect Trump would have damaged Hillary. 


We all know it. 

Not sure if you are purposefully being obtuse or didnt understand my post.  So I will explain.


Obama knew that making Russian meddling a big issue would cast doubt on our entire process.  And since everyone thought Hillary would win, he feared what the GOP would do in response.  ANd he was right.  They would have questioned the authenticity of the election and used it as an excuse to obstruct her every step.  

I dont think he, or anyone for that matter, thought that the Russians were trying to help Trump.  They were just trying to eff up our process.

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13 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Are you saying McConnell has no power at his disposal? That he couldn’t, at the very least, propose a bill that increases funding for election cyber security? He has a range of tools and powers both direct and indirect. 


Equally to the point, what has he done since the election to strengthen or secure us from cyber attack. I am aware of several efforts to defund intelligence. I am aware that government election watch dog agencies have been disbanded. 


Has anything been done to make our elections more secure or has Trump and Congress only conspired to weaken our national security?

@Burgoldare you seriously looking for quality engagement on the issue or do you just enjoy talking to a Sally-speaks-a-lot doll?

10 minutes ago, Larry said:


Yeah. That's it. Obama revealing that the Russian government is actively trying to elect Trump would have damaged Hillary. 


We all know it. 

It certainly would have thrown the entire election into doubt....like it has.

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Just finding this bs of Obama blaming and presence that McConnell was impotent instead of complicit or even accomplice to the wrongdoing annoying. 


Mitch McConnell doesn’t care how much the country is hurt if he thinks he can take political advantage.  He’s proven that over and over again 

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4 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Just finding this bs of Obama blaming and presence that McConnell was impotent instead of complicit or even accomplice to the wrongdoing annoying. 


Mitch McConnell doesn’t care how much the country is hurt if he thinks he can take political advantage.  He’s proven that over and over again 

Yes.  Which is EXACTLY the decision Obama made as well.  He decided the political choice was more important than the one in our National interest.  McConnell made the same decision.  Only one of the was the President.

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