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ES Coverage & Game Day Thread - #Redskins vs Packers (FINAL)


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I would like to say i'm optimistic about next year but I can't. Skins play a first place schedule and unless you're the patriots, every single year in the NFL brings it's own unique set of challenges. I was super excited for 2013 after 2012 and we saw how that went. I bet Cowboys fans were really excited for this season after last year. You just never know in the NFC East 

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Our offense didn't have any tricks up its sleeve. DJax was invisible. We came out running on 1st and it didn't work. 

I was hoping to see hurry up / spread early, especially since we haven't able to run for close to 4 months now.  

Green Bay ran hurry up, got Knighton stuck out there / quick sub'd, and seemed to have us scrambling most of the day. Barry seemed far too conservative... I feel like the early sack/safety and small lead made him think he could play soft, and get pressure from 4. 



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I would like to say i'm optimistic about next year but I can't. Skins play a first place schedule and unless you're the patriots, every single year in the NFL brings it's own unique set of challenges. I was super excited for 2013 after 2012 and we saw how that went. I bet Cowboys fans were really excited for this season after last year. You just never know in the NFC East

A first place schedule means we play arizona/Carolina instead of tampa/st Louis. I don't think two different teams on the schedule will make a big difference. I am cautiously optimistic for this fall.

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Yes mediocre. 9-8 record. Middle of the pack defense. Middle of the pack offense. Mediocre. It just seems good because we're used to totally sucking and the rest of our division was putrid.

I thought we'd totally suck, because we usually do. Instead we were just good enough to get your hopes up and crush them. As I said, we do that occasionally (1999, 2005, 2012).

Usually we follow a "just good enough to break your heart" season with our usual "just plain bad" season.

Maybe next year will be different and we can actually string two respectable seasons together. That would be real evidence of progress. But if history is any indication, I'd recommend you don't get your hopes up.

I hope I'm wrong, but until proven otherwise, this is who we are.


This is just, I don't know... but, oh well. You want to be depressed, fine. 


As for me, I'm pretty comfortable thinking I'm basing my ideas (and hope) with regards to this team on logic and solid rationale. Not arbitrary ideas like "luck" as you mentioned previously, or even "history", as if this team is even structured in the same way any other one in the past has been under Snyder.


You're basically just saying "well, this team is unlucky and it's been that way, therefore it will continue". What!?


So, yeah, my hopes are based on reality, actually. And I can handle the disappointment if it doesn't pan out. Won't throw that all away because I'm worried my heart will get broken. I'm not sure I even know how to turn off the reality of a good GM, an improved roster and a coaching staff that they'll play hard for having tangible success their first year together. Is that what denial looks like?    

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well, many were saying we were playing with house money, so...


But hey, I'm proud of my team even in the loss; sure a win would have been better, but it just didn't work out that way. At first it appeared we would advance, but the moment finally caught up to us, GB adjusted, we didn't, and this is our first year at this playoff thing.


Now, I will say that I questioned Barry's scheme ability, as GB finally began to get traction, but we couldn't stop them. Our LBers are built for run support, not in passing situations, so I'm having regrets about this 3-4, because slowness hurt us. DBs are at a premium, and we desperately need a couple, or better coaching in that dept.Our o-line cannot give run support; our running game has gone downhill all year, and that has to be addressed; Leribius or whatever his name is, I question him playing.


Overall, we have some good pieces in place, some answers cleared, and if we can stay healthy next season, we'll be right back in it again, but this team will go as far as our coaching/FO lets us. More open playbook, no distractions, healthy Paul and Paulsen and better blocking scheme and we'll be back on top. Its a step, one at a time.

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Overall I am very pleased with the overall direction the team is heading. Cousins isn't perfect, but he has shown enough potential to be the man. Gruden has gotten the team to play like a team, and we have a real GM. We overachieved this year in a not so great NFC East that made some of us think we are further along than we really are, but that doesn't change the fact that we are on a positive path. Lots of room for improvement, but the future looks bright. HTTR!

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I'm still in the "cooling off period" but overall I'm proud of these guys. The season could have imploded after preseason week 2 but they were competitive all the way through.


This game against GB exposed what we knew already..both lines and the secondary need upgrading.


I am somewhat disappointed at the guys on the D-line. These were supposed to be the guys from "winning" organizations that bring a winning attitude, but they looked totally overmatched midway through the game.

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It sucked to lose, but it was gravy that we were even there. So let's look at some positives:

1. An extra games worth of tape to evaluate and learn from.

2. Playoff experience for the young homegrown guys.

3. Higher draft pick.

4. Maybe we saved a few shillings on Cousins contract.

I'd take a win over those last two, obviously. But since we lost, at least there's your silver lining.

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I think, more than anything, we need to win the division next year.  Beat some winning teams, and enforce our will against division rivals, including a Romo-led Cowboys.


Seeing people saying we'll be sucking next year on FB, that den of brooding vipers.  Teams of other teams patting themselves on the back for their eternal skepticism.


Come back and win the division next year with 10+ wins, and no one can say we weren't for real this year.  If we collapse again, people will feel this was a fluke.  If we start winning even more, people will recognize this as the start.


Make it the start.

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Nah, Gruden's arrow is pointing upward.  He got us to the playoffs.


There are clear deficiencies in coaching, along with talent, but this was only Gruden's 2nd year as an HC, and Joe Barry's first year back in the DC driver's seat since his disastrous Detroit days.  Both have potential to continue to grow.  Giving them some time is important to find out if they're capable of that growth.  Stability is useful.  There are times when stability must be disrupted for the good of the team, but this is not one of those times.

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I'm disappointed we lost, I thought we were gonna keep rolling. The facts were that Rodgers was right, you need to learn how to win playoff games. That's for coaches and players. Our Oline and Dline got manhandled for large portions of the game.

We didn't have any answers to their adjustments and they showed they were the better team.

All in all I'm super proud of my Skins and think we have something to build off of for next year. It's gonna be very interesting what pieces we keep and bring in in the offseason.

No sulking, stay positive and let this loss fuel the fire in the offseason.

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