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Fear the Walking Dead -Season 1


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There are a host of reasons that zombies can't actually survive long term.  For one thing their flesh is clearly decomposing, which means that sending messages from brain to muscles to move at all would become impossible.  Nerves would deteriorate along with the rest of the soft tissue.  Eventually they should just become groaning corpses, if that.




Spolier alert.





In the last episode there will be a big reveal that the majority of what we all thought were 'zombies' were in fact just the regular denizens of south Georgia, Virginia, Kentucky etc.

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Spolier alert.





In the last episode there will be a big reveal that the majority of what we all thought were 'zombies' were in fact just the regular denizens of south Georgia, Virginia, Kentucky etc.



zombies = real Americans





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This show seems to get a lot of hate on social media, and I do think the lack of zombies is a valid criticism, but as far as what the show is, I dig it.  I like them being on the water for the time being and just trying to be a different show than TWD.  

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Why the **** is Strand's business associate so stressed about only having money to pay for two people to "cross" ?


They're going to an estate in Baja California, Mexico that has a view of the ocean. Should be a simple process:

1) take ship to Mexico

2) get near the estate

3) go ashore

4) walk up the hill to the estate


Who the **** are they supposed to be paying to cross? Are there ocean-faring-coyotes needed to sneak them INTO Mexico?


I hate this show.

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At the end during the exchange, Travis is sitting there fighting 3 guys hand to hand, while Madison has a gun in her pocket but doesn't pull it out. wtf?   :rolleyes:


More than half the folks in our main group are unlikable, it's like the opposite of TWD.  I like and care about all of Rick's crew.  Even Carl's bamma ass.  I could give a **** if several of the FTWD get wrecked.

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Why the **** is Strand's business associate so stressed about only having money to pay for two people to "cross" ?


They're going to an estate in Baja California, Mexico that has a view of the ocean. Should be a simple process:

1) take ship to Mexico

2) get near the estate

3) go ashore

4) walk up the hill to the estate


Who the **** are they supposed to be paying to cross? Are there ocean-faring-coyotes needed to sneak them INTO Mexico?


I hate this show.


Did you ever think it's possible that the military presence in Mexico at the border could still be there?  That it hasn't wrecked them yet like it did LA?  Thus the need to pay someone to get them into the country.  


We are about 1-2 weeks into the start of the zombie apocalypse, destruction and mayhem start spreading all over, but I doubt that every city in the US and Mexico were leveled at the same time.  Also, it could be possible that there are key inside people that knew what was going to happen and prepared in advance, thus, payment to get to a safe zone.

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It's gawd-awful. Having a zombie show on a boat is like having a show about killer grizzly bears take place in a luxury high-rise.


Zombie grizzly's in a high rise could be a hit


I think ya'll are getting spoiled

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Did you ever think it's possible that the military presence in Mexico at the border could still be there?  That it hasn't wrecked them yet like it did LA?  Thus the need to pay someone to get them into the country.  


We are about 1-2 weeks into the start of the zombie apocalypse, destruction and mayhem start spreading all over, but I doubt that every city in the US and Mexico were leveled at the same time.  Also, it could be possible that there are key inside people that knew what was going to happen and prepared in advance, thus, payment to get to a safe zone.


Okay, but ocean. Boat. wtf?!? Is the Mexican military now magically guarding the entire coast?!?


And it's so hard to smuggle into Mexico now even before the ZA...


ETA: Strand's associate was talking about only having money to get two people *across* (not "in" like I would have expected if they're talking about a safe zone) 

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Okay, but ocean. Boat. wtf?!? Is the mexican military now magically guarding the entire coast?!?


And it's so hard to smuggle into Mexico now even before the ZA...


You act as if anyone will just know the right people to smuggle them into Mexico lol.  


In the flashback, it referenced the outbreak and Strand told his male lover not to worry he wouldn't be gone long.  So it appears that they had already made preparations for him and Louis.  With that said, it's obvious that the outbreak hasn't impacted Mexico yet (at least that point in time).


Very possible that due to the outbreak, the Mexican military is guarding the boarders better as to not let others in that would be fleeing the U.S.  Thus the need to be smuggled back into Mexico and having a connection/inside man they have to pay off.  Thus, them having money to get two of them across the boarder, not the rest of them.


You remind me of my old college roommate who would feel the need to point out wrestling was fake, every time we would watch it on TV.  Just suspend belief and roll with it.  Or continue to hate it and don't watch it lol

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You act as if anyone will just know the right people to smuggle them into Mexico lol.  


In the flashback, it referenced the outbreak and Strand told his male lover not to worry he wouldn't be gone long.  So it appears that they had already made preparations for him and Louis.  With that said, it's obvious that the outbreak hasn't impacted Mexico yet (at least that point in time).


Very possible that due to the outbreak, the Mexican military is guarding the boarders better as to not let others in that would be fleeing the U.S.  Thus the need to be smuggled back into Mexico and having a connection/inside man they have to pay off.  Thus, them having money to get two of them across the boarder, not the rest of them.


You remind me of my old college roommate who would feel the need to point out wrestling was fake, every time we would watch it on TV.  Just suspend belief and roll with it.  Or continue to hate it and don't watch it lol


I'll try this again.






Beachside estate in Baja California (1,000 mile long peninsula, no ****ing way that entire coast is guarded).


What border?




I'm very happy to suspend disbelief about a show relating to the Zombie apocalypse. Couldn't enjoy TWD without it.


But we're talking about a failed premise that represents the McGuffin of this entire season. That goes beyond suspension of disbelief.


I should stop watching? I agree, that's exactly what I've regrettably decided to do. My post was the death throes of my fandom. 

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There just aren't enough likeable characters. I mean the characters barely have any sort of personality to them at all. They're just...meh. Strand and the Daniel are cool, and Nick is growing on me, but that's about it. The rest of Travis's family are annoying and stupid. Ophelia is smokin hot but doesn't really do anything. And this entire season has been on boats/the ocean which is really dumb in a zombie universe.

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This show is pretty dumb now. I'll probably stick it out for this season and then maybe a little of next. It's just not that great though.

Shame, because the first season was great.

It just went to fast. From no outbreak to being on a boat in 1 season.

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It just went to fast. From no outbreak to being on a boat in 1 season.

Yeah that's my main complaint as well(other then the terrible character development). Season 1 should have been all about building up of the outbreak, and Season 2 should have been about the military occupations and people rioting/world decaying. Then Season 3 could start with people on the run and learning to live on the land, trusting/not trusting strangers, etc.

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I wanna open-hand the kid from this show more than I ever wanted to slap Carl.  


and again, last episode had probably the dumbest actions ever by a TWD character.  When Madison pushed the turned brother towards Connor and his henchmen, she should've immediately pulled out her revolver and started dumpin'.  But nah, she let Travis stand there and try to fight them 3v1.  Idiots.  I can't let it go :(

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Yeah that's my main complaint as well(other then the terrible character development). Season 1 should have been all about building up of the outbreak, and Season 2 should have been about the military occupations and people rioting/world decaying. Then Season 3 could start with people on the run and learning to live on the land, trusting/not trusting strangers, etc.

Why spend all that money? Locations, SFX, extras...that stuff is expensive! Just put em on a boat.

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There just aren't enough likeable characters. I mean the characters barely have any sort of personality to them at all. They're just...meh. Strand and the Daniel are cool, and Nick is growing on me, but that's about it. The rest of Travis's family are annoying and stupid. Ophelia is smokin hot but doesn't really do anything. And this entire season has been on boats/the ocean which is really dumb in a zombie universe.


I actually don't mind Chris either. Could see him turning into a "Carl type" who doesn't take chances with people at all.. or could go a Lizzie route and just completely lose it.


I could see him losing his mind to the point where he either kills or tries to kill someone from the group/maybe someone from his family.

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I find myself hating the characters as well for the most part except Strand, Nick, and the ex torturer guy. But I have to constantly remind myself that the main reasons why are because they're more like the characters from TWD in that they're most cut out for this world given that they've seen some crazy ****.


But I also think that one of the reasons I find myself wanting to rip my hair out about the other characters is most likely exactly what the writers were going for. Travis' family are a different type of people in their ideologies than the folks in TWD. They seem to be written as folks who didn't grow up with some of the same customs that the characters on TWD were. They come from an area where it's much more common to come across folks who have not been around guns and weaponry, where as in somewhere like Georgia, it's much less common to find someone who hasn't at the very least held or seen a gun before. They seem to come from an area where it's much less likely that any of them have ever hunted or experienced much of the outdoors. They have a very yuppie type feel. So I think that it's going to be a much more painful process watching them adjust.

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It's like they aren't even trying...

Hmmm, a farm with a group of people who take the main characters in as uneasy guests...

And the people on the farm seem to have some odd ideas about walkers...

And are even keeping their turned family members locked up on the property...

...what a fascinating twist that we absolutely did not see in Season 2 of TWD.

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Sooooo even though the dude was bit and near death/turning, Strand still spent all episode snuggling in bed as he wasted away. But then, near the end, the old lady comes in with "poisoned cookies?" to finish the job leading Strand to blow his brains out all over the bedroom and wake up the whole house?

Do I have that right?

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