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Extremeskins Losing Steam


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For the record books,if in fact ES is losing steam,(I don't think it is),Mega threads and such aren't really a cause in this imho. It's the level of discourse that's going on these days that's become a problem. Admittedly,I believe this is indicative of where many are as fans of the team,(team's fault :) ),and frustration is of course,near explosive levels. Great. That just means more self editing would be a good idea. For instance.  I've always seen the grade school labels here,(apologist,haters,lovers,ect.),but their use over the past year has grown a lot. Lead off a sentence like that,it's not worth reading the rest to me. I expect battle lines to be drawn and opinions to be be steadfast,but things are getting downright testy these days.  It's good to look within sometimes. All that said,it's worth taking a look at things like those mega threads and see what we can do as a community to maybe improve things there. Nobody's perfect. :)

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I want to add that I was just struck on this morning cruise through the forum with what I already knew, that there are many really solid post of all types on even very disparate  views and competing positions. There is a lot of good posting still going on here even amidst our genuine shortcomings and valid complaints.


ES goes on.  :)

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Mega threads are a pain, it's usually like a giant room with everyone shouting at each other and no conversation.  Whether you like it or not, the shear size causes it to happen.  HOWEVER, the perseveration on everything RGIII for the past few years has taken an annoyance and turned it into a problem.


Here is my solution, similar to the R0M0 -> romoSUCKS conversion, when anyone types in any variant of RGIII, substitute in the random name of another starting NFL quarterback.  Any conversations about RGIII would get so dang confusing, and maybe people would just give up shouting the same old arguments over and over again...

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Here is my solution, similar to the R0M0 -> romoSUCKS conversion, when anyone types in any variant of RGIII, substitute in the random name of another starting NFL quarterback.  Any conversations about RGIII would get so dang confusing, and maybe people would just give up shouting the same old arguments over and over again...


I like that.  What I'd like even better is an algorithm that examines the poster's history of quarterback support and then replaces "RGIII" with THAT quarterback's name.  Now that would be hilarious.


As for the actual "ES is losing steam" idea, I've been here for almost 10 years.  It waxes and wanes as different "classes/eras" of posters come in and out.  Older posters pine for the era of posters that they had, just like your mom and dad think that your generation's music sucks while their generation's music was the only good one.

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With all the talk focused on "mega threads" it's failing to note just really how many there actually are active.


From the front page:


1. the rg3 thread (everyone agrees it should be there, good, bad, and ugly)


2. the draft data base---no one seems to want that to go away. and the idea of "what about this guy" as an endless stream of stand alone threads is something we learned from experience isn't preferable. and stand alone exceptions are made as we get to the draft and future nationally recognized prospects that we might get merit their own


3. the twitter thread---don't know you make that basic concept open to being "split up"--you could just end it i guess. that wouldn't seem to be desired given how many use it regularly.


4, the fashion thread. a problem? i dunno. very rarely read it, don't post in it.



All the rest or "stand alones." (33 of them at the moment)


So there it is in reality.


Make no mistake---all the mods are on board with being happy to meet the membership's desires and change in any manner that seems sound and is doable.


But given the above, other than vague if heartfelt venting, I'm a little vague myself on exactly what to do differently.



I write a lot on the diffs between perception (and its prominent "selective" competent) and objective reality (and feelings). It's not by accident.

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I'm pretty much done with the RG3 conversations, but the OP has a point.  I too could not start my day without checking extremeskins before the transition to mega-threads.  I now find myself skipping all the conversations and going straight to Bubba's Breaking News before signing off.  All the random "thots" and chicken little threads during the tough times were irritating in the past, but I thought the mods were doing a good job shutting them down.  Sifting through hundreds of pages in a thread is just not worth it to me.  Kudos to the OP for saying what I've been thinking.

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With all the talk focused on "mega threads" it's failing to note just really how many there actually are active.



I have to say, there are some interesting topics up there today.  The issue I have isn't the mega-threads themselves, but trying to find the best page to start reading for the most recent comments.  I find myself going to the last page and working backwards.   :wacko:

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I'm pretty much done with the RG3 conversations, but the OP has a point.  I too could not start my day without checking extremeskins before the transition to mega-threads.  I now find myself skipping all the conversations and going straight to Bubba's Breaking News before signing off.  All the random "thots" and chicken little threads during the tough times were irritating in the past, but I thought the mods were doing a good job shutting them down.  Sifting through hundreds of pages in a thread is just not worth it to me.  Kudos to the OP for saying what I've been thinking.



so reading this (was posted a few before yours) :





how would you apply what you said to what's noted there and what would you suggest?


(sincere question, just in case you wonder :D).


and Springfield (if you read this), same question---I'm seeking more understanding.


33 stand alones v 4 megas


none of the 4 megas seeming to be under request to be closed


no one on staff has any issue with solid critical feedback, but i'd suggest the more one examines the reality, i'd think it should seem like the membership needs to be looking at itself more than what the staff "has done" with mega threads


and i think a real support for that is how just in this thread many will do that too-common thing of reading a thread title and then posting on it without even reading very much (if any) of the thread or often even the entire opening post


many of those kind of posts are going to match others already in here where it seems like there's a pretty fuzzy connection between what's really going on and some of the upsettedness being claimed because of it


know that i'm interested to to read and learn, not campaign or argue about anything

I have to say, there are some interesting topics up there today.  The issue I have isn't the mega-threads themselves, but trying to find the best page to start reading for the most recent comments.  I find myself going to the last page and working backwards.   :wacko:



thanks buddy for the prompt and helpful answer--i was still doing my eternal editing of mega-typos  :lol:

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so reading this (was posted a few before yours) :





how would you apply what you said to what's noted there and what would you suggest?



Good question.  I definitely see the point of the mega-threads and by no means want to see them done away with.  That being said, I think the fear of being chastised for creating new threads lead to a lot of good points and healthy sub-conversations(if you will) go unnoticed because they are buried in the mega-threads.  I just get tired of trying to see where the conversation started. Maybe the older posts can be archived in some way.  IDK.  If that is a possibility, establishing a timeframe for archiving that makes sense would be the next obstacle.


I really don't have a solution because I'm sure our Mods have better things to do than filter every single new thread if the floodgates were reopened.   Like CBass said, if we adopt a winning culture (whatever that is) maybe all the ridiculous conspiracy theory threads and hypothetical idiocies will be a thing of the past...or not.  ***shrugs***

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ES is the only forum that I post on.  I lurk on a couple of other sports sites, and in my experience, ES is by far the best one of the bunch.


I am shocked by the level of snark and vitriol spewed between posters on other message boards.  It seems to be an all out attack on each other.  Grammar police, name calling, a lack of fundamental knowledge of the sport being discussed, etc.  They are wastelands comprised of keyboard warriors.


Most opinions here that differ from my own, I still find to be in the realm of plausibility (except for Gameday threads).  Even in the more heated debates, posters seem to maintain a level of respect for each other.  That's something that I haven't found on other sites.  I think the Mods do a good job of keeping the nutcases at bay, and I think the posters do a good job of policing each other.


I don't think ES is losing steam at all.  I just don't think there's enough red meat right now, so they are licking the carcass of the RG3 debate, myself included.


In short, I like it here.  I'm excited to share the upcoming season with the rest of you idiots. :)

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See my input in bold.  I appreciate the opportunity to give feedback. Don't know if it'd be much help but at least I gave it a shot. 


With all the talk focused on "mega threads" it's failing to note just really how many there actually are active.


From the front page:


1. the rg3 thread (everyone agrees it should be there, good, bad, and ugly)  I agree.  This guy has been talked about and dissected ad nauseum and I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.  However, folks shouldn't shy away from starting a new thread if there are new developments/discussions that haven't been touched on.  Problem is, there are always people that will create a new thread not knowing what has already been discussed.   Maybe new single RG3 threads can stay open for a few days or until they die down before they are merged with the RG3 Megathread.  Only thing I can think of.


Not sure what can be done on the development side, but I was wondering if Redskins QBs could have their own section where people could just have at it since our franchise QB search is apparently still underway. IDK.  It's crazy.


2. the draft data base---no one seems to want that to go away. and the idea of "what about this guy" as an endless stream of stand alone threads is something we learned from experience isn't preferable. and stand alone exceptions are made as we get to the draft and future nationally recognized prospects that we might get merit their own  Agreed and new draft threads are created annually.


3. the twitter thread---don't know you make that basic concept open to being "split up"--you could just end it i guess. that wouldn't seem to be desired given how many use it regularly. I'd be great if new twitter threads were created annually and they were split based on time of year. 2015 Offseason twitter thread (draft and free agency), 2015 training camp/preseason twitter thread, 2015 regular season twitter thread.


4, the fashion thread. a problem? i dunno. very rarely read it, don't post in it.  I don't read that one either.  I went there to find out how to identify fake jerseys a 8 years ago. lol



So. What if give RG3 his own sub forum where you can post any all things RG3 no matter how dumb they are. And trust me, there'd be a LOT of dumb threads that'd get started in there.

I just suggested that. It'd be a madhouse.

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Guys I've been a member here for over 10 years. Extremeskins used to be my go to website for everything. But for about the past 2 years, I just don't come here as often. **** this is probably my first post in the stadium in over a year. I used to love this site. Honestly though I don't think this site has gone down hill bc of megathreads, I really think it has more to do with the team. I'm just more or less, for lack of a better word, whatever about the skins. I still love them and would never miss a game, but I just don't care as much as I used to. This clown show has been going on for so long it's hard to get excited anymore. I think I'd be here on es more often if the team was better.

I'm just praying Scott can get this thing turned around because where do we go if he cant? What if Scott fails?

But mods, in my opinion, there isn't much you can do unless you can play qb. Maybe the board is a little over moderated, but its been like that since 2003. A lot of awesome colorful posters aren't around anymore, but what can you do?

Just my 2 cents.

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This will be one of my few posts that is somewhat serious and to which I gave some thought before hitting post.

I appreciate what the mods do. There are thousands of posts coming through this site every day and how many thousands of active members. It's not an easy task monitoring all of those messages and all of those people, especially considering that there is a certain percentage of the population in any large group that just doesn't know how to act (a number that gets multiplied when the members of that group get to remain anonymous).

Is it perfect? Not likely when you've got this much information being overseen by a handful of volunteers who also have real jobs, families, hobbies, etc. It's easy to find the bad but it's also really easy to find the good. it just depends on which one you're looking for.

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I don't think I really have any valid complaints. I wonder if I missed any real news by not venturing into the Twitter thread. I probably missed something that would keep me better informed, right?

Of course my general apathy of the team probably keeps me out of many threads and discussions in the stadium, especially during the off season. Once the season gets rolling it will probably be more interesting in the stadium.

I like the thread that TK posted about RG3's cleared/not-cleared status. That could have easily gone in the all things RG3 thread but I'm glad it got its own thread. I'm not sure why, I guess it just seems like a valid topic all on its own.

Oh, and absolutely yes. You, TK, zoony, PCS, et al do a great job here. It's thankless. I appreciate you all keeping this place organized as it seems.

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Spring, we post all Redskins official press releases/statements separately, and I believe that's what that was--not sure.

Thanks for the reply amigo and I understand. :)

That's what it was. Well, that's one thing it was hahaha
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See my input in bold.  I appreciate the opportunity to give feedback. Don't know if it'd be much help but at least I gave it a shot. 


I just suggested that. It'd be a madhouse.


The twitter threads are split into seasonal threads, otherwise they would last forevererererereerer. 

re;  I'd be great if new twitter threads were created annually and they were split based on time of year. 2015 Offseason twitter thread (draft and free agency), 2015 training camp/preseason twitter thread, 2015 regular season twitter thread.

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 I can imagine a Patriots board being "Unicorns and Rainbows," with multiple threads about where they are going to put their next trophy and do they have enough space on the facade of the stadium to hang another banner. :angry:



If...If we ever start winning again, the board will flip and this place will be Xanadu to us. Could you imagine if this board had been around from 1982-1992?  It would have been my "Happy Place."  :wub:


Yeah?  Guess again.  There would be plenty of whining and complaining posts.   Wanna know how I know?  


OH that's easy.   Just sub in "Ken Beatrice Show on WMAL" for "Extremeskins" and that's your answer.   Instead of callers, posters. See, during Gibbs I there was all kinds of moaning in the "grass is greener"  mode.   


Magical 1991 had its share of fandom's mewling submoronic chatter that was extra special.  Let me share some that stands out in memory:


-Gibbs is too predictable in his playcalling.  Teams are gonna figure out the same old routine of counter-trey and occasional deep pass to Clark.  Related: Gibbs is too conservative. He won't try fake punts, fake field goals or do any trick plays like end-arounds or flea-flickers etc.


- The H-back is useless. We need a Super Star pass catching tight end like Mark Bavaro... a Giant.


- Why did Gibbs wait so long (all the way to the second half of the Cleveland game) to unleash Ricky Ervins?    There was a lot of mad-about-that mouth in between Ken talking about Arby's curly fries he don't eat but has heard about 'em.


- Why won't Petitbon let Wilber (Marshall) be Wilber?  His stupid defensive scheme is handcuffing Wilber.  


- Petitbon don't blitz enough.  He relies too much on his front 4 on passing downs.  


Petitbon's defenses notched 3 shut outs in the first half of the season, btw.


And on and on and on.  


ALL while this brutal march of beatdown was going on:





My favorite 1991 season fan complaint:   The Redskins trounced the Falcons in the regular season 56-17.  Callers were ALARMED that the Redskins beat the Falcons in the postseason by the paltry margin of 24-7.  CLEARLY the team was in trouble that  January.






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I like that.  What I'd like even better is an algorithm that examines the poster's history of quarterback support and then replaces "RGIII" with THAT quarterback's name.  Now that would be hilarious.


As for the actual "ES is losing steam" idea, I've been here for almost 10 years.  It waxes and wanes as different "classes/eras" of posters come in and out.  Older posters pine for the era of posters that they had, just like your mom and dad think that your generation's music sucks while their generation's music was the only good one.


So there would some recent posts about how "John Beck" has no pocket presence and needs to learn how to slide....Ironically, that may be true, I can't really remember...

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Great post OP and I agree. Been hanging around about the same amount of time and this board has gone downhill fast.

One can't type anything without fear of a MOD or pseudo-MOD jumping down your throat and banning or giving NNT.

This should be a place to share information regarding the Redskins, and if a couple threads pop up with the same information, so be it. Life goes on.

This place has pretty much turned into a way to communicate for 10-15 people, and if you aren't in that core group it sucks for you.

Just look at how old some posts are on the first page and how many are locked. Ever think maybe 3-4 people want to have a discussion on a sub-topic regarding a certain topic and don't want it lost in some large thread they can't continually hit F5 on all day? Or maybe they want to avoid discussing a topic in front of a certain poster?

Not everyone has the time to spend 9 hours a day on here and stay on top of where threads are at. Shouldn't be punished for having work or kids or other responsibilities.

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