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Game of Thrones Season 6


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That was so freaking good! I kind of figured the servant girl at the Frey feast was Arya, but didn't know who would get rubbed out. Nice!

Also loved the music, and it was a nice touch for Cersei's entrance to the coronation to feature arco bass, similar to Ramsay's theme music.

Now we have 10 months to fantasize about every episode being a 9th episode . . . .

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Great finale! So much got tied up, so much was revealed, so much revenge!


Cersei with the wildfire was crazy, Tommen suicide was too. Glad R+L=J finally was confirmed. Not sure exactly what Lyanna whispered to Ned since they had it whispered, but they made "he'll kill him if you don't" audible and then they went from baby right to Jon to let us know it's him. Lady Mormont, great actress and becoming a favorite character of mine.


Arya revenge was sweet! Huge surprise, did not see that one coming. Also makes sense why she kept eyeballing Jamie Lannister too.


I liked this episode more than last week's.

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My thoughts going forward:

It will be interesting to see how Jon's alliances react when the secret comes out that he is not Ned Stark's son. Will being Lyanna son be enough to stay King in the North?

Technically, Bran is lord of Winterfell right now. His story line is going to be interesting.

Littlefinger will jump at the opportunity to betray the Starks and marry Dany if he gets the chance. There aren't many suitors left in Westoros.

Jaime must be having flashbacks to the mad King. Cearsi has lost it.

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 Glad R+L=J finally was confirmed. Not sure exactly what Lyanna whispered to Ned since they had it whispered, but they made "he'll kill him if you don't" audible and then they went from baby right to Jon to let us know it's him. 

The captions said:  Robert will kill him if he finds out.  You have to protect him.  Promise me. (from what I remember)

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Remember that story Bran told about the baker (I think). The Gods turned him into a rat for killing a guest (and cooking them into a pie) who was supposed to be protected beneath his roof... Can't remember the whole thing but I believe it was basically foreshadowing a terrible ending for Walder.

That popped into my head as soon as Walder questioned his son's absence and the girl (Arya) said that they were already there. Crazy.

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I signed up for HBO Now free trial just to watch it, I was want to stop downloading/streaming to see it.  Really respect this show.


Interesting how many spoilers that were out on reddit came true, like Tommen killing himself (going to look for that going forward). 


A lot of great acting here, and looking forward to:


A.) Who kills Cersi first,


and B.) Does Danny invade the North versus leaving Jon alone. 


I was disappointed by no white walkers, but I guess they didn't want the finale to be two hours long.  Even just showing them at the wall would've been nice, but I guess they wanted to end on a high note with Danny.  It feels destined for Danny to help be enough to hold them off, and I guess the rest of the series is what's annihilated in the meantime.

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Uh how long was the finale?  I hadi to, so i turned it off at the 1 hr mark just as everyone was pledging allegiance to Jon Stark?  Was there anything after that?

Supposedly around 68 minutes.  There was a scene with Cersei ascending the throne and a scene with Dany's fleet after that.






Just noticed a bunch of scenes up on youtube for now including the King in the North and Tower of Joy (Ned and Lyanna) scenes


(Here's the Cersei scene. Found the Dany one too.

You have to watch them on Youtube)

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That episode was all kinds of awesome.

Some quick thoughts as I try to process what happened:

- I think Jaime is going to kill Cersei the way he killed the Mad King. You could tell he saw the same things in her while she sat on the Iron Throne, that he saw in King Arys.

- Dany will take the Iron Throne next season. Fulfilling the prophecy Cersei was told. She has zero chance of surviving. Dany's forces could've taken Kings Landing and Casterly Rock alone, but with the Ironborn, Dorne and the Tyrells? It'll be a massacre.

- Littlefinger is obviously going to betray Jon at some point. The only question I have is whether Sansa will warn Jon of the danger or not.

- Lyanna Mormont is such a badass. She's quickly becoming my favorite character on the show.

Didn't see Arya coming with that assassination of Walder Frey. I could tell he was about to die, and I knew the servant was in on it. But I honestly thought she was with the Brotherhood without Banners. It also seems to me that if given the opportunity, she would've taken care of Jaime too.

- it's going to be a very interesting when Jon and Sansa finally see Arya again. I could see Jon running up to hug her and she just standing there

- Death count this episode : Grand Maester pycelle, Lancel Lannister, all of the Sparrow, Walder Frey, and all of the Tyrells.

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Game of Thrones: Lena Headey on those finale twists


And just like that, a new ruler has ascended to the Iron Throne.


After a stunning series of violent events in the Game of Thrones season 6 finale, “The Winds of Winter,” Cersei Lannister is now the queen of Westeros — and not merely the queen (there have been many queens, obviously, including Cersei, in supporting roles alongside their king) — but rather Cersei is the first female ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. It’s a precedent Daenerys Targaryen expected to set herself, and comes at a steep price after her last remaining child, Tommen, killed himself in reaction to his mother blowing up his wife alongside the rest of her enemies.

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Cersei really messed up, she took out pretty much all of the leadership left in westeros. Not to mention, pretty much pissed every noble house off with the loss of their families. 




WEll with Jon being both a Stark and a Targaryen, he can actually unite everything. The Starks barely have an Army left and it most likely is not combat effective. Cersei only has her house, which is not enough to keep the throne from Dany. Dany can pretty much steam roll the 7 kingdoms, but she has absolutely zero leadership ability and I don't think anyone wants her. The Tyrell's are obviously going to go against Cercei. I think all of those Army's are going to come together to fight off the white walkers. I hope Jon Snow take the 7 Kingdoms, its pretty much the only real chance they have of surviving as he is the only real leader left. 

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I didn't really like the choice to have so much whispering/inaudible at TOJ. Caused confusion among the viewers, and turned the focus of the scene toward Bran's reaction. Exposition would have been better I think. But that's a minor complaint. Loved the episode. Arya in particular was awesome and completely unexpected.

Don't know if I was particularly focused on it because of this thread, but the music in the opening trial scene was really good.

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over, I think they drag it out that long

The time of dragging things out is over. This is the show producers writing the narrative now. They got people moving to multiple continents and teleporting all over the place. How in the world does Varys go to Dorne, then back to Mereen in the same episode? Dany could be at Winterfell in the season premiere.

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No pun intended but a part of me thinks the Sept of Baylor thing was a plot accelerant. Cersei had to rid herself of all her enemies and the producers didn't have enough time to do it individually. Not that I'm complaining.

Also the whore that was with Pycele. He told her he'd pay her later. Now she'll never get her money. :(

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