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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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33 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


So you may have already answered this, but I just want to be sure:


1)  Do you consider people that voted for Trump equal to Trump's base?

2)  Do you consider people that didn't vote for Hillary equal to people that voted for Trump?


I know your heart is in the right place, you want what's best for the country as a whole, and you've made valid points on this topic since before it ever got to this point. 


Having said that, comparing everyone who didn't vote to Hillary as equal to the people that did the 9/11 attacks is going too far and they are not synonymous.  I consider Trump's base a lost cause, but they are not equal to how we're dealing with the war on terror.  For every terrorist we blow up at a Wedding we thought was a Terrorist Meet-and-Get, we create 6 more.  Trying to kill them all isn't going to work, and not trying to understand them is what lead to the Iraq war cluster**** where we didn't think the difference between Sunni and Shai even mattered.  


I agree that there are many people in this country that are not only hurting our country but acting in a way they are intentionally doing harm to it for their own means (or worse the means of others).  We can't compare them ISIS, ISIS wants us ALL dead, not just republicans or democrats.  Comparing everyone that didn't vote for Hillary to Trump's base isn't necessary to get him out of office, either.  


I will say this:  We have more right and evidence to consider Trump an enemy of America then the GOP ever did in regards to Obama or Hillary combined.  Pointing that out is NOT hypocritical and I don't give two ****s who likes or doesn't like that, you're absolutely right in that regard.  Trump does not equal ISIS, though.


For me, the election was a year and a half ago, and the clown has been in the Big Top for over a year.

People who voted for him..  i don't necessarily hold it against them, because people can be fooled a lot easier than anyone wants to admit.  It was disheartening to see how many fell for the obvious con man,, but so be it. Some people voted for him because they believed it was best.Some voted for him because they wouldn't ever vote any different, (and as is obvious, no matter who is on the ticket for their team.

It's the ones who have stayed after everything we have seen and continue to see. (the base that won't waver.) Those people I have a major problem with, and as the **** intensifies and we start to see the ties between this traitorous glutton and the enemies of this country..the more they dig in, the more I despise them for it. It's one thing to make a mistake. It's another to double down on it.. and entirely another to double down on it while ignoring the massive gigantic huge red flags flying all around it. nevermind how obvious it all is, how contemptuous for all of us he is, especially that base. They are the worst sort of lackeys because they accept the spit in their eye and happily beg for more. (even though they swear the liberals are who is spitting.)

To stay away from stating absolutes that are as yet unproven, trump does not appear to be the same ol' same ol' corrupt politician selling his services to the highest bidders.. this guy seems to have sold us out to our enemies,, not just some companies that want favors.


Comparing folks and their decisions at the time to me is not really productive. We've had time to see it now. And people have the ability to change their minds based on new information after a mistake. (even a mistake made with the best intentions.)

If they refuse to do so, it is no longer acceptable to me. There is no respect, there is nothing but contempt and disgust.

The sign that was up last week in Calvert County..


This is my neighborhood. I'm expected to "understand" this mother****er, to try to discern why he feels this way.

I'll tell you why. Because he is as deplorable as described. Hate driven, racist, and ready to do exactly what his sign says... although dollars to donuts he will prefer to bomb someplace where he doesn't have to show his face... all the while screaming how the country is less safe from terrorists.

This guy is representative of that 'base'. To believe otherwise is to be foolish.



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Here's the thing that cracks me up. The Morlocks rant n rave about them librul judges and lawyers and "cosmopolitan elites" and the n*******s and wetbacks and ragheads and and and......an endless stream of bile-flavored spew to rationalize their own failure at life, to deny and deflect their own assistance in their own demise, to blame blame blame someone ANYONE else for the fact that they are stuck sitting in their own squalor waiting for death. They voted for Trump out of spite as a big ole FU to everyone else, threw this ****ing tantrum and keep throwing it (as if that's going to accomplish something) and then love to threaten to git their guns! 'Nother Civil War! Day of the Rope! yadda yadda yadda, again, an unceasing stream of idiotic pus spurting out of their diseased brains.


It's dumb

It's SO dumb


History, fairly recent history shows that the West, democracies, normals, whatever, will put up with a lot of **** for a long time, too long to be honest, but once you reach that breaking point, that "Pearl Harbor moment" (or "Fort Sumter moment" perhaps), the mass of humanity can and will rise up and show you just how mindbogglingly cruel they can be. **** Hiroshima, look at Curtis LeMay sending the B29s in at lowlevel packed to the gills with incendiaries, read up on Sherman's march to the sea, stop for one goddam moment and consider exactly WHO all those laws and lawyers and judges and courts are protecting. Once you revoke all the regs, torch all the paperwork, bulldoze all the government buildings, you're really damned close to that "praying for death" kind of experience. Once you flip that switch you don't get to decide when it gets flipped off.


The Rep/right/alt-right/alt-light/fault-right/Foxtard demographic is simply by definition incapable of organized cooperative effort, that's kinda the reason they are so ****ing bitter, there is no underlying ethos or positive energy behind it, they run on misplaced rage and blame shifting. They are quite effective at destroying **** but they couldn't build a doghouse on their own. They can burn a lot of books but couldn't write a poem (hell, understand a poem), they are amorphous and disorganized and undisciplined, this is precisely why they find the regimented jackbootery of the tiki torch LARPing so appealing, they can pretend to actually BE something.


I know that many here don't think it possible, that it won't or can't happen, but hear me, that in itself makes it all the more possible. I still believe that this is in the cards and so much of the rest like midterms or marches or cute signs is essentially meaningless. The debt being incurred will be paid in blood.

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3 hours ago, Bang said:

Tell me again how i'm supposed to try to understand these people.

Trump literally aids our enemies at our expense, puts Chinese "jobs" in a spy company ahead of ..  well, i was going to say "jobs" but "national security" also comes to mind.

We are less safe than we were a week ago with Iran, and our opening bids into the negotiations with NK are everything they could have wanted... and nothing for us.

Oh, right, they are going to 'get rid of' their ICBMs.


This man clearly doesn't work for the American people, and they will support it until we are a smoking ruin.


tell me again how i am supposed to understand and why I should even bother to understand what drives people to this?
Did we try to understand when other groups have attacked our country?


Because that is what this is.






My apologies if this has been covered, but I think we cannot lump anyone supporting 45 into a single category. For me there are 2 very distinct groups: 


Group 1 - 45's fervent base. They are well organized and galvanized into supporting 45 and his policies as they align directly with their own. They are fearful of losing their guns, they believe abortion is murder, they are afraid of and abhor gay rights, and are quick to blame anyone not white for their daily problems in life because that's what they have been led to believe. There is nothing - and I mean nothing anyone can do to change that. Any efforts to point out 45's weaknesses, errors, and ineffective approach to leadership will be met with extreme defiance. This group is lost and the more democrats try to reach this group of people they are wasting their time. They are Ok with his lies and ignorance because they are convinced the alternative is far worse. 


Group 2 - The disenfranchised independent, moderate republican and moderate democrat. This group just got tired. Tired of the government as usual. Tired of all the drama - fair or not - that surrounded the democratic candidates. And in their arrogance the democrats fed into the narratives by playing the blame game. They were just hopeful that getting someone - anyone that is a true outsider would make changes and get away from the politics as usual. This group can be reached and will determine who wins the next election as I believe they vote on different issues and multiple issues unlike group 1 who only see a few key issues to the detriment of all other issues.  


If the approach stays the same - attack the right, focus on Stormy Daniels type stuff, Russia, the lies, the bullying, all valid of course, they will retreat and assume nothing has been learned and in their minds decide both are bad options and they will just not vote - I agree it's counterproductive but it's also a reality. 


As I said a bit earlier we have to stop campaigning against the right and 45 and start complaining for what we want to change and how we want to change it. 


For example: 

Stop defending ACA. It was a good start but clearly flawed. But instead of defending against 45s all out assault, acknowledge what's wrong - ridiculous high premiums for middle income people and too high a threshold for minimum insurance, and fix those things so we can keep the ACA which for the most part was very successful. 


Tax Reform - Acknowledge the corporate taxes were too high but let's put them at a more reasonable level and actually get rid of the many loop holes that reduce corporate taxes to nothing for some and focus much of the tax breaks to small business. This is the life blood of our society. Let's make it easier for them not harder. Also remove the tax break for the rich. My personal taxes would likely go up but that's OK 


Foreign Policy - specifically tariffs - Look at each agreement and highlight it's pro-s and cons and address them systematically. Not just an all or nothing state. 


This may not be as easy - but try even harder to make it clear sane gun control does not mean get all the guns. 


Other topics like abortion rights and LGBT rights are more polarizing. But there has to be compromise. Again, the hard right base will never change. They vote based on a few issues to the point where all they see is R or D. Can't help them. But I believe others can be reached. 


I am 100% certain that if the democrats keep campaigning against 45 and against the republicans they will continue to lose. I thought Conner Lamb showed the blueprint. He ran for his ideas on how he would help the people of PA, not against what 45 stands for. Jon Ossoff did a good job too even thought he lost. I live in GA and most are in group 1 - will not listen to reason ever. They are scared of losing what they think they deserve and will not listen to any amount of reason or data. Yet Jon still almost won. Not typically into moral victories but this is one to look at for a blueprint. 


In the end if democrats do not change their approach they will continue to lose and the American people will be the big losers. Run away inflation, high interest rates, high unemployment rates, a much less safe world and as a result country. 


I am as disgusted as anyone with 45 but campaigning against him is exactly what he wants and how he wins. 






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Cruz, Hagee, Jeffress, Pence, all these ****ing people are bloated, privileged monsters.


This calamity and this violence was foreseeable and preventable. And they went ahead and did this **** anyways.


Which is pretty much the entirety of this misbegotten administration's motto.

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On 5/13/2018 at 1:41 PM, DogofWar1 said:

Like, it'd be one thing if he was just talking about it with regards to mutual commerce, like jobs in the USA were being lost bc of Chinese layoffs, and Trump was intervening, but no, he SPECIFICALLY references Chinese jobs.


Yo, can one of you MAGA dudes drive by and tell me why this is America first?


Please make sure to allay the concerns about ZTE being a chinese spying vector.  I want to understand why them being banned from US military bases for chinese spying was the wrong decision.



And remember this little nugget from the Steele dossier: 


"Suggestion from source close to TRUMP and MANAFORT that Republican campaign team happy to have Russia as media bogeyman to mask more extensive corrupt business ties to China and other emerging countries"


"Commenting on the negative media publicity surrounding alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election campaign in support of Trump, Source E said he understood that the Republican candidate and his team were relatively relaxed about this because it deflected media and the Democrats’ attention away from Trump’s business dealings in China and other emerging markets. Unlike in Russia, these were substantial and involved the payment of large bribes and kickbacks which, were they to become public, would be potentially very damaging to their campaign."

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