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Extremeskins Losing Steam


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I agree with the OP.  I used to peruse this site probably 30 times a day.  Now i rarely come here and when i do there really isnt anything new(except super mega threads) and I do not want(or have the time) to sift through hundreds of pages of info(bashing).  So i find myself googling and reading news articles when i used to come here everyday.  I think its been over 10 years for me since i started here.


I would suggest to get rid of the super mega threads and limit to 3 threads on a certain topic(if they differ obviously).  And as far as the twitter thread i like the suggestion of starting a new twitter thread every week.  Just spitballin here

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there's no solution to this problem.


mega threads aren't designed to not be a mess, they're designed to limit how much that mess spreads.


if we didn't have the mega rg3 thread, we'd just have to rename The Stadium to "The RG3 Situation"


the real answer is for the team to stop being a drama queen because the drama becomes the central discussion point and there's just no way to have this many people discuss that kind of subject without it being a mess.


edit: maybe the answer is to make an RG3 sub forum and get rid of the RG3 thread...

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I too like the option to go into specific threads even if its concerning player or coach.  


On the other hand, since the fiasco with Shanahan/RG3's knee and into the new coaching era etc... the RG3 threads appeared more and more eventually becoming teetering, lopsided, skewed, repetitive of opinions that I for one didnt want to even bother reading anymore.  I put my time into other important facets of our team other than anything and everything about RG3.


About the twitter thread;  Has its positive and negatives.  Sometimes I think its just to get peoples post count up.

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ES took a much bigger dive years ago when it became the official website of the team. What had been a modest toght knit community of (mostly) quite intelligent posters became inundated with page upon page of new "Lavar is the greatest and Gibbs is so wrong" threads started by dumbass snotnosed punks with single digit posts. It became unbearable, and many of the best and brightest defected over to CPND and BGO and others.

RG3 mania is mild and rational in comparison. Still, I absolutely applaud the mods for how they are handling things. I admit I go elsewhere or just in the breaking news section to catch up on the QB situation - no desire to sort out 1000 pgs from a megathread; but I think I prefer that to having to having to search through the first 3 pages of threads trying to find one or two diamonds about draft picks, coaches,injury updates, etc. in a bucket full of RG3 ice chips.

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The other thing I've noted in recent years is how apologetic some are in making a thread. It's like they feel the need to ask permission and are afraid to do so. I have read way to many opening 'graphs that started "I hope this is thread worthy, but I've noticed..."


You're right about this..I've been a member here since 2006 and have never started a thread in the stadium for this reason. I do participate in discussions from time to time but more so during the season than the off season...this is where I come for updated news and such tho..I still like it here...common ppl...common goal..common love for the same team...


I also feel things changed when it became the "official" team website..

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I think the idea of Mega-merged threads has it's place.

Occasionally it can be a headache,   typically during the season,, but for offseason discussions, i think the mega-thread is terrific.

the RG3 thread would destroy the board if every RG3 thread that could be started does get started.. with as big a continuing story as he is..  it's really the only way to keep control of the board,, especially with a board this size,, new people will constantly come in to post whatever new thought on RG3 they have..  the mega-thread is really the only way to do it without banning people left and right.


During the season, I'm bad. I typically find one thread that starts off with whatever my big thought about the game is, and then i go off the rails in there and just discuss the game as a whole. (For me, it's the only way to keep conversations straight,,, if i am debating GHH in one thread about the game, and trying to make another point with tshile in another, and another with SWFL in another thread.. i will get confused as to which discussions are where.. so i just talk to everyone about everything in one thread.. and i sort of don't pay attention to the overall topic of the thread too much on post-game discussions. (I start there,, i promise!)


I like the Camp tweets thread, even though i have used it as a springboard to discuss things beyond the tweets. 
(I see that and the RG3 megas as places where we all come in.. discussions in there are pretty lively and not necessarily so strict.)


Overall, i think the mods do a fine job.  Considering i've only gotten one 7 day ban in all my years here (12!)  for telling a guy to **** my *****..  the mods are pretty loose with what they allow.

One thing i do like,, being a long-timer here, the mods do get a feel for you, and don't just enforce all the rules rigidly. we all are under the same rules, but they will also make allowances for your personality..  I know the written word can often have meanings misconstrued because inflections or attitudes may not translate...  and the mods do a good job of discerning the difference.


This is my home board..  that ain't changin'.



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On gamedays during Gibbs 2.0, the front page of the Stadium would turn over 3 times in 24 hours.


Yes. But the quality threads always found their way back to the top. And I believe there was much better discussion going on. It's a tough job for the Mod's no doubt.

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Seems like we're losing steam because the team has been bad for several years.  I never go to another team's site, but I can imagine a Patriots board being "Unicorns and Rainbows," with multiple threads about where they are going to put their next trophy and do they have enough space on the facade of the stadium to hang another banner. :angry:


I actually like the twitter thread.  Some of it is useless and negative, but some tidbits of info are helpful. :)   I enjoy reading it and following along with it every day.


The MEGA RG3 thread.  I think it should remain open for as long as he's still with us ;) . As others have already commented, it has a couple of purposes: Keeps the RG3 clutter out of all other threads AND keeps posters who want to give us their latest installment of what they think of Griffin from starting new threads and cluttering up the board B) .


If...If we ever start winning again, the board will flip and this place will be Xanadu to us. Could you imagine if this board had been around from 1982-1992?  It would have been my "Happy Place."  :wub:

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Yes. But the quality threads always found their way back to the top. And I believe there was much better discussion going on. It's a tough job for the Mod's no doubt.

The crap thread ratio is way down, for sure. That's nice for everyone, esp the mods. Unfortunately, the drive by lurkers aren't stopping by as much anymore, and that's how we get new blood around here. 


An interesting thread title might be 'how did you discover ES?'. Not sure where I'd put it. lol

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One thing that seems to be sorely lacking are threads that have any type of analysis to them. KDawg's Chalk Talk threads were some of the best things going. Then you had other posters that would break down certain players and such. Seems like KDawg has been around much less than he normally is in the offseason and I've missed his insightful posts.


The Stadium has taken on the personality of the DC Sports Media. It's all pure shock talk and gets everyone riled up, while people ignore facts and actual football talk.

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I'm just saying to have something similar to BRBN, where Hap usually posts everything in there. Just have you, Hap, Paul, and a few others have access to posting in there. You guys do great work, that sometimes gets lost in all the other discussions going on in there at one time.



My point is for me personally, you take the discussions completely out of the thread and I am out. I spend a lot of my time in there posting tweets obviously, but if I can't partake in some friendly banter and exchange thoughts on topics why would I spend all my time in that one thread? 

I think the twitter thread is actually hurting things.  It does seem to me it has become a catch all and people instead of developing posts for new threads are potentially just dumping things into the twitter thread.


I'd vote to limit it to actual tweets.



I'll tell you what, start a twitter only thread and I'll start/keep mine as is, let the people choose where to visit. Of course you will need someone to post content, maybe Hap agrees with you, maybe he doesn't. Otherwise recruiting is in order. 

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I love the twitter thread for all the tidbits of info, but it does seem to get a little sidetracked sometimes. It always seems to round back into shape pretty damn quick though. I thought that, at least when SWFL started doing them, they were supposed to be like sitting in a bar. You never know who's going to blurt what out. When it goes sideways for a little bit, I just look at it like happy hour. Not sure how you could eliminate any and all comments without having just tweets, and tweets only. Maybe that would be worth experimenting with on the next one, just to see what it looks like and how it works.


Maybe it's a sign that when people are discussing something for more than a few posts in there, it might be a potential thread topic. Or maybe certain posts could be tagged or pointed out with a note 'thread worthy?', or something like that. Kinda like SWFL (and a few others) do with links to the Post. 


The Tailgate has a random thought thread.  Something like that could work well.

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My point is for me personally, you take the discussions completely out of the thread and I am out. I spend a lot of my time in there posting tweets obviously, but if I can't partake in some friendly banter and exchange thoughts on topics why would I spend all my time in that one thread? 



I'll tell you what, start a twitter only thread and I'll start/keep mine as is, let the people choose where to visit. Of course you will need someone to post content, maybe Hap agrees with you, maybe he doesn't. Otherwise recruiting is in order. 


You couldn't just visit the thread where the article or topic is being discussed?

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About the twitter thread;  Has its positive and negatives.  Sometimes I think its just to get peoples post count up.


ammo, didn't you know that when I die I wanted my post count put on my tombstone, so that all the ES posters who visited my memorial could look on in astonishment? 





btw, I could separate the tweets individually if post counts were my actual goal in life, my sides hurt tho, thanks. 

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I'll tell you what, start a twitter only thread and I'll start/keep mine as is, let the people choose where to visit. Of course you will need someone to post content, maybe Hap agrees with you, maybe he doesn't. Otherwise recruiting is in order. 


My comment wasn't meant as a shot at you or your thread, and I have no interest into getting into a competition with you.


But if the discussion is where are good quality threads going, I think looking at the twitter thread isn't unreasonable.


I myself the other day had a few ideas I wanted to post.  Not enough to make a new thread and so I looked around for a thread for them to fit into.


The only thread where they seemed like they would fit would be the twitter thread because essentially anything and everything seems to fit in there.  As is, I actually decided to sit on the thoughts and maybe develop them a bit more for a full post or thread.


That isn't an indication that you and other users don't enjoy the thread as is.


Or even on the whole that the thread is bad or negative.

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That's November talk!  Not August!


I actually have a really good feeling about this Ravens game.  I think some stuff is going to come together for us.


Ya'll are doing an awesome job in here.  I love these threads and I appreciate it.

 Thanks Adam, however the winds of change are blowing pretty hard. 


Soooooo, late August, season looming, questions about the team and the most embarrassing thing going on is the fans.............



Business as usual


Post of the decade really. 

You couldn't just visit the thread where the article or topic is being discussed?



I could, but then I won't be hanging on twitter slicing every worthy nugget for the twitter thread. 

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I wish we had logical places to talk about the general offense, defense, and maybe even teams and coaching.


Maybe 4 semi mega threads that are more of a catch all, and limit the discussions happening in the twitter thread, which should be more of a news feed IMO.  Give a place for people to try to spur conversation without creating a new thread, and apologizing profusely when doing so, or it gets buried because a tweet happened that takes discussion precedence.


Anytime anyone complains about RG3/Cousins in an unbalanced way in the offense or coaching threads, it's a warning/infraction.  Discuss them in the wrong thread, warning/infraction.



I tried a deal here a few seasons back where during gameday (right before) certain members were picked to start threads like "the o-line discussion" etc. for each unit. It went well enough (if I remember correctly), but we didn't repeat as I think it was later felt to be "too generic" a way to go. We've also experimented with more than one gameday thread being offered as many of you know---a more constant spazz-out one and a less spazz-out allowed one.


We are alway open to membership suggestions. We do have that feedback forum we keep mentioning, too.  


I write a lot about perception, and of course as with most things there is an ebb and flow to activity and it can involve all kinds of varying durations. But as far as hard numbers go, the data is available to a fairly verifiable degree (using our own and other sources that track such things). We remain much larger than any other Redskins site in membership and viewing and also larger in active posting. We also have a regular influx of members, but it drops off in the off-season and many lurk for quite awhile even after joining. I regularly discuss all this with TK, and several of we mods talk regularly on the phone as well as online about all things ES. We also get a lot of informed  input from other sources, certain members and non members. We do care for this place a great deal and do put some time into it.


if any of that is of interest.  :)


Love reading all your guys/gals feedback and views and ideas. Usually.  :P  :D

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OK? what, that works for you, you don't care if I post tweets? I could just be a poster who visits other threads? Wow, some ****ing gratitude up in this ****ing place. Glad my check clears. LOL. Have at it. btw my life time goal was not achieved, I wanted to hit 50k but seems that dream is shattered. Time off now. 


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OK? what, that works for you, you don't care if I post tweets? I could just be a poster who visits other threads? Wow, some ****ing gratitude up in this ****ing place. Glad my check clears. LOL. Have at it. btw my life time goal was not achieved, I wanted to hit 50k but seems that dream is shattered. Time off now. 


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Not sure what your point is

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The Tailgate has a random thought thread.  Something like that could work well.



The stadium has had a Random Thought (spelled "thot"---the op was making a joke on some spelling gaffes like "paloffs") thread for a long time. 

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I don't love everything being in a "tent-pole" thread, but I know what happens when you give people free reign. You get 16 variations of "RGIII can't read a defense" threads.


Frankly, I've always thought the solution was to pay me a comfortable salary to start a new thread on a different topic 8 to 10 times a day.


The board would be amazing.

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