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Extremeskins Losing Steam


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We have a half dozen threads about QBs going now, and the only one I saw closed is the one that said Cousins is too "laissez-faire" (which is weird because I thought he might be a Marxist).

On top of that we have a "sell the team," "trade everybody," and "fire everybody" thread.

Any more steam and it would be a sauna.

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I have to grip again but i am sick of seeing pictures of Dogs in redskins unis and tweets saying Happy Birthday to larry michael. I don't care about any of that nonsense in that thread. It should be dedicated to only redskins on the field related tweets.

Cool. Maybe Hap and SWFL can follow you around for a few days and whine and piss about all the things you do for the benefit of others.

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Cool. Maybe Hap and SWFL can follow you around for a few days and whine and piss about all the things you do for the benefit of others.


The thing is they work too hard for us!  I am trying to make their job easier.  if people need that much redskins, they should just invest in twitter lol

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I have to grip again but i am sick of seeing pictures of Dogs in redskins unis and tweets saying Happy Birthday to larry michael.  I don't care about any of that nonsense in that thread.  It should be dedicated to only redskins on the field related tweets. 



You could just choose to follow those type of posters on twitter yourself? IDK what the answer is, I do think once the real games get played the less fluff tweets will be posted, just basing that on last year. 

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We have a half dozen threads about QBs going now, and the only one I saw closed is the one that said Cousins is too "laissez-faire" (which is weird because I thought he might be a Marxist).

On top of that we have a "sell the team," "trade everybody," and "fire everybody" thread.

Any more steam and it would be a sauna.

Which is exactly why this site has Mods, to close threads that add no value to the board.  No one said every thread should be allowed to remain.  Actually a balance in between locking every new thread that mentions the QB situation, and allowing every ****ty thread to stay needs to be reached.  Since this thread was started we've kinda been in careful what you wish for mode...Allowing 3+ Cousins threads is not at all ideal...but the recent "relaxed" level of new thread policing the last few days may be a healthy step to start swinging the balance back towards having people not terrified to start threads.

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My bold prediction for this Redskins season...  it's going to range between mediocre and horrid and -  more to the point - it's going to be boring.  And that will be reflected on Extremeskins.  Yawn-inducing, nodding off boring.





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I'm in the camp of the original poster. I feel kinda like ES has censored he who shall not be named (as I saw him called in the Twitter thread) here. There are certain posters who I really enjoy reading and who generally put a lot of time and thought into their posts, KDawg immediately comes to mind. And I hate having to read through so much of the twitter thread to get to those thoughts. Then they're forgotten in a stream of tweets a few posts later.


There was an interesting discussion by jflow and others about the ACL injuries which likely spawned out of some tweets about the number of ACL injuries this year. Some may say that derailed the twitter thread. I'd probably agree. But they had the conversation there and it was able to be done civilly. Should it have gotten its own thread? Probably. If we're going to go by the letter of the law (aka the rules) then yes. But there was some rope given for them to converse.


I wanted to post some research I've been doing on the "positive" talk on RG3 by Gruden and Scot, but why do all that work for a post that'll get buried in a thread, or that may get me banned? I used to be able to post it and if it was good people would talk about it, if not it would just fall to page 2 or 3 or whatever. But its no fun if I have to weigh the value of what I deem an interesting post vs the value of my membership here.


In many ways the RG3 stuff reminds me of the Campbell stuff from a few years back. We had about a third of the members sick and tired of him and ready to move on, about a third saying he needs more time, and about a third just wanting to talk about something else. But I remember being an active part of that discussion and even if you say that we had drawn lines in the sand and were just repeating arguments, we as members were generally able to keep trolls out of content driven threads and learn who we liked having these conversations with vs who we knew would just throw BS at the wall.


I remember talking to Om and some of the founders about why this site and why the rules that we have (or had then). I remember the days of trying to have a discussion over at the different message boards and how chaotic it was. And that's kinda what I'm seeing when I read posts in the twitter thread. Albeit not the same chaos, but chaos nonetheless. I really feel sorry for people who are just fans of the team and want to talk about the most important person on the team and are at the threat of being banned for doing so.


What I read surprised the heck out of me because I feel like we've created an unstable situation. I mean, I've been coming here for 15+ years and once a topic is formulated, definitely when its past 100 posts, I'm not regularly checking the title. And I just might miss a post by a mod saying to check the title. I don't know how many bans/suspensions/etc were given out as a result of this, but the mere intimidation factor is enough to leave a sour taste in my mouth. People shouldn't come here for the fear that if they share their legit ideas, they may get punished because too many other people had ideas that agree/disagree with them.


And I stress the situation we're in. We're rooting for a great franchise with a great history but that's going through horrible times. We have a media that hates the team for a number of reasons and prints stories or goes on air and spreads contradicting rumors by "sources". When we all get together in a sports bar or at work by the watercooler, we're going to talk about RG3 and we're going to talk about Cousins. We'll mention things about Jackson Jeffcoat or our favorite preseason storyline, but we all realize that the success or failure of this team relies heavily on how well our QB plays, just like it has in the past decades.


So it really bothers me that I can't come to my favorite Redskins site to talk about this important position, unless I want to be reminded of the days before I had an account here and I'd just go to other boards and basically talk to a wall because nobody was interested in in-depth discussions there. Thats how most of those

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For me, i would say that i am more refreshed that cousins is starting now. I hope he is the answer, but am not sold on it. For all of the griffin supporters and I was one of them at one time, it is time to let him go and maybe (i doubt that he will) revive his career somewhere else. If your a true fan of the team, you will support whoever is playing even if you think it's right or not. Honestly to me, i think RG3 is just a more athletic version of Jason Campbell, and I'm sure no one would want to see him back.

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What I read surprised the heck out of me because I feel like we've created an unstable situation. I mean, I've been coming here for 15+ years and once a topic is formulated, definitely when its past 100 posts, I'm not regularly checking the title. And I just might miss a post by a mod saying to check the title. I don't know how many bans/suspensions/etc were given out as a result of this, but the mere intimidation factor is enough to leave a sour taste in my mouth. People shouldn't come here for the fear that if they share their legit ideas, they may get punished because too many other people had ideas that agree/disagree with them.


In fairness, At least two mods went into my "Be Right" thread recently, but just just posted that they disagreed with me. We chatted a little bit about that and the thread went on its merry way. I think as in all things there's a balance.

I'm certainly known as a thread starter and occasionally that has been said as an insult.  Burgold is just too damn prolific. Which at times has been true, but I almost never started a thread unless an idea really excited or tickled me. I'm not sure where between tolerated and liked I fit in anymore, but I think there needs to be room for new threads, tangent threads, and that there is room for them.


I also think that if you can say your idea in one sentence or one paragraph... it's probably not a thread. We should put a little work into expressing it and giving guidance to the readers about the different paths that the idea you wish to explore can unfold. It may not go there. "Be Right" was not designed to be a QB pissing match, but it started in that direction because that was the news of the day and that was what everyone wanted to talk about.


Anywho, I think you should never have fear of presenting your new ideas and starting threads. After all, if they stop welcoming my thoughts and input... that's when I'll know it isn't the place for me. That goes for everyone else too.


(Argh, I write too damn much. No one's reading this whole unedited mess)

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As a member since spring of 2003 I feel safe enough to call myself one of the graybeards here and really watched the evolution of this forum. The problem is there are TONs and tons of members now. We're either going to have mega threads dominating or a multitude of imps that you have to dig through 5-7 pages of every day so it's understandable that the mods are constantly merging similar topics. Thanks for your work guys. I'd never want your job. It was not like this when I joined, but I saw two points in ES's evolution that created massive bumps in numbers.


2004 Joe Gibbs return- this time period of about a years saw a massive uptick in members. I believe it further extended when we started catching fire in 2005.


Cult of Colt- the Hawaiian invasion. Half of Hawaii joined this board to support their future HOF QB on their new favorite team (OK, I was kidding. About a dozen people joined over Colt)


When ES merged with redskins.com- I'd say this was the clincher into what it is today.

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So it really bothers me that I can't come to my favorite Redskins site to talk about this important position, unless I want to be reminded of the days before I had an account here and I'd just go to other boards and basically talk to a wall because nobody was interested in in-depth discussions there. Thats how most of those

Well I think I can speak on behalf of all the MODs here and say that we do not want members to be intimidated nor to stop discussion about the QB or any other Redskin related topic. Quite the opposite.

But it's not easy to find the right balance between creating the environment for lively discussion (and disagreement) but also keeping this a reasonably orderly place in terms of both the content and the way people interact with each other.

The RGIII mega thread was crafted because it had got to the point were there were not only multiple threads appearing on substantially the same topic but also 'discussion' on the RGIII topic was pretty much taking over every other thread as well. I say discussion it was actually a few of the same posters having the same shouting match and rehasing the same arguments over and over.

The RGIII thread has been locked now - the decision to roll with Kirk as the starter seemed to be a perfect time to bring that to an end. While it was around it served its purpose in taking most of that circular conversation into one thread and allowed space for other threads on other topics to be created. Thing is people have to create those threads and that takes a bit of thought and effort. It needs more than a one or two line OP as Burg points out above.

Bottom line is this board is what we all make it. Of course the team could help out by winning a few games ...

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The RGIII mega thread was crafted because it had got to the point were there were not only multiple threads appearing on substantially the same topic but also 'discussion' on the RGIII topic was pretty much taking over every other thread as well. I say discussion it was actually a few of the same posters having the same shouting match and rehasing the same arguments over and over.

I'm always cautious when I post an opinion critical of how this place is run because I am so appreciative of all the time that the mods, regular posters members and lurkers put into making this site run. I remember the few times I tried to set up and/or run message boards and it was very difficult to find efficient ways to keep things on topic, not upset users, perform regular maintenance, and still be happy and have a normal life.

The RG3 thread reminds me of the Cult of Colt thread (or some spelling like that). Maybe I'm remembering wrong, because like the RG3 thread, I didn't go in there too often. But I just think (hope?) that there's a balance between the extremes. I've learned to either skim or ignore back and forths between a small set, I can scroll past it. Or I can just put somebody I think is a troll on my ignore list.

My fear is less about the merging into superthreads (Hap, SWFL I really respect you for the hours and labor you put in to make those places and the Bubba news section work), and more about the punishments. And its not really about myself because I'm not a regular poster anymore except in the occasional game thread or when I see a way to use some CS to analyze some interesting stuff. But having been here as long as I have, I've seen a few people who I enjoyed conversing with leave. And maybe the board doesn't suffer much because they're just repeating ideas that somebody else will state anyway. But who's to say that I'm going to find the new OldFan? Who's to say that I'll want to? I'm getting old and maybe I'm too stubborn but I like the idea of talking to a guy (or gal) over a few years to see their opinion on a guy change. And I don't always feel like starting that process over again.

But I'm being way too negative and that's just not my personality. This board is going to grow as the community grows, and will need to make adjustments as the community changes.

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We have a half dozen threads about QBs going now, and the only one I saw closed is the one that said Cousins is too "laissez-faire" (which is weird because I thought he might be a Marxist).



I know it's a joke but Cousins strikes me as being about as Marxist-Leninist as Francisco Franco.

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I have to grip again but i am sick of seeing pictures of Dogs in redskins unis and tweets saying Happy Birthday to larry michael.  I don't care about any of that nonsense in that thread.  It should be dedicated to only redskins on the field related tweets. 


Maybe if they were half as impressive on the field as they are off of it, that would be easy. 

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