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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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The cult of Trump is strong.  It's convinced traditional conservatives that Trump is looking out for the common man.  It's convinced the establishment voters that life long Republicans are suddenly Democratic shills trying to frame Trump.   Sometimes a cult is simply the best way to explain the mindset of a certain segment of the voters.  


The other night on Maher's show, it was a Republican that pointed out just how policy-illiterate our voting population is. All Trump has ever done since day 1 of campaigning is offer anecdotes as solutions.  While the people around him, his handlers definitely have policy objectives (mostly regurgitating stuff that has never worked in the past) Trump himself has simply maintained the simple one-liners.


It's created a cult-like following and defense of Trump by his voters because their bask in their ignorance of actual policies and their effect, and instead just repeat the anecdotes 



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5 hours ago, Veryoldschool said:



I don't want the new world order.  I want economic nationalism to enrich blue collar America and the US to mind its own business and get out of Asia and the Middle East.  We have been meddling across the globe for 100 years and I am sick of it.  I want the American people to care for ourselves.

VOS, aren't you the fan who ended his fandom of the Skins; when we decided to move on from Kirk?


Trump has conned his voters into thinking those jobs lost are coming back. They aren't. We aren't going back to the time where blue collar jobs of old, are dominant. Trump can impose tariffs but all those manufacturing jobs lost; aren't coming back. You Trumpsters believe that those tariffs will lead to factories reopening left and right. Foreign companies building more factories here to sell their goods.   Even if some factories are built or rebuilt; the first thing the companies will do; how much of it can we automate. After that, then they will look at how many humans they need.


The world is interconnected; whether you like it or not.  What both parties have failed to do, is recognize the losses that come from these trade agreements and actively have policies to replace what was lost.  No attention was paid to the workers in these agreements.  Just the companies and the new markets available to their goods.  While trade has opened up new areas and jobs, it also closed other areas and jobs.  No attention was paid to the places that lost the jobs.  So, a demagogue promises them a return to the past and the vote him in.


Trade is a 2 way streak.  The best agreements benefit both sides.  Negotiation by bullying isn't going to get you anywhere. You work to fix the flaws of the agreement and have protections built to take care of workers that might be affected by trade agreements.  Trump thinks all our allies or even our enemies our going to submit to his demands, not going to happen.  So, we will see his tariffs hurt other areas and draw the country into a recession/depression. 


Trump isn't even addressing the biggest threat to jobs. He just dismisses it. Automation.  You know that in the next decade that 30 to 40 percent of all jobs are going to be replaced by automation.  How do you deal with that.  The days of generations of one family working at one place are gone.  Heck, the days of staying in one field are ending.  We will soon reach a point where, about every 10 years or so; you will need to learn something new.  Regardless of whether you have a degree or not.  Technology is changing things so fast, you almost have to be able continuously learn new skills or attain new degree.

Trump and the GOP isn't preparing this country to that. They are making false promises or returning to past glories.  As we go backwards, other countries will go forward.  They will be able to deal with the challenges of what is needed to live in the future; while the U.S. will be stuck the past.  


Enjoy your time under your god Trump, VOS.  Eventually, he and the GOP will be gone. Maybe not in 18/20 but in 22/24; there will be reckoning.  The country will move forward again and you will be left behind.  Accept this time, there won't be any more patience for you Trumpsters.  You will just be left to rot.


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18 hours ago, Veryoldschool said:


I don't know what to think of Putin.  I grew up with the Soviet Union and watched with baited breath when Boris Yeltsin climbed up on that tank and seemed to ward off chaos and provide hope as the Soviet Union fell.  In the intervening years, I have wanted to see democracy take root but I have been always fearful that democracy there would collapse like the ill-conceived Weimar Republic in Germany and a new dictator and tyrant would supplant the infant democracy before it had a chance to take root and Russia would grow more dangerous than ever.  At this point, I don't know if Putin is the tyrant I feared or the rough and ready patriot that is tough enough to save the young state from a real tyrant as the infant democracy develops.


I have listened to some of his speeches on nationalism and culture and they intrigue me.  He argues that the Soviet Union's socialism and atheism deeply damaged the Russian Orthodox culture and he says he wants to revitalize the Russian Orthodox church and heal their culture.  This aspect of Putin is very appealing to me and if he can reenergize their churches I think it will help Russia heal their culture and that would also help democracy flourish and Russian could play a more positive role.  Is Putin sincere about this?  I don't have a clue but I hope so and I hope the Russian people succeed.

Meanwhile Putin has seen to it to restrict other churches and religions. You can now get thrown in jail for evangelizing. No, he's a tyrant and a communist of the old hardline.

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16 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

It takes a special kind of someone to be capable of the mental gymnastics it takes to believe that: 


Every intelligence agency in the country plus others around the world, every major ally government in the world, the previous US presidency, half of congress, 95% of the American free press and independent journalists, George Soros and all other deep state Illuminati members were all working together to stop Donald trump from winning the White House and somehow  despite rampant illegal voting and an electoral college system that was setup to specially prevent Republican wins, they could not stop political newcomer Donald trump from taking office. 


And now that he is in office, they are continuing their worldwide conspiracy with thousands of people all coordinated and synchronized to undermine him and run a coup to remove him from office. 


It is a house of cards that with even a rudimentary level of questioning or insight or shred of intelligence, completely falls apart. 



To be honest, if your only sampling was this forum and/or TV programming/Hollywood (minus FOX News of course), your conspiracy theory would ironically appear correct. He's so caustic that he self-fulfills, I'm sure according to plan.

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28 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Meanwhile Putin has seen to it to restrict other churches and religions. You can now get thrown in jail for evangelizing. No, he's a tyrant and a communist of the old hardline.

Vladimir Putin: Throwing people off rooftops for democracy!

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2 hours ago, Zguy28 said:

Meanwhile Putin has seen to it to restrict other churches and religions. You can now get thrown in jail for evangelizing. No, he's a tyrant and a communist of the old hardline.

 He is not a communist, he may be a tyrant but he's not a communist.  I found it amusing when Putin lectured Obama on the failure of socialism.  I didn't know about his suppression of other religions until you mentioned it but here is the link:





2 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

Vladimir Putin: Throwing people off rooftops for democracy!


Throwing people off of rooftops?  I've seen videos of Muslims throwing gays off of rooftops please provide a link to videos of Putin pushing people off of rooftops in Russia.

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