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Game of Thrones Season 6


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By the way, the other thing people like to do with the soundtrack is use it to predict what music is/will be used in what scene and use that to guess what might happen in the finale episode.

For instance some songs have certain characters' theme's in them.

(I'm not nearly as into the music to be able to do that, but I do find it a bit entertaining to watch others make the attempts)

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Jon was looking like he never had seen a shield wall tactic before.  Such a tactic is very well known and very easy to deal with if you don't panic and plan for it, especially when you got a Wun Wun with a proper shield. 



We have seen every battle that Jon has ever participated in or seen.  So, yes, he hadn't seen a shield wall tactic before.

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But he's also had training for Battle at Winterfell and I assume that involved some tactical stuff. Then again he's only 14 when the books start, so how old can he be? 16?17?


I watch a tv show and don't read books. ;)


Haha, I hear ya.  If only Sam were there to guide him and drop knowledge bombs on him.

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But he's also had training for Battle at Winterfell and I assume that involved some tactical stuff. Then again he's only 14 when the books start, so how old can he be? 16?17?

Probably a little older in the show, but yeah, even there, maybe 21ish.


At best he's gotten some theoretical stuff, but from a practical standpoint he's likely green.  Furthermore, even if he'd planned for a shield wall, he's somehow got to get a bunch of wildlings to execute the plan, and I love Tormund, but I feel like if you're having difficulty explaining how to counter a pincer maneuver to him, you'll probably have a tough time coordinating breaking a shield wall with 1,000 wildlings.

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We have seen every battle that Jon has ever participated in or seen.  So, yes, he hadn't seen a shield wall tactic before.

OK, I messed by using the term 'seen' should have said 'know the form well.'  It has probably been a staple of the Stark army for generations as that family that seems to like set piece battles instead of taking advantage of geography.  Maybe realizing his stupidity was just something he could not get past.

But he's also had training for Battle at Winterfell and I assume that involved some tactical stuff. Then again he's only 14 when the books start, so how old can he be? 16?17?

That form would be one of the first battle formations he'd have been taught.

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I like to believe that the giant had bad arthritis in his hands, therefor he could not hold any weapons.


So by my count, are we now down to only one dire wolf? After season 1, I really thought that the wolves would have been a stronger asset in the pursuit of the throne. Boy was I wrong.

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why didn't Ramsay shoot Jon with the bow instead of Wun Wun?

Because despite that being a better course of action the script called for Wun Wun.

The script also called for Jon's men to stand by and not notice the leader of the enemy army standing in full view of everyone to go ahead and shoot an arrow at them.

The script is the most powerful force in Westeros.

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why didn't Ramsay shoot Jon with the bow instead of Wun Wun?

Because if he shot Jon, he would have been overran and killed easily by the remnants of Jon's army. His only shot was to appeal to Jon's sense of honor and fight him 1v1 like Jon initially proposed. Of course he lost that anyway so it was all moot.

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If a giant is running straight towards you, you're likely to shoot at him first.

My issue with WunWun, like I said, was that they didn't give him a weapon. A tree for a club would have destroyed the Bolton shield wall.

Wun Wun was practically dead when Ramsay shot him. He was on the ground between Jon and Tormund. It wasnt a "Its coming right for us!" moment.
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Someone posted the songs from the GOT soundtrack that are in tonight's episode on Reddit and there's speculation based on the titles (so honestly; not that hard to figure out) and I'm not gonna lie I don't pay much attention to the soundtracks of GOT but just listening to one song in particular from what I imagine will be a pivotal scene tonight ... And it gave me ridiculous chills. Holy crap

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I'm sorry, who? I can't remember back that far...


Assuming you're serious, the kid who was good at being a blacksmith, was pals with Arya for a few episodes. I think when they were captured, they threatened to have a rat eat through his chest.  One of the original kings (original meaning from the first episodes) ****s with a somewhat tenuous claim to the throne, if he knew who he was.

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Assuming you're serious, the kid who was good at being a blacksmith, was pals with Arya for a few episodes. I think when they were captured, they threatened to have a rat eat through his chest. One of the original kings (original meaning from the first episodes) ****s with a somewhat tenuous claim to the throne, if he knew who he was.

Thanks, I was serious, flew out of my mind.

Separate topic, I went back and started over with season 1, Ep1. Holy crap. The difference in characters is amazing. It's going to be a lot of fun seeing the series again, lots that I missed the first time around.

Serious question: how long has actually supposed to have passed between the beginning of the series and now?

Sansa has a really awkward interaction with Cercei, where she says she's 13, and hasn't hit puberty yet.

Which got me to thinking about how old she should be now....

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In the books, I don't think more than about a year or two passes at most, but I'll defer to someone else who is more sure.  I don't remember any part of the book series that had "after several months had passed" in it to show the passage of time.  Certainly the aging that some characters have gone through in the show (Rickon, etc.) doesn't happen in the books.

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Yeah no one knows for sure but I think it's presumed to be about 2-3 years max. Also --- keep in mind the world we are talking about here. In the books Robb, Joffery, Jon and Dany are all supposed to be about 14-15 years old. They had to age up some characters for the TV series. But they did keep Sansa and Joffery close to their starting age on the series.

It's a medieval setting. Most married or were betrothed young.

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